How to respond to a grumpy husband and whether he needs to please

Perhaps there is no family where a husband and wife, having lived together for decades, would be absolutely satisfied with each other. Small quarrels and resentments arise in any relationship, and what matters most is how both parties deal with it. And when an offended husband begins to consider himself perfect, while considering his wife as the embodiment of all kinds of shortcomings, the relationship is over.

We're in the newsroom. "Site" We met one life story on the Internet, which could not be shared with readers. Perhaps this short story can remind everyone how much we sometimes do not appreciate.

The offended husband Peter looked at the table and grunted: “Again borscht and dumplings?” Can't you think of anything more interesting? Von Lubka gets up in the morning, even though he lives alone, he will wind his own doves, the cockerel will fry. You have 2 recipes for the whole week. And without breakfast, offender He quickly packed up and rushed to work.

Women could not stand love at work. And she knows everything, and she knows everything. Just start telling me something about how she's here. She will always say that she did it before and that she did it better than others.

“Who knows me, everyone is amazed. I can sew and knit and embroidery. And when I cook, all the neighbors run to me for a recipe. Because it smells like half a village. Have you seen my canned food? Beautiful! In the cellar, you can arrange exhibitions, Lyuba boasted.

Her staff did not see any cans with preservation, nor outlandish dishes prepared according to the personal recipe of Lubkin. No one asked to visit, and the hostess herself was in no hurry to reproach colleagues: then she was on a diet, then far away.

But Peter believed every word of her, just looked into his mouth. And every time I compared the employee to his Tanya. Yes, Lubka is good! And she earns money, and she manages everything at home, and it's interesting to talk to her. What's mine? I forgot when I talked to her. Then he turns in the flower garden, then the rabbit runs near, then he looks at the pigs. Apart from the farm, she doesn’t need anything.

And Ljubka looks slyly, but sentences: "What a prominent man you are, Peter Andreevich." With such only dust to blow, protect and cherish. Lucky for your wife...

And every time, listening to these sweet speeches, Peter himself was convinced that he was not a man, you need to run around day and night, please everything. And so soon I decided that Tanya is not worth such a handsome man. The children are adults, they will understand. He told his wife he was filing for divorce.

“A man like me must be cherished, cherished and cherished. There is no such thing anymore, those were his final words.

Tatiana wasn't particularly surprised. Since he got a new job, he has become a stranger. He was picking on the little things, everything was wrong with him. He didn't help around the house, he just demanded. And his money went to his own whims. It is a pity, really, to destroy the family, so much lived. But what can I do about it?

The beginning of a new life Peter really I felt like a prince.. The new lover pampered him with blueberries, and cutlets, and fish, and desserts. And then I started cooking Ljubka less and less. Then her head hurts, then her arm, then her leg, then she needs to run to work.

Soon, a man in the kitchen began to host more often than his beloved. And she just shrugged off, they say, I'm on a diet, you want to be next to a beauty, and not with some fat girl.

It was not Luba and the cellar with unprecedented conservation, where you can at least hold exhibitions. And she did not like to put the order in either the house or the station. I loved talking and bragging. But you won't get enough of it. Peter himself noted that near Lyubka lost fifteen kilograms, not less.

He remembered how in their house with Tanya and cleanliness everywhere, and the wrestler is hot on the stove, and the garden is wet. And he himself knew no grief next to her. Where did he look when he left? What was he thinking?

And one Saturday morning, on the threshold of her own house, Tanya found her ex-husband in the morning. Unshaven, thin, unwashed clothes hang, as if not in size at all.

“Tania, I have decided to go back. I know how hard it is for you, how much you care. That's why I came. Let’s live as before...” – a man suddenly saw the light.

“And why, Petya, did Ljubka’s bitter doves turn out, did not like them?” But you ran after them. Now eat, don't get sloppy. I'll live on my own. I do not need you at all, the usually meek Tanya said sharply.

This is often the case when we don’t appreciate what we have and then regret losing it. But it's too late to fix it. Psychologists believe that blamelessBecause he acts so because of the banal laziness: where he seems more comfortable and easier, there he is in a hurry. But is it possible to justify someone who does not think about the consequences of his actions?


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