Friendly recommendations to make a hard day instantly pleasant
Useful tips selected by us help ingeniously solve a variety of household problems. Someone will say, "Just life hacks." No, a way to hack into life, saving nerves and precious time, which we unfortunately lack.
You can, of course, once again attach a festive decoration to the wall with tape. And then take it off with the wallpaper. Start, so to speak, the New Year with interior renovation and unplanned repairs.
Shower curtain hooks work well for hanging holiday lights on curtain rods. from r/lifehacks
It is much easier to do, as we advise. Easy and simple to fix the New Year garland on the eaves will help you hooks from the shower curtain. A hook is an irreplaceable thing. We recently talked about why Queen Elizabeth wears it in her purse.
Charming character of Leonid Kuravlev in the favorite since childhood film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession” urged to keep money in the savings bank. Nikanor Ivanovich Barefoot from Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” hid money in the ventilation.
And we advise you to hide them inside sanitary pads. This will be especially convenient during travel. Pads are a useful item, places take up a little, and attackers will most likely be the last to dig into them.
What one person has built, another can always disassemble. But collecting it back will be much more difficult.
If you're moving or storing some furniture, use cling wrap to make a packet of the hardware and then wrap it onto one of the pieces. Then you won't wonder where it is later. from r/lifehacks
This life hack is useful for those who often move. In order not to lose small parts from the furniture, you need to immediately fasten them with tape. It is desirable to the detail for which they are intended.
How not to spill vegetable oil Vegetable oil has an interesting property. No matter how you try to transfuse it carefully, it will definitely be on the neck of the bottle. As a result, a bottle in oil, hands in oil and even the entire kitchen shelf in oil.
No more greasy hands or counters My boyfriend does this. from r/lifehacks
But creative thought does not stand still. How to cope with the problem, knows Reddit user with the nickname heckingoodthyme. All you need is a napkin and stationery gum.
In connection with the spread of coronavirus, it is important to touch any objects in public places with your hands less. But what if there is no hook in a public toilet to hang a jacket or bag on? Don't put them on the floor?
When there is no coat hook in a public toilet, try this. from r/lifehacks
To cope with the difficulty will help the usual bundle of keys, which is probably found in the pocket of every person.
What to do with seasonings from instant noodles seasonings, which can be found in packages with instant noodles, many seem too spicy or salty.
I save all of my seasoning from ramen noodles in an old parmesan cheese container; It helps me use less seasoning on the actual noodles plus provides good seasoning for other meals too.
Throwing them away is pathetic, and storing a scattering of small bags is inconvenient. The idea of keeping the seasoning in a separate container seems obvious. Is that why she didn't visit me before?
Carrying a twenty-liter bottle for a cooler without a special handle may not be very convenient. But everything changes if you know that life hack.
How to make a bottleneck knot from r/lifehacks
How to make parchment paper fit tightly to the dishes If you need parchment paper to fit tightly to the form for baking or baking, just add a couple of drops of water.
If you need it to stick, add water. When wrapping pans with aluminum, parchment paper or wa paper add a couple drops of water to keep it flat. from r/lifehacks
How to protect your feet from fatigue and moisture Another life hack with pads. Going for a walk in the woods and shoes leaking water? It's cold in the yard and the soles in the shoes are too thin?
For a while, you might get some gaskets. Put them in your shoes over your insoles. They will reduce the load on the legs and absorb moisture.
If you don't like washing dishes, don't you want to wash the container you take lunch in every day? There's a way. Just put the food film down.
Put plastic wrap over your tomato dishes before putting the plastic lids on to avoid stains! from r/lifehacks
This is how you can use the usual things that are always at hand. Look at everything around you, a little wider, and you will find a million unusual uses for them!

You can, of course, once again attach a festive decoration to the wall with tape. And then take it off with the wallpaper. Start, so to speak, the New Year with interior renovation and unplanned repairs.
Shower curtain hooks work well for hanging holiday lights on curtain rods. from r/lifehacks
It is much easier to do, as we advise. Easy and simple to fix the New Year garland on the eaves will help you hooks from the shower curtain. A hook is an irreplaceable thing. We recently talked about why Queen Elizabeth wears it in her purse.
Charming character of Leonid Kuravlev in the favorite since childhood film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession” urged to keep money in the savings bank. Nikanor Ivanovich Barefoot from Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” hid money in the ventilation.

And we advise you to hide them inside sanitary pads. This will be especially convenient during travel. Pads are a useful item, places take up a little, and attackers will most likely be the last to dig into them.
What one person has built, another can always disassemble. But collecting it back will be much more difficult.
If you're moving or storing some furniture, use cling wrap to make a packet of the hardware and then wrap it onto one of the pieces. Then you won't wonder where it is later. from r/lifehacks
This life hack is useful for those who often move. In order not to lose small parts from the furniture, you need to immediately fasten them with tape. It is desirable to the detail for which they are intended.
How not to spill vegetable oil Vegetable oil has an interesting property. No matter how you try to transfuse it carefully, it will definitely be on the neck of the bottle. As a result, a bottle in oil, hands in oil and even the entire kitchen shelf in oil.
No more greasy hands or counters My boyfriend does this. from r/lifehacks
But creative thought does not stand still. How to cope with the problem, knows Reddit user with the nickname heckingoodthyme. All you need is a napkin and stationery gum.
In connection with the spread of coronavirus, it is important to touch any objects in public places with your hands less. But what if there is no hook in a public toilet to hang a jacket or bag on? Don't put them on the floor?
When there is no coat hook in a public toilet, try this. from r/lifehacks
To cope with the difficulty will help the usual bundle of keys, which is probably found in the pocket of every person.
What to do with seasonings from instant noodles seasonings, which can be found in packages with instant noodles, many seem too spicy or salty.
I save all of my seasoning from ramen noodles in an old parmesan cheese container; It helps me use less seasoning on the actual noodles plus provides good seasoning for other meals too.
Throwing them away is pathetic, and storing a scattering of small bags is inconvenient. The idea of keeping the seasoning in a separate container seems obvious. Is that why she didn't visit me before?
Carrying a twenty-liter bottle for a cooler without a special handle may not be very convenient. But everything changes if you know that life hack.
How to make a bottleneck knot from r/lifehacks
How to make parchment paper fit tightly to the dishes If you need parchment paper to fit tightly to the form for baking or baking, just add a couple of drops of water.
If you need it to stick, add water. When wrapping pans with aluminum, parchment paper or wa paper add a couple drops of water to keep it flat. from r/lifehacks
How to protect your feet from fatigue and moisture Another life hack with pads. Going for a walk in the woods and shoes leaking water? It's cold in the yard and the soles in the shoes are too thin?

For a while, you might get some gaskets. Put them in your shoes over your insoles. They will reduce the load on the legs and absorb moisture.
If you don't like washing dishes, don't you want to wash the container you take lunch in every day? There's a way. Just put the food film down.
Put plastic wrap over your tomato dishes before putting the plastic lids on to avoid stains! from r/lifehacks
This is how you can use the usual things that are always at hand. Look at everything around you, a little wider, and you will find a million unusual uses for them!
Why do the youth consider the dowry an outdated tradition, and the elderly do not hurry to disown it
What to say to a husband who demands a banquet for his relatives for the holidays