Is it worth taking small children with you to the temple and at what age can you teach a child to church rites?
Parents often want children to join religion and church from early childhood. Children’s minds are very tenacious, and everything we put into children will be with them throughout their lives. Therefore, every parent wants the child to grow up not only healthy and happy, but also spiritually developed and benevolent. Today's edition. "Site" tell you, Are children allowed to church? according to the clergy.
When a child enters the church, he will be interested and curious. The unusual decoration of the room causes interest in children's eyes. The child asks a million questions: “What is it?” and “Why is it?” Of course, every parent is already used to this flow of curiosity and knowledge of the world. But it is one thing when a child asks questions on the street or at home, and quite another when in a place like a church.
Church is a place where everyone seeks peace, peace and answers to their spiritual questions. They come to pray and cleanse their soul. And, of course, no one likes it when children run and scream during prayer. This behavior distracts both the parishioners and the clergy themselves. But the child does it sincerely and according to his will. Is it worth yelling at him for?
Everyone in the church has met a person who tries to make a comment to everyone. This is not how you pray, not how you are baptized, not how you are dressed. Such a person knows best how to believe in God. He may even correct the priest if he thinks he is wrong. And, of course, such a person to make a comment to the child will not be difficult. Her children did not behave like this in church.
One priest I know told me how he treats children in church: “Children are manifestations of God.” They teach us patience and peace. And when they run around the church and fill it with their laughter, God lives in it. It is no longer just a house of prayer.” There was such a thing once in his church. A mother came to the temple with three young children. They did a good job and it was time to go home. The woman began to dress them, and they indulged and laughed. As a result, the woman spent an hour collecting her children.
But in all that time, she never raised her voice. She calmly repeated the same actions and dressed them. The priest was watching her. At the end of the day, he thought, This happens to a woman every day. And every day the children indulge, laugh and throw things away. And the mother finds the strength and patience not to shout at them. She calmly gathers them for a walk, puts them to bed, cooks food and plays with them.
“Every parent who patiently treats the pampering of his children, helps them to know the world around them and tells them about the word of God, is a true saint!” If you want to come to church with a child, but are afraid of being judged by others, ask the priest if it is possible to be in the church during the service. Most churches provide a place where a mother with a small child can come and pray. And if you don't have that in your church, don't be afraid of slanting eyes. The church is a place where anyone can come. He comes to God and God loves all his children.

When a child enters the church, he will be interested and curious. The unusual decoration of the room causes interest in children's eyes. The child asks a million questions: “What is it?” and “Why is it?” Of course, every parent is already used to this flow of curiosity and knowledge of the world. But it is one thing when a child asks questions on the street or at home, and quite another when in a place like a church.

Church is a place where everyone seeks peace, peace and answers to their spiritual questions. They come to pray and cleanse their soul. And, of course, no one likes it when children run and scream during prayer. This behavior distracts both the parishioners and the clergy themselves. But the child does it sincerely and according to his will. Is it worth yelling at him for?

Everyone in the church has met a person who tries to make a comment to everyone. This is not how you pray, not how you are baptized, not how you are dressed. Such a person knows best how to believe in God. He may even correct the priest if he thinks he is wrong. And, of course, such a person to make a comment to the child will not be difficult. Her children did not behave like this in church.

One priest I know told me how he treats children in church: “Children are manifestations of God.” They teach us patience and peace. And when they run around the church and fill it with their laughter, God lives in it. It is no longer just a house of prayer.” There was such a thing once in his church. A mother came to the temple with three young children. They did a good job and it was time to go home. The woman began to dress them, and they indulged and laughed. As a result, the woman spent an hour collecting her children.

But in all that time, she never raised her voice. She calmly repeated the same actions and dressed them. The priest was watching her. At the end of the day, he thought, This happens to a woman every day. And every day the children indulge, laugh and throw things away. And the mother finds the strength and patience not to shout at them. She calmly gathers them for a walk, puts them to bed, cooks food and plays with them.

“Every parent who patiently treats the pampering of his children, helps them to know the world around them and tells them about the word of God, is a true saint!” If you want to come to church with a child, but are afraid of being judged by others, ask the priest if it is possible to be in the church during the service. Most churches provide a place where a mother with a small child can come and pray. And if you don't have that in your church, don't be afraid of slanting eyes. The church is a place where anyone can come. He comes to God and God loves all his children.
Odessa Lina Borozdina visited space and shared photos in Instagram
She began to get sick for no apparent reason, only recovered when she threw these things out of the house.