Arguments in favor of the fact that you do not need to give up salt at all
The debate over whether to give up salt is still ongoing. Some say that its consumption is harmful to health. Others don't know. proper without this product. What's the truth?
Today's edition. "Site" Why you should not completely eliminate salt from your daily diet. In this article, you will find 5 scientifically based arguments in defense of edible salt.
In the pursuit of the ideal figure, people are ready for anything. Sometimes exhausting diets involve very strict restrictions. For example, complete rejection of sugar or salt. But if in the first case you rather win, in the second you will lose unconditionally. Here are 5 reasons why.
The human body desperately needs iodized salt. The fact is that if you refuse it, the production of hormones will be disrupted. As a result, you will not only lose extra pounds (if this was your goal), but, on the contrary, gain them. In addition, you may have swelling, and skin will lose its health. The strength and endurance of muscles can also be forgotten.
The appearance of insulin resistance Due to the lack of salt in the diet, the body may appear metabolism - Insulin resistance. This is a special condition during which cells lose sensitivity to insulin. As a result, this leads to increased blood sugar.
There are special diets with a low salt content. Usually nutritionists recommend them to people who suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. However, if a person has no predispositions to this, a lack of sodium, on the contrary, will worsen the work of the heart.
The longer sodium does not enter the body, the higher the risk that cholesterol levels will change. As in the previous paragraph, it can also affect the normal functioning of the heart. In fact, this will manifest itself in the form of the simplest symptom - nausea.
A sharp refusal of salt can lead to a number of troubles. Firstly, you will often feel dry mouth and thirst. Secondly, dizziness and problems with urination are possible. All this in general looks like symptoms of dehydration. This works very simply: the less salt in the body, the faster water comes out of it.
Really the right diet implies a balance between calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, every day a person needs to consume 5 g of salt. That's about 1 tsp of product.
Often people who have tried it on themselves. saltlessThey complain about the result. For example, dropped kilograms return very quickly. But at the same time, problems with blood pressure and well-being in general begin. Is the game worth the candle? Hardly.
We call on you. mindfulness. Any unwarranted change could hurt you. Therefore, always consult your dietitian or endocrinologist. Take care!

Today's edition. "Site" Why you should not completely eliminate salt from your daily diet. In this article, you will find 5 scientifically based arguments in defense of edible salt.
In the pursuit of the ideal figure, people are ready for anything. Sometimes exhausting diets involve very strict restrictions. For example, complete rejection of sugar or salt. But if in the first case you rather win, in the second you will lose unconditionally. Here are 5 reasons why.
The human body desperately needs iodized salt. The fact is that if you refuse it, the production of hormones will be disrupted. As a result, you will not only lose extra pounds (if this was your goal), but, on the contrary, gain them. In addition, you may have swelling, and skin will lose its health. The strength and endurance of muscles can also be forgotten.

The appearance of insulin resistance Due to the lack of salt in the diet, the body may appear metabolism - Insulin resistance. This is a special condition during which cells lose sensitivity to insulin. As a result, this leads to increased blood sugar.
There are special diets with a low salt content. Usually nutritionists recommend them to people who suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. However, if a person has no predispositions to this, a lack of sodium, on the contrary, will worsen the work of the heart.

The longer sodium does not enter the body, the higher the risk that cholesterol levels will change. As in the previous paragraph, it can also affect the normal functioning of the heart. In fact, this will manifest itself in the form of the simplest symptom - nausea.

A sharp refusal of salt can lead to a number of troubles. Firstly, you will often feel dry mouth and thirst. Secondly, dizziness and problems with urination are possible. All this in general looks like symptoms of dehydration. This works very simply: the less salt in the body, the faster water comes out of it.
Really the right diet implies a balance between calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, every day a person needs to consume 5 g of salt. That's about 1 tsp of product.

Often people who have tried it on themselves. saltlessThey complain about the result. For example, dropped kilograms return very quickly. But at the same time, problems with blood pressure and well-being in general begin. Is the game worth the candle? Hardly.
We call on you. mindfulness. Any unwarranted change could hurt you. Therefore, always consult your dietitian or endocrinologist. Take care!
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