Why borrow a juice cooker from a neighbor for the weekend?
If freshly squeezed homemade apple juice can be stored only up to 4 hours in the refrigerator, then cooked in a juice cooker will easily stand until winter and will still be usable. This is perhaps the main difference between them.
However, the benefits of homemade juice are undeniable in both cases. Both freshly squeezed and juiced apple juice is a real storehouse of vitamins.
Previously edited "Site" I have already written about the wisdom of preserving birch juice. Today we will tell you all about the technology of preparing apple juice in a juice cooker.
Homemade apple juice Ingredients
If for freshly squeezed juice it is necessary to use only denser varieties, then absolutely any fruit will be suitable for cooking juice in a juice cooker. Including overripe apples.
By the way, the amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions specified in the recipe. It all depends on the variety of apples and personal preferences.
However, you can do without sugar at all. After all, the steam under the influence of which the preparation of the drink takes place neutralizes all the bacteria that provoke fermentation of the juice.
However, the benefits of homemade juice are undeniable in both cases. Both freshly squeezed and juiced apple juice is a real storehouse of vitamins.

Previously edited "Site" I have already written about the wisdom of preserving birch juice. Today we will tell you all about the technology of preparing apple juice in a juice cooker.
Homemade apple juice Ingredients
- 5 kg of apples
- 200g sugar
- 3 liters of water
- First, you need to fill the lower container of the juice cooker with water. At the same time, ensure that the distance between the top of the compartment and the water is at least 3 centimeters. Then put the juicer on the middle fire and proceed to the next stage.
- While the water is heated, we will wash the apples, cut them into quarters and clean the cores with seeds. You can, of course, not bother and cook juice from whole apples. But in this case, the process of distillation will take much longer. So it's better to cut the fruit.
Next, put the apples in the uppermost compartment and sprinkle them with sugar. - Then on the lower container with water we install a compartment for assembling juice, and on top of it - containers with apples. Then we cover the apples with a lid and leave the structure on fire for half an hour. When the water in the container boils, the juice will begin to separate and be excreted through the juicer tube. Therefore, immediately substitute a pre-sterilized three-liter can for it.
- At the end, it remains only to roll the can with a tin lid and a key for rolling.
If for freshly squeezed juice it is necessary to use only denser varieties, then absolutely any fruit will be suitable for cooking juice in a juice cooker. Including overripe apples.

By the way, the amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions specified in the recipe. It all depends on the variety of apples and personal preferences.
However, you can do without sugar at all. After all, the steam under the influence of which the preparation of the drink takes place neutralizes all the bacteria that provoke fermentation of the juice.
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