Did you know that the grandmother in the Church doing it for a reason! Amazing...
Often, coming to the Church, we see grandparents who are not just praying, standing at the lectern and beat prostrations. Young people usually this pattern leads to confusion, as you can pray standing...
But not everyone knows that the petition is one of the popular techniques of spiritual enlightenment, which is practiced in many religions.
Some people in vain underestimate this technique of self-improvement. Buddhists believe that the stretch help to get rid of pride and hypocrisy.
In return the person gets the gift of reverence and respect. According to the monks, that arrogance and pride becomes the main obstacle to spiritual self-development.
So the first thing the person who started the practice of prostration — to be committed to eradicate pride.
How to stay multimethod Buddhist prostrations is also effective for physical health. Frequent beating of the forehead causes the blood to move faster in a large circle circulation.
Especially useful stretch for the skin. Many women who practiced the petition a long period, I noticed that over time returns to its former tone of facial skin, minor imperfections disappear like magic.
In this video you can see a detailed workshop on the implementation of the practice of prostrations.
Each series of exercises you must perform at least 15 times. Doing the stretch, you need to remember that one bow, filled with love and compassion, better than a hundred sloppy exercise!
During practice the petition should try to experience joy and satisfaction.
So try to make a triple bow: body, speech (you can say a prayer) and mind.
Peace to you and peace of mind! Do not forget to share this useful information with your friends.
The author
Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.

But not everyone knows that the petition is one of the popular techniques of spiritual enlightenment, which is practiced in many religions.

Some people in vain underestimate this technique of self-improvement. Buddhists believe that the stretch help to get rid of pride and hypocrisy.

In return the person gets the gift of reverence and respect. According to the monks, that arrogance and pride becomes the main obstacle to spiritual self-development.

So the first thing the person who started the practice of prostration — to be committed to eradicate pride.

How to stay multimethod Buddhist prostrations is also effective for physical health. Frequent beating of the forehead causes the blood to move faster in a large circle circulation.

Especially useful stretch for the skin. Many women who practiced the petition a long period, I noticed that over time returns to its former tone of facial skin, minor imperfections disappear like magic.

In this video you can see a detailed workshop on the implementation of the practice of prostrations.
Each series of exercises you must perform at least 15 times. Doing the stretch, you need to remember that one bow, filled with love and compassion, better than a hundred sloppy exercise!

During practice the petition should try to experience joy and satisfaction.

So try to make a triple bow: body, speech (you can say a prayer) and mind.

Peace to you and peace of mind! Do not forget to share this useful information with your friends.
The author

Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
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