Church of Scientology of Moscow - a view from the inside
It is difficult to imagine a more inaccessible place for photographers. And there is something to marvel at - magnificent buildings and Covert Action, beautiful atrium and confidential electronic devices, cafes and even a pink teddy bear. Reporter NedoSMI managed not only to get to this day closing foreign organization, but also to return from there to the photo essay.
28 photos
On the questions of the editor responsible Nina De Castro, responsible for public relations of the Church of Scientology in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries, and Elena Shklyarov, deputy director of Public Affairs of the Church of Scientology of Moscow
- The word "Scientology", created by L. Ron Hubbard, comes from the Latin scio - "know" or "recognize" and the Greek logos - "actual reason" or "inward thought." Thus, it means "the science of wisdom and knowledge", "knowledge of how to know." At the same time, Scientology is defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.
- In Moscow, are one big Church of Scientology, located on the street. Taganskaya, house 9, several missions, small organizations providing initial services in Dianetics and Scientology religious services group and Scientology ceremonies.
- The number of the followers of Moscow reaches 150 thousand, of which the active members of the Church are of the order of 5,000. Each day the Church visited by more than 500 of them. Church staff, administrative staff and priests, about 350.
- At the moment there are about 12, 5 million followers of Scientology, more than 9,000 organizations and churches in 189 countries.
- In Russia, about half a million followers of the religion of Scientology and about 70 organizations in 50 regions.
- Scientology is not to accumulate wealth and property hundreds of years, as did other religions - it must make its way in the world as required by economic and cultural conditions of modern society, traditional values related to territorial and racial identity. Accordingly, cultural and architectural traditions of the Church of Scientology is different depending on the countries and locations. Scientology religious rites are one and do not vary from country to country. They are fully set out by L. Ron Hubbard in his book "The Scientology religion: origins, ceremonies, sermons and services."
- Church of Scientology, just like any other taking donations from parishioners to support the vital functions of the Church, to fund its massive program of social reforms, to help learn about Scientology to people who would not otherwise get the opportunity to take advantage of it, helping to create a safe and pleasant environment for all people.
- In some churches, a system of tithes, others require their members to the rental pew, or religious ceremonies and services. The Church of Scientology parishioners also make donations for auditing (the process of helping a person regain their abilities) and the study of the religious philosophy of the sections they wish to receive. These contributions Scientologists are the main source of financing of the Church and prepare financial basis of all its activities, both religious and one that aims to improve the society. From Scientologists do not need to pay a tithe or make other donations.
- If we take into account what it costs to provide even one hour of auditing, which requires professionals with a high level of education, and what it costs to maintenance of the premises of the Church, the need for donations becomes clear.
- The Church selected the donation as their main method of financing, so that the system is in the best interests of both parties. Anyone who uses the material basis of the Church, should be to invest more in its maintenance.
- Of course, no contributions are expected from those people who come into the Church is not to obtain spiritual counseling or study sections of the religious scriptures, and to take part in some other services - such as listening to tape recordings of lectures by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology reading materials in the library of the church, meeting with other parishioners or getting advice from the chaplain, as well as those who come to Sunday services, sermons, weddings, baptisms and memorial services.
- In addition to the system of donations to the Church of Scientology, there are so-called free Scientology centers where those who are not able to make a donation can get free auditing.
- The number of donations to different people may be different depending on which way they selected. One way - it is to make a donation for odititng and auditing the, to reach the state of Clear (Clear - is a word denoting a special condition, which is achieved by means of auditing, or is a person who has reached this state. Clear - a being who no longer has own reactive mind and therefore suffers no ill effects that the reactive mind can cause.
- However, the path preferred by the majority of Scientologists - the auditor is learning and going through co-audit with another Scientologist. This method requires much smaller endowment than just receiving auditing, and you are also helping the other person's spiritual development.
- Since the provision of auditing costs of the Church is much more expensive than training (as for the provision of auditing one parishioner takes a few employees), donations should be higher. Education requires a parishioner much lower costs and provides an incentive to the parishioners to be trained and then free mutual auditing to achieve the state of Clear. Regardless of the chosen path, all who have attained the state of Clear, talking about how priceless that spiritual freedom which they have achieved.
- E-meter (short for "electropsychometer") - a device for religious purposes, used to guide the preclear (person who helps) in auditing. He can only use a Scientology minister or a person trained on Scientology priest to help the pc to find the area of distress and calmly consider it.
- By itself, the e-meter on what not affected. This is an electronic device that determines the state of mind of the people and its changes and enhances the clarity and speed of auditing. The E-Meter is not intended and is not effective for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
- L. Ron Hubbard left a great legacy in the form of completed works on Dianetics and Scientology, which contains a large body of knowledge and practical solutions they contain a lot of questions on various aspects of life and existence.
- However, L. Ron Hubbard did not ask to take for granted anything, and recommends to observe and to think, make decisions based on the principle of the greatest good to the greatest number of people. Man discovers that Scientology works by applying its principles and observing or feeling on itself its results.
- Distribution of leaflets - one way to the desire to help other people. Scientologists do it because, first, they got great help - and they want the same success and got other people. Secondly, Scientologists realize that life can not live alone. The man is not only one speaker (the desire to survive as himself). He wants to help his family, his group, humanity and all living things to survive better. Distribute fliers can both Church staff and parishioners.
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On the questions of the editor responsible Nina De Castro, responsible for public relations of the Church of Scientology in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries, and Elena Shklyarov, deputy director of Public Affairs of the Church of Scientology of Moscow

- The word "Scientology", created by L. Ron Hubbard, comes from the Latin scio - "know" or "recognize" and the Greek logos - "actual reason" or "inward thought." Thus, it means "the science of wisdom and knowledge", "knowledge of how to know." At the same time, Scientology is defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.

- In Moscow, are one big Church of Scientology, located on the street. Taganskaya, house 9, several missions, small organizations providing initial services in Dianetics and Scientology religious services group and Scientology ceremonies.

- The number of the followers of Moscow reaches 150 thousand, of which the active members of the Church are of the order of 5,000. Each day the Church visited by more than 500 of them. Church staff, administrative staff and priests, about 350.

- At the moment there are about 12, 5 million followers of Scientology, more than 9,000 organizations and churches in 189 countries.

- In Russia, about half a million followers of the religion of Scientology and about 70 organizations in 50 regions.

- Scientology is not to accumulate wealth and property hundreds of years, as did other religions - it must make its way in the world as required by economic and cultural conditions of modern society, traditional values related to territorial and racial identity. Accordingly, cultural and architectural traditions of the Church of Scientology is different depending on the countries and locations. Scientology religious rites are one and do not vary from country to country. They are fully set out by L. Ron Hubbard in his book "The Scientology religion: origins, ceremonies, sermons and services."

- Church of Scientology, just like any other taking donations from parishioners to support the vital functions of the Church, to fund its massive program of social reforms, to help learn about Scientology to people who would not otherwise get the opportunity to take advantage of it, helping to create a safe and pleasant environment for all people.

- In some churches, a system of tithes, others require their members to the rental pew, or religious ceremonies and services. The Church of Scientology parishioners also make donations for auditing (the process of helping a person regain their abilities) and the study of the religious philosophy of the sections they wish to receive. These contributions Scientologists are the main source of financing of the Church and prepare financial basis of all its activities, both religious and one that aims to improve the society. From Scientologists do not need to pay a tithe or make other donations.

- If we take into account what it costs to provide even one hour of auditing, which requires professionals with a high level of education, and what it costs to maintenance of the premises of the Church, the need for donations becomes clear.

- The Church selected the donation as their main method of financing, so that the system is in the best interests of both parties. Anyone who uses the material basis of the Church, should be to invest more in its maintenance.

- Of course, no contributions are expected from those people who come into the Church is not to obtain spiritual counseling or study sections of the religious scriptures, and to take part in some other services - such as listening to tape recordings of lectures by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology reading materials in the library of the church, meeting with other parishioners or getting advice from the chaplain, as well as those who come to Sunday services, sermons, weddings, baptisms and memorial services.

- In addition to the system of donations to the Church of Scientology, there are so-called free Scientology centers where those who are not able to make a donation can get free auditing.

- The number of donations to different people may be different depending on which way they selected. One way - it is to make a donation for odititng and auditing the, to reach the state of Clear (Clear - is a word denoting a special condition, which is achieved by means of auditing, or is a person who has reached this state. Clear - a being who no longer has own reactive mind and therefore suffers no ill effects that the reactive mind can cause.

- However, the path preferred by the majority of Scientologists - the auditor is learning and going through co-audit with another Scientologist. This method requires much smaller endowment than just receiving auditing, and you are also helping the other person's spiritual development.

- Since the provision of auditing costs of the Church is much more expensive than training (as for the provision of auditing one parishioner takes a few employees), donations should be higher. Education requires a parishioner much lower costs and provides an incentive to the parishioners to be trained and then free mutual auditing to achieve the state of Clear. Regardless of the chosen path, all who have attained the state of Clear, talking about how priceless that spiritual freedom which they have achieved.

- E-meter (short for "electropsychometer") - a device for religious purposes, used to guide the preclear (person who helps) in auditing. He can only use a Scientology minister or a person trained on Scientology priest to help the pc to find the area of distress and calmly consider it.

- By itself, the e-meter on what not affected. This is an electronic device that determines the state of mind of the people and its changes and enhances the clarity and speed of auditing. The E-Meter is not intended and is not effective for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

- L. Ron Hubbard left a great legacy in the form of completed works on Dianetics and Scientology, which contains a large body of knowledge and practical solutions they contain a lot of questions on various aspects of life and existence.

- However, L. Ron Hubbard did not ask to take for granted anything, and recommends to observe and to think, make decisions based on the principle of the greatest good to the greatest number of people. Man discovers that Scientology works by applying its principles and observing or feeling on itself its results.

- Distribution of leaflets - one way to the desire to help other people. Scientologists do it because, first, they got great help - and they want the same success and got other people. Secondly, Scientologists realize that life can not live alone. The man is not only one speaker (the desire to survive as himself). He wants to help his family, his group, humanity and all living things to survive better. Distribute fliers can both Church staff and parishioners.






