About Vaska Oblique and iron logic. The story really shows.

Female logic, you say? Well, well. The website tells a joke! In the morning the father tells his sons:
— Some bastard stole our cow at night!
Junior says:
Once a skunk, so little growth.
— Just short, then, of the Robins.
— Time of a Robin, then, Vaska Scythe.
Went to the Robin, Diagon slapped in the face — does not give a cow. Didn't steal, he says.
Brothers took Vaska Oblique to the magistrate — so and so stole a cow, and does not give. Slapped in the face — does not give. The judge asked them:
— Why did you decide that this is Vaska a Scythe?
— Why? — meet the brothers stole a cow, so the reptile was stolen, time reptile, small, if small in stature, that of a Robin, there's all the short time of a Robin, then it's clear that Vaska
— Interesting logic — says the judge — Well, okay. What I have here in this box?
— Square box, ' said my father.
— So, it is round, ' said the younger.
— Round, then orange, — said medium.
Orange — clear root, orange, — said the elder.
The judge pulled out an orange box, and said, thoughtfully, looking at Vaska:
— Slash, damn it, faithful brethren cow!
via factroom.ru
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