What not to do after suffering COVID-19, according to Dr. Komarovsky
Despite our hopes, COVID-19 did not disappear from our lives in 2021. Scientists and doctors around the world continue to investigate the problem, but still can not confidently answer many questions. Although, of course, humanity knows more about the coronavirus now than it was a year ago. And many people have already experienced not only the COVID-19 itself, but also the unpleasant ones. post-covid.
Today's edition. "Site" He suggests talking about the so-called postcoid syndrome, which can make itself felt up to 12 weeks after recovery (and even longer). Can recovery be facilitated and, if so, how? For advice out of habit, turn to the beloved Dr. Komarovsky.
After the person has been ill, after he had bad health and high fever, it seems that the condition has stabilized. But health hasn't returned. And this state can persist for months. In medicine, even such terms as “post-species” and “long covid” appeared, says Evgeny Olegovich.
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A post shared by Dr. Komarovsky (@doctor_komarovskiy)
It turns out that after a person’s immunity was able to cope with COVID-19, when a person ceased to be contagious, and the covid disappeared from his body, the consequences remain. This is because in the course of the disease, when COVID-19 multiplies in the body, it not only harms the lungs, but manages to affect the nervous system, blood vessels, liver, and many other organs. As a result, a large number of problems arise from which the body can recover for a very long time.
Dr. Komarovsky notes that postchoidism It can be divided into three groups. First of all, it is worth talking about the impaired work of the respiratory organs. For example, it can be a cough and shortness of breath, which increases with physical exertion. A person feels discomfort when breathing.
Consequences after covid can manifest themselves in constant weakness. Such a person just wants to lie down, and he has neither the strength nor the desire to do anything. This is aggravated by the fact that such a person’s behavior, his “laziness” begin to be criticized by his relatives. As a result, relatives not only do not help and do not support, but only worsen the situation.
There are also consequences that illustrate the defeat of the nervous system: sleep disorder, memory problems, impaired taste and smell, deterioration of mental abilities.
“Covides cannot be regarded as a disease that only affects the respiratory system. First of all, COVID-19 affects the vessels and nervous system. Moreover, recovery in different cases can last different times. Someone for a full recovery will take even years, concludes the doctor.
First of all, Dr. Komarovsky appeals to the loved ones of those who suffered from COVID-19. After all, a sick person, struggling with postcoidal syndrome, can not always take care of himself. Therefore, he needs the help of the closest people.
“I am not speaking to those who are ill or who are ill. These people probably won’t read my articles or watch my videos. I appeal to those who are near the sick.”
“The biggest mistake that can be made is to exclude exercise. When a person does not even want to move, it is easy for him to follow his own body. But you need to overpower yourself, find options for physical exertion. Walk, walk, get up, squat, ride a bicycle. The loads must be dynamic. Don't stand at the bar.”
“If, for example, your husband had a covid, try to get him outside. He needs at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day. You can divide this into 5 or even 6 sets of 5 minutes. But you can not sit quietly at home in front of the TV. Every day a person just laying on the couch worsens his condition.”
“If a person has a memory disorder or a common sense disorder, they need to work on it, invent and solve problems. Learn poetry, read, help children do homework. Not to give up, but to study.”
“After a covid, it is very difficult to solve your problems alone. So lend a helping hand. Don't get angry, don't push it. Be kind to each other and be patient. Optimism and patience. And everything will pass, assured Evgeny Olegovich.
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A post shared by Evgeny Komarovsky (eok) (@uakomar)
Dr. Komarovsky urges you to be attentive to your health and any changes. After all, what a person can perceive as a “postcoid” can actually be a manifestation of other diseases. Therefore, before writing off everything on coronavirusIt is better to consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=E4xCinsryEg
Today's edition. "Site" He suggests talking about the so-called postcoid syndrome, which can make itself felt up to 12 weeks after recovery (and even longer). Can recovery be facilitated and, if so, how? For advice out of habit, turn to the beloved Dr. Komarovsky.

After the person has been ill, after he had bad health and high fever, it seems that the condition has stabilized. But health hasn't returned. And this state can persist for months. In medicine, even such terms as “post-species” and “long covid” appeared, says Evgeny Olegovich.
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A post shared by Dr. Komarovsky (@doctor_komarovskiy)
It turns out that after a person’s immunity was able to cope with COVID-19, when a person ceased to be contagious, and the covid disappeared from his body, the consequences remain. This is because in the course of the disease, when COVID-19 multiplies in the body, it not only harms the lungs, but manages to affect the nervous system, blood vessels, liver, and many other organs. As a result, a large number of problems arise from which the body can recover for a very long time.
Dr. Komarovsky notes that postchoidism It can be divided into three groups. First of all, it is worth talking about the impaired work of the respiratory organs. For example, it can be a cough and shortness of breath, which increases with physical exertion. A person feels discomfort when breathing.

Consequences after covid can manifest themselves in constant weakness. Such a person just wants to lie down, and he has neither the strength nor the desire to do anything. This is aggravated by the fact that such a person’s behavior, his “laziness” begin to be criticized by his relatives. As a result, relatives not only do not help and do not support, but only worsen the situation.
There are also consequences that illustrate the defeat of the nervous system: sleep disorder, memory problems, impaired taste and smell, deterioration of mental abilities.
“Covides cannot be regarded as a disease that only affects the respiratory system. First of all, COVID-19 affects the vessels and nervous system. Moreover, recovery in different cases can last different times. Someone for a full recovery will take even years, concludes the doctor.

First of all, Dr. Komarovsky appeals to the loved ones of those who suffered from COVID-19. After all, a sick person, struggling with postcoidal syndrome, can not always take care of himself. Therefore, he needs the help of the closest people.
“I am not speaking to those who are ill or who are ill. These people probably won’t read my articles or watch my videos. I appeal to those who are near the sick.”
“The biggest mistake that can be made is to exclude exercise. When a person does not even want to move, it is easy for him to follow his own body. But you need to overpower yourself, find options for physical exertion. Walk, walk, get up, squat, ride a bicycle. The loads must be dynamic. Don't stand at the bar.”
“If, for example, your husband had a covid, try to get him outside. He needs at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day. You can divide this into 5 or even 6 sets of 5 minutes. But you can not sit quietly at home in front of the TV. Every day a person just laying on the couch worsens his condition.”

“If a person has a memory disorder or a common sense disorder, they need to work on it, invent and solve problems. Learn poetry, read, help children do homework. Not to give up, but to study.”
“After a covid, it is very difficult to solve your problems alone. So lend a helping hand. Don't get angry, don't push it. Be kind to each other and be patient. Optimism and patience. And everything will pass, assured Evgeny Olegovich.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Evgeny Komarovsky (eok) (@uakomar)
Dr. Komarovsky urges you to be attentive to your health and any changes. After all, what a person can perceive as a “postcoid” can actually be a manifestation of other diseases. Therefore, before writing off everything on coronavirusIt is better to consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=E4xCinsryEg
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