This miracle product helped to eliminate arthritis pain once and for all. Feel relieved!

Mussels on the menu all the expensive restaurants from Moscow to Paris. Enjoy fresh clam and drink white wine — true bliss. But for the incredible taste masks and a great storehouse of valuable nutrients!

These clams are truly the magic ingredients: b vitamins, iron and zinc, folic acid, manganese, iodine compounds, selenium and phosphorus. The editors of the"Site" learned how useful the mussels for the men's and women's health.

The benefits and harms mediolanie seafood
  1. Natural aphrodisiac
    Natural product from the sea of men charging energy better special medicines.

  2. Women's reproductive health
    Gynecologists unanimously speak that the consumption of mussels leads to an improvement of the mucous membrane of the cervix. So the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

  3. Increase the potency
    Iodine and zinc in the composition of shellfish affects the reproductive function of men, ensure the normal viscosity of semen and sperm activity. Consumption of mussels enhances erectile function and a positive effect on the work of the inguinal veins.

  4. Build muscle mass
    Mussels should be consumed and those who are heavily involved in sports. Easily digestible by the body protein in shellfish muscle mass. In addition, seafood is an integral part of effective diets.

  5. Prevention of arthritis
    Mussels stimulate the formation of white blood cells, so they are recommended for arthritis. Inflammation, which are the cause of this disease, shrink, and arthritis gradually recedes.

  6. Strengthen the nervous system
    Numerous studies show that mussels improve the function of nerve cells. Through their consumption increases the sensitivity of muscles, tissues and bones. Cheerfulness, activity, and healthy sleep is guaranteed!

  7. Strengthen the immune system
    Selenium contained in the mussels, plays an important role in the formation of a healthy immune system, and it ensures a coordinated functioning of the thyroid gland.

  8. Improve metabolism
    Vitamin B12 helps to speed up metabolism, because when disturbed metabolism man feels lethargy, fatigue and even depression. For people with a poor appetite mussels — the perfect solution. These seafood contain high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, particularly arachidonic. It is involved in metabolism.


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