Justifications of a young woman who launched herself to the state of a stooped knave

Anyone can get sick. Nobody's safe from that. Therefore nursing Nothing more than taking care of someone you care about. And it deserves all the praise, be sure.

But it also happens when a sick person perceives a good attitude towards himself as a manifestation of weakness. It's sad, but what can you do? In this case, you need to act on the mind and be internally strong. You have to show character!

After the wedding, my husband and I had no extra money and decided to stay with his mother until we deal with the finances. Young family, you know. And the mother-in-law has a nice apartment, three-bedroom, almost in the city center. It won't take long to get to work. Convenient, short.

Weeks and months passed, the money was enough. We were planning to rent an apartment next door, but it didn’t work out. I'm pregnant! Oh, I would describe how nervous we were, how we were preparing for the birth of a baby. How many sleepless nights did my husband spend indulging in all my whims? I admit, I'm ashamed now, but there was nothing I could do about it.

My mother-in-law also tried to help. I imposed a whole bunch of clothes for the baby (she is a specialist in this), helped with advice and everything else. There was a period, even cooking for us.

Then came my son, Vlad. Under the guidance of my husband’s mother, we tried our best to please the baby. I learned how to cook mixtures, sleep for several hours a day, walk with a stroller in almost any weather. To move to another apartment, my husband and I forgot to think.

And when Vlad grew up, my husband was promoted, so I could go back to my favorite dances, slightly improve my figure and stretch. The mother-in-law sat with the baby, she was happy, and there was enough money for everything.

But after a while there was trouble. The mother-in-law, already aged, slipped on the landing and broke her pelvic bone. This is a serious case, the recovery is taking a long time, so we switched places.

I took care of my husband’s mother and my son, of course. Going to the dance had to be postponed, although now I think it is very convenient. I don’t want to get a virus and bring it into the house. It was difficult, of course, but I understood.

Time passed and my mother-in-law was recovering. No, she could not walk yet, but her body stopped hurting, and her hands were free. But she kept calling me across the apartment. Sometimes it was necessary to bring this or that, but sometimes requests crossed all boundaries. Spoon-feed, fetch things that the hell are just so she can look at them and put them back in a minute. And so on.

Her mother-in-law even asked her to bring her a bell, so as not to shout again. It's a good thing I was able to make it into a joke because I couldn't stand a bell. She did not ask her husband for anything, they say, because the miner is tired, and you give the garland hang over there, in 2 months New Year, it's time!

Recently, my mother invited me to meet at a cafe to chat. It was a day off, and I begged my husband to stay home on the farm. At the meeting, my mother almost burst into tears. Said I looked really bad. I know it myself, lack of sleep, physically difficult work and all day on my feet. But what can we do?

My mother offered to move in with her husband and child. The house is large, but 30 kilometers from the city, and we do not have a car. And now I'm thinking about how to tell my husband that I want to leave his mother's house so he can get to work much longer and live in someone else's house. I don't know, but I can't go on.

Do you think I'll wait until my mother-in-law recovers and things get better? I'm sure now she, knowing what permissiveness looks like, will sit around my neck while I live with her under the same roof. So there's no way out.


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