Tricks for gardeners
Getting a generous harvest is not easy. You need to take care of plants, properly take care of them and invest in this piece of soul. The longer you do this, the more you notice various tricks that make the harvest not just good - enviable.
And today's edition. "Site" He shares with you a selection of country tricks and useful tips from seasoned gardeners.
Tricks of the daisy
The tips are simple, but they will make your favorite garden even more beautiful and the harvest richer. Each summer resident has his tricks, if you have any special life hacks, share them in the comments. We are always interested to learn new tips and secrets of experienced gardeners!
Planning beds is an art. Learn all about the rules of productive neighborhood of different plants.
For vegetables to grow like yeast, you need to sow everything on time. To do this, use the sowing lunar calendar for 2019.

And today's edition. "Site" He shares with you a selection of country tricks and useful tips from seasoned gardeners.
Tricks of the daisy
- Beets
Usually with beets there are no big problems, this plant is undemanding and persistent. It grows best on small beds with a distance between plants from 15 to 17 cm. There are two small tricks that will improve the harvest. First, beets grow well if watered by raining and often, but carefully loosen. Secondly, after transplantation, beets need to be fed with mineral fertilizers.
If you sow beets along potatoes and tomatoes, it will help plants cope with phytophthorosis. - Carrots
Sometimes you have to play with carrots. Until the shoots appear, it should be watered regularly. After sprouts appear, it is better not to water for two weeks, except on dry days. This allows the roots of the plant to go deeper into the soil. If carrots grow poorly, then beds can be watered with salt solution: 1 tablespoon of salt per 10 liters of water. After that, active growth should begin. - Peas
This plant will not be found in every country, but there are lovers of eating green peas. If you want to get a harvest of 2 times more, sow peas next to mustard. Peas like to feed, but do not fertilize it with an infusion of nettles. - Cucumbers
They are difficult to grow, but if everything goes well, the harvest will definitely please you. Cucumbers are demanding for moisture, especially during flowering. But you should not at the beginning of flowering zeal with watering, it is better to reduce it for a while, and only then strengthen. The fruit will ripen sooner.
When it is hot outside, cucumbers should not only be watered, but also sprayed regularly. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the pollen of cucumbers dies. Therefore, if cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, put a container of water inside.
Cucumbers do not tolerate low temperatures and sharp changes. This worsens the yield. Also, cucumbers do not tolerate drafts. Take care of the optimal temperature and sufficient humidity, then cucumbers will please the harvest. - Onions
It would seem that everything is clear with onions, but there are small tricks here. One of the secrets of a generous harvest gardeners consider soaking bulbs in water the day before planting. Plant the onions in moist soil at such a depth that the tip of the bulb reaches moisture. Experienced gardeners advise practicing mixed crops of onions and carrots. They will protect each other from pests. - nettle
It would seem that this is not a fertile plant at all, but some kind of weed, but it is it that you need to take care of the most. Nettle is an indicator that the soil is fertile. It is very good if nettle grows next to tomatoes: it protects them from phytophthora. French gardeners share one trick. When planting tomatoes, throw a handful of nettles at the bottom of the hole, and a centimeter of earth on top so that the roots of the plant do not touch it. Until the roots reach the nettle layer, it will turn into compost. Nettle compost increases the immunity of the plant and nourishes it with nitrogen, iron and other useful substances. - Mysteries of nature.
Perhaps this is the main advice that should be learned by all gardeners. Sometimes you should not try to understand why things are the way they are and not otherwise. For example, I have a garden where normal cucumbers have never grown. Carrots, beets and cabbage grow well there, but no good cucumber has grown there. At first, I tried to figure out how it was, and then I decided I just wouldn't grow cucumbers there anymore. Sometimes you don’t need to know exactly why. No need to solve these puzzles, you can just use clues.
The tips are simple, but they will make your favorite garden even more beautiful and the harvest richer. Each summer resident has his tricks, if you have any special life hacks, share them in the comments. We are always interested to learn new tips and secrets of experienced gardeners!
Planning beds is an art. Learn all about the rules of productive neighborhood of different plants.
For vegetables to grow like yeast, you need to sow everything on time. To do this, use the sowing lunar calendar for 2019.