Why is it so hard to celebrate 60 years alone?
We received a letter from a 60-year-old man. He lost touch with his daughter 10 years ago and doesn’t know what to do. The man is desperate and wants to understand How to reconcile after a quarrel Your family, and is it possible after so many years? Let's help him!
My wife passed away when our daughter was just 5 years old. Since then, I have raised her myself without even thinking of letting anyone else into my life. I just wanted to give Tonechka everything I could to make her happy.
But I had no idea that after so many years she would pay me back with loneliness. When Tonya got married, she and her husband started living in our house. I certainly didn't mind.
I inherited the house. It was a small house without luxurious repairs, but very cozy and homely. For many years, I slowly cleaned it up. Plus, there was a small farm, a garden.
Tonya and my son-in-law constantly talked about the need for major renovations. And then we decided that it would be much better to sell this house and buy a new one. I knew they were young and wanted to live in better conditions. So I offered them a logical, to me, option. This house to sell, buy a new one (maybe you will have to take a loan, but nothing, we will manage!). We'll put it in my name, and the guys can do whatever they want. I'll just help you whenever I can.
I immediately asked them to make a will. But the house, in any case, I wanted to record. After all, I need some guarantee of a calm old age without solving housing issues.
That's what my son-in-law didn't like. He started saying I didn't trust him if I didn't want to make a house in his name. And then he said that no one would even want to buy this “dumpster”.
And then something terrible happened. He just took my Tonechka by the hand and left. The next day they took all their belongings and left me. Since then, my daughter stopped calling me, just disappeared from my life. I tried to contact her, but I don't even know where they live. My daughter just doesn't pick up when I call.
I was looking forward to my 60th birthday and I thought she would come. But that didn't happen... The thought of my grandchildren growing up somewhere makes me uncomfortable. Life has given me so many challenges. I have absolutely no strength to deal with them. I just want to see my daughter one more time.
Can we not reconcile after a quarrel? She didn't really exist! I made a will after all. The house will go to my daughter, because I have no one else in the world. Will I be alone for the rest of my life?
It is difficult to imagine how many families have been destroyed because of the housing issue. People who fall for property are ready to do anything to get their way. It is a pity that sometimes for this you have to sacrifice the most important thing - communication with loved ones.
I want to believe that the main character of this story will find the strength to reconcile with his daughter even after so many years. How do you do that if you have literally lost touch with your family? Perhaps Tonya herself realizes that she took the lead of her husband, abandoning her own father. I am sure that even after so many years A man can forgive her..
Have you experienced such problems in your life? What advice would you give to a 60-year-old man? Boldly share your impressions in the comments!

My wife passed away when our daughter was just 5 years old. Since then, I have raised her myself without even thinking of letting anyone else into my life. I just wanted to give Tonechka everything I could to make her happy.

But I had no idea that after so many years she would pay me back with loneliness. When Tonya got married, she and her husband started living in our house. I certainly didn't mind.
I inherited the house. It was a small house without luxurious repairs, but very cozy and homely. For many years, I slowly cleaned it up. Plus, there was a small farm, a garden.

Tonya and my son-in-law constantly talked about the need for major renovations. And then we decided that it would be much better to sell this house and buy a new one. I knew they were young and wanted to live in better conditions. So I offered them a logical, to me, option. This house to sell, buy a new one (maybe you will have to take a loan, but nothing, we will manage!). We'll put it in my name, and the guys can do whatever they want. I'll just help you whenever I can.
I immediately asked them to make a will. But the house, in any case, I wanted to record. After all, I need some guarantee of a calm old age without solving housing issues.

That's what my son-in-law didn't like. He started saying I didn't trust him if I didn't want to make a house in his name. And then he said that no one would even want to buy this “dumpster”.
And then something terrible happened. He just took my Tonechka by the hand and left. The next day they took all their belongings and left me. Since then, my daughter stopped calling me, just disappeared from my life. I tried to contact her, but I don't even know where they live. My daughter just doesn't pick up when I call.

I was looking forward to my 60th birthday and I thought she would come. But that didn't happen... The thought of my grandchildren growing up somewhere makes me uncomfortable. Life has given me so many challenges. I have absolutely no strength to deal with them. I just want to see my daughter one more time.
Can we not reconcile after a quarrel? She didn't really exist! I made a will after all. The house will go to my daughter, because I have no one else in the world. Will I be alone for the rest of my life?
It is difficult to imagine how many families have been destroyed because of the housing issue. People who fall for property are ready to do anything to get their way. It is a pity that sometimes for this you have to sacrifice the most important thing - communication with loved ones.

I want to believe that the main character of this story will find the strength to reconcile with his daughter even after so many years. How do you do that if you have literally lost touch with your family? Perhaps Tonya herself realizes that she took the lead of her husband, abandoning her own father. I am sure that even after so many years A man can forgive her..
Have you experienced such problems in your life? What advice would you give to a 60-year-old man? Boldly share your impressions in the comments!
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