"I told you: buy the cow!»
Twenty seven million four hundred twelve thousand three hundred sixty seven
Came a young Jewish man in the synagogue to the elderly Rabbi to ask for advice.
— Rabbi, help me. I live in the same house together with their three children, wife and her mom. No free corner... Rabbi, what should I do?
— Did you buy the dog. replied the Rabbi.
— Dog's? But, Rebbe, I said that in my house there's even an extra little corners to sit in silence!
And I'm saying you should buy a dog.
The guy listened to the Rabbi bought a dog. A month later, the guy with a tortured look again came to the Rebbe and said:
— Rebbe! What kind of advice you gave me? Things have only gotten worse. This dog always running around barking, children screaming, mother yelling at them…
— You buy a goat! replied the Rabbi.
— Goat's? But, Rabbi…
— Buy a goat! — interrupted the guy's a Rabbi.
He bought a goat. Two weeks later came into the synagogue still the same guy with huge bags under his eyes and almost pounced on Rabbi:
— Rebbe! Save! This asshole shits straight to my house, the dog rushes at him, and the children with the mother yelling more than ever!
— Now buy the cow! replied the Rabbi.
— Cow? But, Rabbi, don't you think this is too much?! — exclaimed in horror, this poor guy.
— I told you: buy the cow!
Bought the guy a cow. A week later he barely opened the door to the synagogue and fell exhausted in front of the Rabbi.
— Rebbe — said the guy — all my life I felt a huge respect, but because of your tips I do live there. In the house a real mess! But still, I again ask you for advice, what do I do?
— And now, my dear, sell his dog, his goat and his cow.
The next day at the synagogue guy comes running with a happy smile on her face and rushes to the Rabbi:
— Rabbi, Rabbi, and so grateful. It became so good, so room in the house a lot!
via factroom.ru
Came a young Jewish man in the synagogue to the elderly Rabbi to ask for advice.
— Rabbi, help me. I live in the same house together with their three children, wife and her mom. No free corner... Rabbi, what should I do?
— Did you buy the dog. replied the Rabbi.
— Dog's? But, Rebbe, I said that in my house there's even an extra little corners to sit in silence!
And I'm saying you should buy a dog.
The guy listened to the Rabbi bought a dog. A month later, the guy with a tortured look again came to the Rebbe and said:
— Rebbe! What kind of advice you gave me? Things have only gotten worse. This dog always running around barking, children screaming, mother yelling at them…
— You buy a goat! replied the Rabbi.
— Goat's? But, Rabbi…
— Buy a goat! — interrupted the guy's a Rabbi.
He bought a goat. Two weeks later came into the synagogue still the same guy with huge bags under his eyes and almost pounced on Rabbi:
— Rebbe! Save! This asshole shits straight to my house, the dog rushes at him, and the children with the mother yelling more than ever!
— Now buy the cow! replied the Rabbi.
— Cow? But, Rabbi, don't you think this is too much?! — exclaimed in horror, this poor guy.
— I told you: buy the cow!
Bought the guy a cow. A week later he barely opened the door to the synagogue and fell exhausted in front of the Rabbi.
— Rebbe — said the guy — all my life I felt a huge respect, but because of your tips I do live there. In the house a real mess! But still, I again ask you for advice, what do I do?
— And now, my dear, sell his dog, his goat and his cow.
The next day at the synagogue guy comes running with a happy smile on her face and rushes to the Rabbi:
— Rabbi, Rabbi, and so grateful. It became so good, so room in the house a lot!
via factroom.ru