Most parole
I suggest you remember one little story from my childhood. The story of a small, but with a huge sense. He told me as a child and loved and re-read after many years already the tears welled up.
Alexey Panteleev. Honestly
I'm sorry, I can not tell you the name of this little man, and where he lives, and who his father and mother. In the darkness I had not even had time to see his face. I only remember that his nose was freckled and panties that he had not kept his short and on the strap, and on such lyamochki that are thrown over the shoulders and fastened somewhere on the abdomen.
One summer I went to kindergarten, - I do not know what it is called, on Vasilyevsky Island, near the white church. Was at me with an interesting book, I sat up, read and did not notice that it was evening.
When my eyes dazzled, and it became quite difficult to read, I closed the book, got up and went to the door. The garden is already empty, the streets lights flashed, and somewhere behind the trees ringing the bell guard. I was afraid that the garden will be closed, and went very quickly. Suddenly I stopped. I heard that somewhere in the side, behind the bushes, someone is crying.
I turned onto a side track - it was white in the darkness of a small stone house, which are all urban gardens; some booth or hut. A wall around it was a small boy of about seven or eight, and with her head down, crying loudly and inconsolably.
I went and called out to him:
- Hey, what are you, boy?
He once, as if on cue, stopped crying, looked up at me and said:
- Nothing.
- How did this? You who wronged?
- No.
- So why are you crying?
He is still difficult to say, he has not swallowed all the tears, still sobbing, hiccuping, sniffles.
- Let's go - I told him. - Look, it's late already closed garden.
And I wanted to take the boy's hand. But the boy hastily withdrew his hand and said:
- I can not.
- What can not you?
- I can not go.
- How? Why is that? What's the matter?
- Nothing, - said the boy.
- What are you - ill?
- No, - he said - is healthy.
- So why did you go you can not?
- I - hour, - he said.
- How to watch? What is the time?
- Well, what do you - do not you understand? We play.
- Yes, with whom are you playing?
The boy paused, sighed and said:
- I do not know.
Here I must confess, I thought that, perhaps, the boy is still ill and that his head was not in order.
- Listen, - I said to him. - What are you saying? How is this so? You play and you do not know - who?
- Yes, - said the boy. - I do not know. I sat on a bench, and then some big guys come up and say: "If you want to play in the war?" I say: "I want." They began to play, I say, "You're a sergeant." One big boy ... he was ... he was the marshal brought me here and said: "Here we have a gunpowder store - in this booth. And you'll watch ... Wait here while I will not be replaced. " I say, "Okay." And he says: "Give your word that you will not leave».
- Well?
- Well, I said: "Honestly - do not go».
- So what?
- Well, now. I stand, stand up, and they do not go.
- So, - I smiled. - How long have they put you here?
- It was still light.
- So where are they?
The boy sighed again and said:
- I think - they're gone.
- How are gone?
- Lost.
- So what are you standing then?
- I honestly say ...
I've wanted to laugh, but then he caught himself and thought that there is nothing funny about it, and that the boy is right. If you gave my word, so it is necessary to stand, no matter what happens - even bursting. The game is not a game, or - anyway.
- That's how the story turned out! - I told him. - What are you gonna do?
- I do not know - said the little boy burst into tears again.
I really wanted him to somehow help. But what could I do? Go look for these stupid boys, who put him on guard took off his parole, and they escaped home? But where to find them now, these boys? .. I bet they already had dinner and went to bed, and sees the tenth dreams. A man stands on the clock. In the dark. And I expect a hungry ...
- You probably want to have? - I asked him.
- Yes, - he said - I want to.
- Well, that's what - I said, thinking. - You run home, eat dinner, while I'll stand here for you.
- Yes, - said the boy. - And it may be perhaps?
- Why not?
- You're not in the military.
I scratched his head and said:
- Correctly. Nothing doing. I can not even take off your guard. This can make only a military, but the chief ...
And then suddenly I was struck by a happy thought. I thought that if the boy's release on parole, to remove it from the guard can only military, so what's the deal? It is necessary, therefore, to go look for the military.
I said nothing to the boy, but said, "Wait a minute" - and he wasted no time, ran to the exit ... The gates had not been closed, even the watchman went somewhere in the farthest corners of the garden, and dial it in his bell. I stood at the gate and waited for a long time, you will not pass by some lieutenant or even a Red Army soldier. But, unfortunately, none of the military did not show up on the street. That was flashed across the street some black overcoat, I was delighted, thought it was sailors, ran across the street and saw that it was not the sailors, and the boy-artisans. It has been the highest railroad in a beautiful overcoat with green stripes. But the railroad with its remarkable overcoat I was also at that moment to anything.
I've wanted to come back empty-handed in the garden when I saw - just around the corner, on the tram stop - commander protective cap with blue edging cavalry. It seems, I have never in my life I was not happy as happy at this moment. I ran headlong to a halt. And suddenly, did not have time to run, I see - a tram stop is suitable, and the commander, a young cavalry major, along with the rest of the audience is going to squeeze into the car.
Out of breath, I ran up to him, grabbed him by the arm and shouted:
- Comrade Major! Wait a minute! Wait! Comrade Major!
He looked around with astonishment looked at me and said:
- What's the matter?
- You see, what is it - I said. - Here, in the garden, near a stone hut, the clock is a boy ... He can not go, he gave his word of honor ... It is very small ... He weeps ...
The commander blinked and looked at me with fear. Perhaps he, too, thought that I was sick and that my head is not in order.
- What has me? - He said.
Tram his left, and he looked at me very angry.
But when I was a little more explained to him what had happened, he did not hesitate and immediately said:
- Come on, let's go. Of course. What you did not tell me at once?
When we reached the garden, the watchman just hung on the gate of the castle. I asked him to wait a few minutes, said that in the garden I was a boy, and we ran to the Major into the garden.
In the darkness, we hardly found the white house. The boy stood on the same spot where I had left him, and again - but this time it is very quiet - wept. I called out to him. He was delighted, even shrieked with joy, and I said:
- Well, here, I gave the chief.
Seeing the commander, the boy somehow all straightened up, stretched and began a few centimeters above.
- Comrade guard - said the commander. - What you wear the title?
- I - sergeant - said the boy.
- Comrade Sergeant, I order you to leave entrusted to the post.
The boy paused, posopel nose and said:
- And you have a title? I do not see how many stars you ...
- I - Major - said the commander.
And then the boy put his hand to a wide visor cap and his small gray said:
- Yes, Comrade Major. Ordered to leave the post.
And he said it so loudly and so deftly that we both stood and laughed.
And the boy is also fun and laughed with relief.
No sooner had the three of us to get out of the garden as ours slammed the gate and the guard several times turned the key in the hole.
Major held out his hand to the boy.
- Good for you, Comrade Sergeant, - he said. - Because you will come true warrior. Goodbye.
The boy mumbled something and said, "Good-bye».
A Major gave us both an honor and, seeing that again suited his streetcar ran to a halt.
I also said goodbye to the boy and shook his hand.
- Maybe you spend? - I asked him.
- No, I live nearby. I'm not afraid, - said the boy.
I looked at his little freckled nose and thought that he really has nothing to fear. The boy, who has such a strong will and
is a strong word, do not be afraid of the dark, do not be afraid of bullies, not scared and more terrible things.
And when he grows up ... Still do not know what he will be when he grows up, but whoever it was, you can bet that this will be a real man.
I thought so, and I was very pleased that I met this boy.
And I once again firmly and happily shook his hand.
Alexey Panteleev. Honestly
I'm sorry, I can not tell you the name of this little man, and where he lives, and who his father and mother. In the darkness I had not even had time to see his face. I only remember that his nose was freckled and panties that he had not kept his short and on the strap, and on such lyamochki that are thrown over the shoulders and fastened somewhere on the abdomen.
One summer I went to kindergarten, - I do not know what it is called, on Vasilyevsky Island, near the white church. Was at me with an interesting book, I sat up, read and did not notice that it was evening.
When my eyes dazzled, and it became quite difficult to read, I closed the book, got up and went to the door. The garden is already empty, the streets lights flashed, and somewhere behind the trees ringing the bell guard. I was afraid that the garden will be closed, and went very quickly. Suddenly I stopped. I heard that somewhere in the side, behind the bushes, someone is crying.
I turned onto a side track - it was white in the darkness of a small stone house, which are all urban gardens; some booth or hut. A wall around it was a small boy of about seven or eight, and with her head down, crying loudly and inconsolably.
I went and called out to him:
- Hey, what are you, boy?
He once, as if on cue, stopped crying, looked up at me and said:
- Nothing.
- How did this? You who wronged?
- No.
- So why are you crying?
He is still difficult to say, he has not swallowed all the tears, still sobbing, hiccuping, sniffles.
- Let's go - I told him. - Look, it's late already closed garden.
And I wanted to take the boy's hand. But the boy hastily withdrew his hand and said:
- I can not.
- What can not you?
- I can not go.
- How? Why is that? What's the matter?
- Nothing, - said the boy.
- What are you - ill?
- No, - he said - is healthy.
- So why did you go you can not?
- I - hour, - he said.
- How to watch? What is the time?
- Well, what do you - do not you understand? We play.
- Yes, with whom are you playing?
The boy paused, sighed and said:
- I do not know.
Here I must confess, I thought that, perhaps, the boy is still ill and that his head was not in order.
- Listen, - I said to him. - What are you saying? How is this so? You play and you do not know - who?
- Yes, - said the boy. - I do not know. I sat on a bench, and then some big guys come up and say: "If you want to play in the war?" I say: "I want." They began to play, I say, "You're a sergeant." One big boy ... he was ... he was the marshal brought me here and said: "Here we have a gunpowder store - in this booth. And you'll watch ... Wait here while I will not be replaced. " I say, "Okay." And he says: "Give your word that you will not leave».
- Well?
- Well, I said: "Honestly - do not go».
- So what?
- Well, now. I stand, stand up, and they do not go.
- So, - I smiled. - How long have they put you here?
- It was still light.
- So where are they?
The boy sighed again and said:
- I think - they're gone.
- How are gone?
- Lost.
- So what are you standing then?
- I honestly say ...
I've wanted to laugh, but then he caught himself and thought that there is nothing funny about it, and that the boy is right. If you gave my word, so it is necessary to stand, no matter what happens - even bursting. The game is not a game, or - anyway.
- That's how the story turned out! - I told him. - What are you gonna do?
- I do not know - said the little boy burst into tears again.
I really wanted him to somehow help. But what could I do? Go look for these stupid boys, who put him on guard took off his parole, and they escaped home? But where to find them now, these boys? .. I bet they already had dinner and went to bed, and sees the tenth dreams. A man stands on the clock. In the dark. And I expect a hungry ...
- You probably want to have? - I asked him.
- Yes, - he said - I want to.
- Well, that's what - I said, thinking. - You run home, eat dinner, while I'll stand here for you.
- Yes, - said the boy. - And it may be perhaps?
- Why not?
- You're not in the military.
I scratched his head and said:
- Correctly. Nothing doing. I can not even take off your guard. This can make only a military, but the chief ...
And then suddenly I was struck by a happy thought. I thought that if the boy's release on parole, to remove it from the guard can only military, so what's the deal? It is necessary, therefore, to go look for the military.
I said nothing to the boy, but said, "Wait a minute" - and he wasted no time, ran to the exit ... The gates had not been closed, even the watchman went somewhere in the farthest corners of the garden, and dial it in his bell. I stood at the gate and waited for a long time, you will not pass by some lieutenant or even a Red Army soldier. But, unfortunately, none of the military did not show up on the street. That was flashed across the street some black overcoat, I was delighted, thought it was sailors, ran across the street and saw that it was not the sailors, and the boy-artisans. It has been the highest railroad in a beautiful overcoat with green stripes. But the railroad with its remarkable overcoat I was also at that moment to anything.
I've wanted to come back empty-handed in the garden when I saw - just around the corner, on the tram stop - commander protective cap with blue edging cavalry. It seems, I have never in my life I was not happy as happy at this moment. I ran headlong to a halt. And suddenly, did not have time to run, I see - a tram stop is suitable, and the commander, a young cavalry major, along with the rest of the audience is going to squeeze into the car.
Out of breath, I ran up to him, grabbed him by the arm and shouted:
- Comrade Major! Wait a minute! Wait! Comrade Major!
He looked around with astonishment looked at me and said:
- What's the matter?
- You see, what is it - I said. - Here, in the garden, near a stone hut, the clock is a boy ... He can not go, he gave his word of honor ... It is very small ... He weeps ...
The commander blinked and looked at me with fear. Perhaps he, too, thought that I was sick and that my head is not in order.
- What has me? - He said.
Tram his left, and he looked at me very angry.
But when I was a little more explained to him what had happened, he did not hesitate and immediately said:
- Come on, let's go. Of course. What you did not tell me at once?
When we reached the garden, the watchman just hung on the gate of the castle. I asked him to wait a few minutes, said that in the garden I was a boy, and we ran to the Major into the garden.
In the darkness, we hardly found the white house. The boy stood on the same spot where I had left him, and again - but this time it is very quiet - wept. I called out to him. He was delighted, even shrieked with joy, and I said:
- Well, here, I gave the chief.
Seeing the commander, the boy somehow all straightened up, stretched and began a few centimeters above.
- Comrade guard - said the commander. - What you wear the title?
- I - sergeant - said the boy.
- Comrade Sergeant, I order you to leave entrusted to the post.
The boy paused, posopel nose and said:
- And you have a title? I do not see how many stars you ...
- I - Major - said the commander.
And then the boy put his hand to a wide visor cap and his small gray said:
- Yes, Comrade Major. Ordered to leave the post.
And he said it so loudly and so deftly that we both stood and laughed.
And the boy is also fun and laughed with relief.
No sooner had the three of us to get out of the garden as ours slammed the gate and the guard several times turned the key in the hole.
Major held out his hand to the boy.
- Good for you, Comrade Sergeant, - he said. - Because you will come true warrior. Goodbye.
The boy mumbled something and said, "Good-bye».
A Major gave us both an honor and, seeing that again suited his streetcar ran to a halt.
I also said goodbye to the boy and shook his hand.
- Maybe you spend? - I asked him.
- No, I live nearby. I'm not afraid, - said the boy.
I looked at his little freckled nose and thought that he really has nothing to fear. The boy, who has such a strong will and
is a strong word, do not be afraid of the dark, do not be afraid of bullies, not scared and more terrible things.
And when he grows up ... Still do not know what he will be when he grows up, but whoever it was, you can bet that this will be a real man.
I thought so, and I was very pleased that I met this boy.
And I once again firmly and happily shook his hand.
