Why in order to live normally, you need to give up the invisible crown
Probably, any person has wondered more than once about what will happen there, at the very threshold, when literally a few days, hours, steps will remain until eternity. What will he say to himself at the last door? Will his life -- common-life How will it be taken for granted or will it regret something?
We have an editorial. "Site" We found an important, in our opinion, post on the Internet, which led us to write this text. It was shared by a psychologist who has experience communicating with many people, including those who forever go beyond the edge of our physical life. This kind of revelation shocked us.
As it turned out, people have little regrets on the way out. I just don't have time to think about it. It's still there. littleAll the values that seem inviolable to us now have no meaning in the face of eternity. People accept their destiny, find the strength to agree that their life took place this way. No other way.
If they regret it, it is only that they came to this understanding too late. To ordinary human life and to its simple and understandable joys. They regret that it opened to them just before the exit, when there are literally three steps to it. And all their lives, all their long years, they cut themselves off from it in every possible way.
Subtitle Don’t think that the successful people we see on the covers of magazines or TV screens actually experience some other happiness. We imagine that only the chosen ones travel, only those who are written in the family get richer. It turns out they're also making an appointment with a psychologist.
Because it can be quite difficult to create the success that everyone likes so much. It's a shame to be an ordinary person now, yes. You need to elevate yourself, reach the most important heights, achieve success and in the end do not feel successful. And not to be happy.
Many people go this way, giving away their expensive lives, burying talents in favor of stereotypes and the desire for enlightenment. You can go to a goal all your life and not achieve it. Believe me, there are neuroses among those who are not deprived of love, and among those who have accumulated lot. Because we're all human. Sometimes we just need to be ordinary.
We forget that the rain is warm and you can run under it just like in childhood. We forget that it is so great to come to our house and gather the whole family for dinner. It’s great to accept yourself after thousands of paths and journeys, to come back to a loved one and realize that the feelings are now even stronger.
It’s so great to know that your children are not only fed and shod, but also know who they are and why they are here. It’s great not to be a bag of shit for someone, it’s great to do a good deed, it’s great to touch the beautiful soul of another without looking at him. appearance and background. It's great to be a little stupid, to dance under the moon, to have staid conversations in the evenings on the porch.
It's great to get up after a defeat or a serious illness and go forward again. And do not think about how to take revenge on competitors. Just live and enjoy a warm day and good night. And many other things, unless you put on the crown of the elect, do not put yourself above the laws of this world and do not believe that only you are entitled to all its benefits.
We forget what it is. common-life. We forget about those happy people who live without clouds. Only because they were able to give up the invisible crown of success and controversial uniqueness. Do you think they will regret anything when there are only three steps left?
We sincerely believe that it is important to just have time to be people. Live an ordinary life and realize that it is filled with simple and spiritual joys. Here they are, at hand, you just need to accept them, recognize them as your own. Write a comment about what you think. It doesn’t matter if you agree with us or not.
The life of an ordinary man Some people may seem insignificant and insignificant. We insist on nothing. But for some reason it seems that the right understanding comes to everyone. The main thing is not to regret that it happened so late. Check out this cute material on what tips to give to ladies who are meeting the "grandma summer" of their age. And thank you for staying with us!

We have an editorial. "Site" We found an important, in our opinion, post on the Internet, which led us to write this text. It was shared by a psychologist who has experience communicating with many people, including those who forever go beyond the edge of our physical life. This kind of revelation shocked us.
As it turned out, people have little regrets on the way out. I just don't have time to think about it. It's still there. littleAll the values that seem inviolable to us now have no meaning in the face of eternity. People accept their destiny, find the strength to agree that their life took place this way. No other way.

If they regret it, it is only that they came to this understanding too late. To ordinary human life and to its simple and understandable joys. They regret that it opened to them just before the exit, when there are literally three steps to it. And all their lives, all their long years, they cut themselves off from it in every possible way.
Subtitle Don’t think that the successful people we see on the covers of magazines or TV screens actually experience some other happiness. We imagine that only the chosen ones travel, only those who are written in the family get richer. It turns out they're also making an appointment with a psychologist.

Because it can be quite difficult to create the success that everyone likes so much. It's a shame to be an ordinary person now, yes. You need to elevate yourself, reach the most important heights, achieve success and in the end do not feel successful. And not to be happy.
Many people go this way, giving away their expensive lives, burying talents in favor of stereotypes and the desire for enlightenment. You can go to a goal all your life and not achieve it. Believe me, there are neuroses among those who are not deprived of love, and among those who have accumulated lot. Because we're all human. Sometimes we just need to be ordinary.

We forget that the rain is warm and you can run under it just like in childhood. We forget that it is so great to come to our house and gather the whole family for dinner. It’s great to accept yourself after thousands of paths and journeys, to come back to a loved one and realize that the feelings are now even stronger.
It’s so great to know that your children are not only fed and shod, but also know who they are and why they are here. It’s great not to be a bag of shit for someone, it’s great to do a good deed, it’s great to touch the beautiful soul of another without looking at him. appearance and background. It's great to be a little stupid, to dance under the moon, to have staid conversations in the evenings on the porch.

It's great to get up after a defeat or a serious illness and go forward again. And do not think about how to take revenge on competitors. Just live and enjoy a warm day and good night. And many other things, unless you put on the crown of the elect, do not put yourself above the laws of this world and do not believe that only you are entitled to all its benefits.
We forget what it is. common-life. We forget about those happy people who live without clouds. Only because they were able to give up the invisible crown of success and controversial uniqueness. Do you think they will regret anything when there are only three steps left?

We sincerely believe that it is important to just have time to be people. Live an ordinary life and realize that it is filled with simple and spiritual joys. Here they are, at hand, you just need to accept them, recognize them as your own. Write a comment about what you think. It doesn’t matter if you agree with us or not.

The life of an ordinary man Some people may seem insignificant and insignificant. We insist on nothing. But for some reason it seems that the right understanding comes to everyone. The main thing is not to regret that it happened so late. Check out this cute material on what tips to give to ladies who are meeting the "grandma summer" of their age. And thank you for staying with us!
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