Unacceptable mistakes at work and how to fix them
Typical modern workers work not in factories and fields, but in noisy offices in front of computer monitors. But office work, no matter how interesting it may seem initially, eventually gets bored for various reasons. Today we are going to talk about what miscarriage They destroy their interest in work.
If someone thinks that working in a comfortable modern office is a pleasure, then this is far from the case. Office workers with their disturbed diet, sedentary lifestyle, planted vision and frequent headache are considered one of the most vulnerable categories of people.
But instead of understanding the disadvantages of the profession and doing everything possible to add bright colors to his life, the office worker often just floats with the flow, allowing himself to simply burn out at work. What mistakes make this possible?
Banning alcohol in the office is a management mistake. German researchers see a positive effect when employees skip a couple of beers with their bosses. Especially since in such an environment you can get to know each other better and understand what kind of person you are in front of. Contact us 24/7.
Do you often have to work late or do some homework at home? It's not good. The habit of checking work correspondence before bedtime or keeping the phone by the bed in case of an emergency call is considered bad. Such workaholism significantly affects health. The more work, the more experiences and the more blood pressure increases. It usually ends badly.
Procrastination ban
Every employer wants their employees to spend 100% of their time on important tasks. But man is not a robot. Some studies have shown interesting results. It turned out that people who allowed themselves to spend time on pleasant things during the day worked more productively than those who were not distracted. Sedentary lifestyle
If you sit daily for 11 hours, the risk of a number of diseases increases by about 40%. Such data are provided by specialists from Sydney. Worst of all, neither morning workout nor evening workout can neutralize this negative effect. What's the way out? Only move regularly during the working day. Do not use the elevator, only the stairs. Going to a remote cafe for lunch. Great if you can get to and from work on foot or by bicycle.
An employee with no personal life Prohibition of service romances
Almost half of office workers tend to put their careers first and their personal lives second. As a result, the passion for work does not leave time and energy to search for the second half. But if you're so busy, why don't you look at the unmarried employees? Common interests, a similar work schedule and mutual assistance are the advantages of such a relationship. According to statistics, one in five office romances ends in marriage.
Rejection of alternatives
Working in a dusty office before retirement does not attract everyone. So why not consider modern opportunities? For example, look towards freelancing and try your hand there in your free time. Experience as a freelance artist may be useful in the future. And if the office fuss becomes quite unbearable, then you will have an additional option where to go to earn a living. Pluses such as flexible working hours, the ability to work in any convenient place and the freedom to choose projects can breathe new life into you.
We hope that this list will help you rethink your boring office life and you decide to change something to enjoy the workflow. After all, if work does not bring joy to a person, then it will not last long. Isn't that right?

If someone thinks that working in a comfortable modern office is a pleasure, then this is far from the case. Office workers with their disturbed diet, sedentary lifestyle, planted vision and frequent headache are considered one of the most vulnerable categories of people.
But instead of understanding the disadvantages of the profession and doing everything possible to add bright colors to his life, the office worker often just floats with the flow, allowing himself to simply burn out at work. What mistakes make this possible?

- Work in open space
Open spaces designed to bring workers together have only had a negative impact on their productivity and health. To prove this, Professor Gary Evans of Cornell University conducted a curious experiment. The scientist divided the workers into two groups: one worked in a quiet environment, the other in a noisy open space. After a couple of hours, he proposed to the subjects. solve a couple of complex problems. Workers who had previously worked in a quiet environment enthusiastically sought answers. Employees from the open space were without initiative and after the first unsuccessful attempt gave up.
If you are already working in open space, experts advise you to sit closer to the window to get enough sunlight. This will produce more serotonin in the body. This will have a positive impact on working capacity and mood.
Banning alcohol in the office is a management mistake. German researchers see a positive effect when employees skip a couple of beers with their bosses. Especially since in such an environment you can get to know each other better and understand what kind of person you are in front of. Contact us 24/7.
Do you often have to work late or do some homework at home? It's not good. The habit of checking work correspondence before bedtime or keeping the phone by the bed in case of an emergency call is considered bad. Such workaholism significantly affects health. The more work, the more experiences and the more blood pressure increases. It usually ends badly.

Procrastination ban
Every employer wants their employees to spend 100% of their time on important tasks. But man is not a robot. Some studies have shown interesting results. It turned out that people who allowed themselves to spend time on pleasant things during the day worked more productively than those who were not distracted. Sedentary lifestyle
If you sit daily for 11 hours, the risk of a number of diseases increases by about 40%. Such data are provided by specialists from Sydney. Worst of all, neither morning workout nor evening workout can neutralize this negative effect. What's the way out? Only move regularly during the working day. Do not use the elevator, only the stairs. Going to a remote cafe for lunch. Great if you can get to and from work on foot or by bicycle.

An employee with no personal life Prohibition of service romances
Almost half of office workers tend to put their careers first and their personal lives second. As a result, the passion for work does not leave time and energy to search for the second half. But if you're so busy, why don't you look at the unmarried employees? Common interests, a similar work schedule and mutual assistance are the advantages of such a relationship. According to statistics, one in five office romances ends in marriage.

Rejection of alternatives
Working in a dusty office before retirement does not attract everyone. So why not consider modern opportunities? For example, look towards freelancing and try your hand there in your free time. Experience as a freelance artist may be useful in the future. And if the office fuss becomes quite unbearable, then you will have an additional option where to go to earn a living. Pluses such as flexible working hours, the ability to work in any convenient place and the freedom to choose projects can breathe new life into you.

We hope that this list will help you rethink your boring office life and you decide to change something to enjoy the workflow. After all, if work does not bring joy to a person, then it will not last long. Isn't that right?