Why Women Have No Idea About Male Happiness
The other day I came across a rather interesting article about how and why women’s and men’s happiness differ. The author of the article is Alexander Shishkin. In his work, he explains in detail why women and men can never understand each other’s aspirations, and argues that “the happiness of two is an illusion.”
I personally disagree with some of the points in his article. And I think many of our readers will support me in this. However, it would be too arrogant to regard the judgments of another author as erroneous and their own as correct. Let the last word rest with you, dear reader.
At the very beginning of his article, the author emphasizes that the happiness of a man is necessarily different from that of a woman. And then he sets out the basic principles of happiness for each sex.
“Instead of seeking happiness, man seeks the meaning of existence in life. Every man strives to overcome physical mortality. While a woman, having the opportunity to give birth and prolong herself biologically, usually does not even think about how to achieve immortality in another way.
But where did so many great women come from who changed the world for the better?
“The basic function inherent in the nature of women is to maintain and maintain bonds, so they always run away from loneliness. With men it is quite different. Their main goal is development, so they do not preserve, but destroy and build again. And the concept of loneliness for them rather means freedom, adds the author.
If this is true, then why do more women choose independence over marriage each year?
“As for the desire of some men to take refuge in a quiet pool of love, it is more like self-denial than the pursuit of happiness. And the happiness of two is an illusion, because we will never be able to reproduce the emotional world of the other sex.
It seems that this article concerns not so much men as the author himself.
The emotional world of another person is really quite difficult to understand and accept. However, it does not depend on what gender you are and the person you are trying to understand. In my opinion, the level of empathy and the ability to build a trusting dialogue with your interlocutor (whether he is a friend, business partner or loved one) will be much more important here.
I agree that happiness is different and for everyone it is their own. But the division into female and male is fundamentally wrong. Do you think there is anything different about male happiness from female happiness?

I personally disagree with some of the points in his article. And I think many of our readers will support me in this. However, it would be too arrogant to regard the judgments of another author as erroneous and their own as correct. Let the last word rest with you, dear reader.
At the very beginning of his article, the author emphasizes that the happiness of a man is necessarily different from that of a woman. And then he sets out the basic principles of happiness for each sex.

“Instead of seeking happiness, man seeks the meaning of existence in life. Every man strives to overcome physical mortality. While a woman, having the opportunity to give birth and prolong herself biologically, usually does not even think about how to achieve immortality in another way.
But where did so many great women come from who changed the world for the better?

“The basic function inherent in the nature of women is to maintain and maintain bonds, so they always run away from loneliness. With men it is quite different. Their main goal is development, so they do not preserve, but destroy and build again. And the concept of loneliness for them rather means freedom, adds the author.
If this is true, then why do more women choose independence over marriage each year?

“As for the desire of some men to take refuge in a quiet pool of love, it is more like self-denial than the pursuit of happiness. And the happiness of two is an illusion, because we will never be able to reproduce the emotional world of the other sex.
It seems that this article concerns not so much men as the author himself.

The emotional world of another person is really quite difficult to understand and accept. However, it does not depend on what gender you are and the person you are trying to understand. In my opinion, the level of empathy and the ability to build a trusting dialogue with your interlocutor (whether he is a friend, business partner or loved one) will be much more important here.

I agree that happiness is different and for everyone it is their own. But the division into female and male is fundamentally wrong. Do you think there is anything different about male happiness from female happiness?
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