What a bitch you live?
Women love to compare with the kitties. And we don't understand – why? There are only two types of cats – wild pojiratelei rats and home pojiratelei human resources. And women can be divided into two types? Haha, Yes, they – okay, we – at least a hundred!Pics picked out of the hundreds of types of the twenty most common. And tell me, where is the cat? There are some solid bitches!
Caucasian овчарка
You never turn off the mobile phone. And he never runs out of power, because you carry a spare battery. And her phone number Kostyan, Drona, Marat, Alexei Petrovich and that guy who flashed your Xbox. She always knows where you are, and if you don't know you need it urgently to call. She'll call you later and check. And God forbid you are not there. God forbid.
Wow, what a bitch! Go to the desired goal on the corpses, and those who did not die of horror at once, they will bite off your head. Chic woman. I hope you had time to enjoy everyone's envy and comments, "you are the man!» from friends. Because now you have no friends. Who will come to your house when you got there sits a woman with credo "Dominate and humiliate"?
She's better than you, okay? In everything. She's smarter. It is hardier. She is best-developed memory and ability to communicate. She can bear children, in the end, and you don't. Because she's human. But you're not human. You are a shameful product of a Patriarchal society, animal, endowed with physical strength and the only reason more and power. About this she writes posts in community "feminists". Fortunately, reality and virtuality – are two big differences.
Central Asian овчарка
Congratulations! You were in luck. She is a real friend fighting, which, if will hide behind your back, just because there easier to hand you the ammunition. She follow you into the fire and into the water. Will not throw. Not betray. However, if you're going to betray her or to quit, I hasten to inform you: there are far less painful ways to commit suicide.
She needs to be with you. Relaxing together. Walks together. Together to cook dinner, watch a movie, to do the cleaning. She even goes to visit her friends, because she needs you there booorrr-ing. But she walks with you on a fishing trip, because unbearable to sit in an empty apartment without you. This may be a good idea. You're even willing to tolerate joint tours for platysoma. But how the hell to get used to the fact that once a month you should review the "Pride and prejudice" and tons to eat chocolate?
Congratulations, the Ball you dunce. Because bought, bought, ha ha ha. And no matter what. Maybe – for her extraordinary, majestic beauty. Maybe even just a bit arrogant in nature. Maybe you were captivated by her exquisite sense of humor. It doesn't matter. It is important that all these advantages – just a mask. Mask which she removed as soon as you realize that you're on the hook. And beneath this mask lurks a monster, colloquially known as monkey with a grenade. Both driving and life in General.
I suggest you immediately to marry her and have three or four charming monsters. And buy her a cat, dog, parrot and some exotic potted plant. So that takes a shaman to warm him a little water strictly to 24.5 degrees and feed with homeopathy diluted rabbit droppings. In General, give her objects to which it can attach your maternal instinct, or she's going to put to you. So imagine that you breathe through time.
Most likely, you'll soon run out of alcohol altogether. No, your woman does not mind if you went with friends to the football and then celebrate the victory of your team at the bar. She will go with friends to watch a movie under the open sky. But on Saturday morning whether it is good to get up and go with her to pick mushrooms. It is necessary today, yeah! Tomorrow do you have a skating rink and a riding lesson. In short, lying at home, suffering from a hangover, you can't do it. Let there kayak lie down until the off-season.
Next to it you probably feel like a hero. Strong, mighty man. She's so tiny, so helpless in this evil, heartless world! At the first opportunity we must take her to handle and kiss the top of my head. Otherwise it will start to feel chilly, to shiver and look at you piteously piteously. She is a fairy. Fragile as a flower. If you want to continue to nourish these illusions, never look. Especially if she went to the savings Bank, in DES or in the clinic. From its heart-rending barking you have the membrane can burst – used.
Afghan борзая
She is very beautiful. No, not so – she is Very Beautiful. You're afraid to let her go alone on the street. However, you take some comfort from the fact that others see it is not a living human being, the goddess. But you somewhat disturbed by the fact that some can offer her chambers at the top of Olympus, and you only ikeevskogo sofa panel in a kopeck piece. To comfort you, unfortunately, nothing, but we can give some advice: don't be with her sweetie. Be a hare. While it won't catch you and will eat your spine, other mouth-watering rabbits will not be distracted
Staffordshire терьер
Not a virgin, but just in a Board the guy. Don't just agree to play a party member in Russian Billiards for beer, but she offers. And pancakes, she canceled the whole set with a spare neck and stand. If you have a total budget you can be rest assured that there will be no column "idiotic spending", which includes a manicure and a new palette. With her so just be yourself. Only now she's in the garage is a custom bike that she personally collected from three Harleys and one Ural. And what did you achieve?
It's all good. You are all very, very good. Love your woman, enjoy a quiet, peaceful life. Economical, again, life. She doesn't need a weekend in Paris, and wintering in Thailand. She even coast Turkish is not necessary. But very necessary machine for making pasta and new apartment with three balconies. And the geraniums closely. Well, okay, about the savings we bent.
German овчарка
She subordinate to more people than you had companions, if you count from the first bottle of port wine in the school locker room. And they're all sheep. So she have to babysit day and night. Of course, you are proud of it. And admire. Whenever you see her a) not sleeping b) nervous C) not stick to the phone. Well, during sex, in short, are proud of and admire. Once a week somewhere.
It is unclear where in your life did this poor creature. You probably hit her in a crosswalk. Or saved from the attack of the wild Kitten, lured at the door. Or you're a maniac, hiding under the guise of the good doctor. Therapist, of course. And you seduced her patient. Seduce seduced, and who and now there. Who of its complexes called "I – dullness, futility and a coward, I will die alone and my corpse will eat a hamster»
German дог
Your house is constantly oshivayutsya some suspicious citizens, dreads, shaman tambourines and a pocketful of dried mushrooms inedible. The next morning you need to make a mountain of empty bottles and cigarette butts out of the pot with a ficus. Why do you put up with? Because it's not guests. It is the food. Your woman will drink their blood and maybe write a novel. Or a painting. Or play. The main thing – she will cling to you. Well, if only in a good way.
Yorkshire терьер
I-do-not-touch-it-itself. Charming simpleton. Lovely, what a fool. Wonder how she lived, until you came along – a beautiful knight, able to solve all her problems? Well, how would you say... Accidentally formatted hard disk isn't the only problem. There is still parallel Parking, business partners from China and bottles of water with tightly welded to the lid. And she somehow manages. Say Hello to your inner Othello.
Fucking hysterical, of course. A bad woman, of course. Again, she more than anyone should! You'd think she should have been born from the old to sit at the entrance and bdit: why are so many guests at the fifth apartment? Not otherwise – not lit! When you think you are, ask yourself – why is your fifth year on vacation in August, why in your yard there is always space for Parking and why on Saturdays, no one is drilling concrete.
Border колли
The one that you've been looking for. Clever woman. Very clever. Too damn smart. She understands everything, she's never boring, it is possible to talk about anything. It is you and my love, and best friend. Exactly as long as it does not attack any girly nonsense. Then she used your deep mind in order to sophisticated to devour your tender, soft brains. And then she apologizes and admits he was wrong. Like any smart woman.
You, of course, alcoholic. Or moral invalid, devoid of, say, empathy. Or you have gout. Or you were ill with a meningitis and since then you have eye twitching. In General, you have something wrong, so you need to be saved, to heat, treat and caress. If you just unshaven dark type, who suffers from outbreaks of unmotivated aggression – do nothing. Just don't do anything and it will save you forever.
West Siberian лайка
I hope you've already started saving money to purchase land in an ecologically clean area. Suggest to get second higher education on speciality "Veterinary" because your a cow fell ill gonna treat you. What kind of cow? Well, of course – the same one whose milk will drink your children grown in the family nest in a clean area. What child? Well, the ones that she will wear in a sling, which she already ordered. Only three hundred dollars, but made of natural hemp! published
Source: www.pics.ru/s-kakoj-sukoj-ty-zhivesh
Caucasian овчарка

You never turn off the mobile phone. And he never runs out of power, because you carry a spare battery. And her phone number Kostyan, Drona, Marat, Alexei Petrovich and that guy who flashed your Xbox. She always knows where you are, and if you don't know you need it urgently to call. She'll call you later and check. And God forbid you are not there. God forbid.

Wow, what a bitch! Go to the desired goal on the corpses, and those who did not die of horror at once, they will bite off your head. Chic woman. I hope you had time to enjoy everyone's envy and comments, "you are the man!» from friends. Because now you have no friends. Who will come to your house when you got there sits a woman with credo "Dominate and humiliate"?

She's better than you, okay? In everything. She's smarter. It is hardier. She is best-developed memory and ability to communicate. She can bear children, in the end, and you don't. Because she's human. But you're not human. You are a shameful product of a Patriarchal society, animal, endowed with physical strength and the only reason more and power. About this she writes posts in community "feminists". Fortunately, reality and virtuality – are two big differences.
Central Asian овчарка

Congratulations! You were in luck. She is a real friend fighting, which, if will hide behind your back, just because there easier to hand you the ammunition. She follow you into the fire and into the water. Will not throw. Not betray. However, if you're going to betray her or to quit, I hasten to inform you: there are far less painful ways to commit suicide.

She needs to be with you. Relaxing together. Walks together. Together to cook dinner, watch a movie, to do the cleaning. She even goes to visit her friends, because she needs you there booorrr-ing. But she walks with you on a fishing trip, because unbearable to sit in an empty apartment without you. This may be a good idea. You're even willing to tolerate joint tours for platysoma. But how the hell to get used to the fact that once a month you should review the "Pride and prejudice" and tons to eat chocolate?

Congratulations, the Ball you dunce. Because bought, bought, ha ha ha. And no matter what. Maybe – for her extraordinary, majestic beauty. Maybe even just a bit arrogant in nature. Maybe you were captivated by her exquisite sense of humor. It doesn't matter. It is important that all these advantages – just a mask. Mask which she removed as soon as you realize that you're on the hook. And beneath this mask lurks a monster, colloquially known as monkey with a grenade. Both driving and life in General.

I suggest you immediately to marry her and have three or four charming monsters. And buy her a cat, dog, parrot and some exotic potted plant. So that takes a shaman to warm him a little water strictly to 24.5 degrees and feed with homeopathy diluted rabbit droppings. In General, give her objects to which it can attach your maternal instinct, or she's going to put to you. So imagine that you breathe through time.

Most likely, you'll soon run out of alcohol altogether. No, your woman does not mind if you went with friends to the football and then celebrate the victory of your team at the bar. She will go with friends to watch a movie under the open sky. But on Saturday morning whether it is good to get up and go with her to pick mushrooms. It is necessary today, yeah! Tomorrow do you have a skating rink and a riding lesson. In short, lying at home, suffering from a hangover, you can't do it. Let there kayak lie down until the off-season.

Next to it you probably feel like a hero. Strong, mighty man. She's so tiny, so helpless in this evil, heartless world! At the first opportunity we must take her to handle and kiss the top of my head. Otherwise it will start to feel chilly, to shiver and look at you piteously piteously. She is a fairy. Fragile as a flower. If you want to continue to nourish these illusions, never look. Especially if she went to the savings Bank, in DES or in the clinic. From its heart-rending barking you have the membrane can burst – used.
Afghan борзая

She is very beautiful. No, not so – she is Very Beautiful. You're afraid to let her go alone on the street. However, you take some comfort from the fact that others see it is not a living human being, the goddess. But you somewhat disturbed by the fact that some can offer her chambers at the top of Olympus, and you only ikeevskogo sofa panel in a kopeck piece. To comfort you, unfortunately, nothing, but we can give some advice: don't be with her sweetie. Be a hare. While it won't catch you and will eat your spine, other mouth-watering rabbits will not be distracted
Staffordshire терьер

Not a virgin, but just in a Board the guy. Don't just agree to play a party member in Russian Billiards for beer, but she offers. And pancakes, she canceled the whole set with a spare neck and stand. If you have a total budget you can be rest assured that there will be no column "idiotic spending", which includes a manicure and a new palette. With her so just be yourself. Only now she's in the garage is a custom bike that she personally collected from three Harleys and one Ural. And what did you achieve?

It's all good. You are all very, very good. Love your woman, enjoy a quiet, peaceful life. Economical, again, life. She doesn't need a weekend in Paris, and wintering in Thailand. She even coast Turkish is not necessary. But very necessary machine for making pasta and new apartment with three balconies. And the geraniums closely. Well, okay, about the savings we bent.
German овчарка

She subordinate to more people than you had companions, if you count from the first bottle of port wine in the school locker room. And they're all sheep. So she have to babysit day and night. Of course, you are proud of it. And admire. Whenever you see her a) not sleeping b) nervous C) not stick to the phone. Well, during sex, in short, are proud of and admire. Once a week somewhere.

It is unclear where in your life did this poor creature. You probably hit her in a crosswalk. Or saved from the attack of the wild Kitten, lured at the door. Or you're a maniac, hiding under the guise of the good doctor. Therapist, of course. And you seduced her patient. Seduce seduced, and who and now there. Who of its complexes called "I – dullness, futility and a coward, I will die alone and my corpse will eat a hamster»
German дог

Your house is constantly oshivayutsya some suspicious citizens, dreads, shaman tambourines and a pocketful of dried mushrooms inedible. The next morning you need to make a mountain of empty bottles and cigarette butts out of the pot with a ficus. Why do you put up with? Because it's not guests. It is the food. Your woman will drink their blood and maybe write a novel. Or a painting. Or play. The main thing – she will cling to you. Well, if only in a good way.
Yorkshire терьер

I-do-not-touch-it-itself. Charming simpleton. Lovely, what a fool. Wonder how she lived, until you came along – a beautiful knight, able to solve all her problems? Well, how would you say... Accidentally formatted hard disk isn't the only problem. There is still parallel Parking, business partners from China and bottles of water with tightly welded to the lid. And she somehow manages. Say Hello to your inner Othello.

Fucking hysterical, of course. A bad woman, of course. Again, she more than anyone should! You'd think she should have been born from the old to sit at the entrance and bdit: why are so many guests at the fifth apartment? Not otherwise – not lit! When you think you are, ask yourself – why is your fifth year on vacation in August, why in your yard there is always space for Parking and why on Saturdays, no one is drilling concrete.
Border колли

The one that you've been looking for. Clever woman. Very clever. Too damn smart. She understands everything, she's never boring, it is possible to talk about anything. It is you and my love, and best friend. Exactly as long as it does not attack any girly nonsense. Then she used your deep mind in order to sophisticated to devour your tender, soft brains. And then she apologizes and admits he was wrong. Like any smart woman.

You, of course, alcoholic. Or moral invalid, devoid of, say, empathy. Or you have gout. Or you were ill with a meningitis and since then you have eye twitching. In General, you have something wrong, so you need to be saved, to heat, treat and caress. If you just unshaven dark type, who suffers from outbreaks of unmotivated aggression – do nothing. Just don't do anything and it will save you forever.
West Siberian лайка

I hope you've already started saving money to purchase land in an ecologically clean area. Suggest to get second higher education on speciality "Veterinary" because your a cow fell ill gonna treat you. What kind of cow? Well, of course – the same one whose milk will drink your children grown in the family nest in a clean area. What child? Well, the ones that she will wear in a sling, which she already ordered. Only three hundred dollars, but made of natural hemp! published
Source: www.pics.ru/s-kakoj-sukoj-ty-zhivesh
Children's stress backfire through the years
It's hard to believe these are the trees on the turntable