Andrew Debrin "to play in a good team is sometimes more important than the win"
< Anatoly Golubovskii
With the actor and presenter of the "real mystic" Andrew Debrinym before the interview, I was not personally acquainted. However, we agreed to meet easily switched to "you" at ease, and began a conversation unconventional - not my question, but with a small revelation
. You know, the interview - a funny thing. You live in peace, do something, anything you do not mind, it's okay. And suddenly you begin to ask questions: "Why is it not as something different." Analiziruesh. And as soon as you turn on the brain, you start to confuse myself. In any case, when after the interview come home, begins, "but really, why so and not otherwise, what would have happened if turned the wrong way?" Then decide what well it all nafig and then poured into a comfortable flow of < br>
-So, you mean that the majority of life decisions are made on a subconscious level?
It's not I said, and you. And frequently used expressions such as "chance", "luck", "luck" proof. Formula of success there, because a very large error in the "human factor" -, fear, superstition, fear, imposed principles. I was lucky in that sense. I have a few friends of psychoanalysts. At the time, I helped them with psychodrama - a useful way, a thing, and they checked on me their tests. In the end, it turned out that I have not determined the nature of the individual. That is, there is some specific attachments, fears, phobias, principles. In the form of a joke, I put it this way:
"I have a principle, have no principles, but, in principle, for me it does not matter»
Even the nature of the falsity to these tests, there is no ...
We're time every day
Do not generalize) I have information that the falsity of my character - 0, 1%. In general, a rare event in the history of the test, but: no fear - height, depth, darkness, dogs, spiders ...
-stop. It fears physical
Why this sudden physical !? This conscious fears. And it is the fear that exists only in our minds.
Okay. I have other categories - social fears, fear of change. And the man they are subject to much more ...
-In Your life easily passed through many changes. Not to say that "flyer" for the profession, but at the moment I work:
- Coach basketball
-tokarem-welder manual welding -dugovoy 4th category assistant surveyor ...
-Sudya even only filmography has a blank portion 1999-2006.Pochemu gone?
Well, as they say everyone has his own way. The question you demand in society. Already in the last years at the institute, I was involved in a pile of projects in theater and on TV, then was accepted into the Drama and Comedy Theatre. And then there was a period, not a demand. If you can wait like lying on a resort somewhere in Miami and sipping cocktails in the evening waiting for a call with an invitation to the next film dreams, then that's great. But when, in addition to creativity, and there is a financial vacuum, and you know that in addition to meeting the ambitions still need elementary something to eat - that's a different alignment. And I took the obvious decision- to leave. Went to the car wash, without all sorts of mental anguish in the spirit of "O God, I am an actor, dressed in a robe, covered in oil, life is over».
< Why car service?
-So Coincided. There is the same need in me. Helped familiar with the installation of armored doors, and in the next box was service, which could not establish sandblaster. Accustomed from childhood to think and to understand his father, he took part in the process. Customized, debugged. With this began.
-Role father in the upbringing was fundamental?
-Up To now, I can not answer unequivocally - whether it was a thoughtful process of education either all happened by itself. On the one hand, rarely talked-father was a very busy man, on the other hand I was always in his field of attention. But there was such that he gave me to something pushed. For example, I myself have always recorded in various circles, starting with the voyage in the first class. Who is the father of 80, once in the conversation he said that he regrets that perhaps something is to give me. But the fact that it is such a development in childhood did Andrew Debrina way it is - drop me anywhere in the world - I will survive
But their accounts Kinder hand drive, while trying to deal with it ...
Do not show initiative?
-We With the wife of a different attitude to certain points of education. She believes that you need to take care of the child. I believe that it should be released into the natural environment in order to understand what is happening there, otherwise he would not know how to act. Two opinions: release in wildlife in the reserve or prepare. It turns out somewhere - I'm accustomed to independence, my mother cares. But the kid should be able to do many things for yourself. Still, the eldest in the December 16, the average is already 12, the youngest is not bothered.
-Never create additional difficulties currently conscious?
No!)) And what's the point?
< -You can remember their first serious fight and because of which it happened?
-Ivano-Frankivsk, at least during my childhood, was a town of high culture. Luxury House, 15 military units, 3 serious institution, many professors. Then he began to build new neighborhoods, they began to call "friend" people with their children conflicts began, and had to beat their districts. By the time I was already 14 years old So to defend with the help of physical force already learned enough to adulthood. He became engaged in taekwondo.
< -So, you were not accustomed to force to resolve issues
such a situation did not arise -Just. Plus - also his father - learned postulate "The fight's not prove the existence of any force, nor the mind." In general, before the period of mass settlement of new areas mentioned above, we lived peacefully. And then - yes, it happened more than once, and battered my face, and those opponents, when they came to "set their own rules" and show off. I do not provoke, the energy was already what to do - in sports
-martial / Power
? -No. Basketball. By the end of the school I knew that going in Kiev "Budivelnik" to build a career.
Ho. Then there still Tkachenko Belostenny finish the game, Wolves and lit Podkovyrov. Elegant team was
-perfect True. But when the medical examination in fizdispansere on my sports career put an end, in real life it does not matter, but the defect is unacceptable for professional sports. Basketball was covered, but I am quite calm, without falling into a depression, went to dances. Studio "Meditation", teacher Emma Y. Oziminskaya. And dancing all funny happened - he was not looking for anything, I just took by the hand, said, "We need the boys." Why not try?)
< -A school you are not fond of the theater?
-No. The only thing that in some way bound - at home we have dad included plate. Winokur, Petrosyan. Once in the country, a situation arose, "and remember there have Distiller?". And then I give on the whole number. I was at that time about five years, his father is very amused, and later I often played something from this repertoire. Memory was bleed the verses memorized easily, and when I started to put on competitions, not surprisingly, became their win - just what is the point to participate somehow. That such an indirect link. And seriously was a sport.
-Sports well developed competitiveness. You seek not only to participate, but to win, win ...
-In My sport is not developed more competitiveness, and the ability to play as a team.
Well, so you're doing a team sport ...
-And It too. But playing in a good team, sometimes more important than the win. You can win and feel the utter devastation, and his team catch a buzz from the process
-Look in any case. If we are talking about the filming - the pleasure from the process as a result and will win as a result, he will come like by itself
-Absolutely right. In the movie, the main thing - the joy of communication. If it does not - it does not work, you have nothing intelligent with a partner on the court will not make. I need to see his eyes, feel the contact, specify if something is unclear. By the way, it is also true for life. I was surprised when the man himself, manages to come up with your way of thinking and reactions in any situation, make conclusions. And you did not even guess. You can in fact just ask. After all, the person is different from the monkey, but not limited to? Free speech. Okay, Brazilian soap operas are built on the fact that "she did not ask, but he did not think." But we like to live in a different reality. Ask - and you will receive a response that is likely very far from your speculative assumptions
-In what age you are enrolled in a theater?
-In 19
-Podgotovitelnye courses?
-Of course. There's a choice all very funny happened. Sports covered himself, sitting, leaf through reference supplied, puzzles from each page, because everywhere need physics, chemistry, mathematics. Slowly creeping up understanding that for me personally in this reference nothing then and there. As suddenly come across "work history". The writing - it is generally our all, the history was a great teacher. Well for a university? It turns out - theater. And what's the specialty? Verse, a fable, a monologue. Hallelujah. The choice is made. However, with the arrival in Voronezh Theatre did not work, even though all passed successfully, for completely wild reason - to send documents simply do not come to the address. Back in Frankivsk, after a while I got into the studio to Svetlana Alexandrovna Yamtsun - a unique teacher. Among her students - Vitaly Linetskiy Yuri Gorbunov, Yevgeny Yevhen Nyshchuk, many other now well-known actors. She taught me a simple but very necessary thing - the ability to develop their personality. Do not try to do the "right," and serve as it is peculiar to you. This is probably the most important in acting. How technically to use - you can teach, but to understand how things work in your personality - a thing absolutely priceless. And it was she who taught me this.
Then there was the University of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv, on the course of Boris Petrovich Stavisky
-Why did it happen that you, during his studies in acting hitting cage, suddenly fell out of it then?
-sulfonic Definitely say. Although, it is worth remembering the specifics of that time. In 1996, for example, I did not pay salaries for six months in the theater. The performances, which started rehearsing, postponed, there was no money at all. On the set it was too hard to say. Now students can earn while filming on the series, and then I worked in a kiosk on Khreshchatyk. The Drama and Comedy Theatre has fulfilled a year, twice called an ambulance because of the hungry syncope. Separate chic - when all is so beautiful, in a raincoat - because in the theater you go - suddenly jump through the turnstile in the subway and run away, so as not detained.
-After this arose car service?
-Yes. Actually, thanks to this decision, I had a family and children. We are engaged in post-accident repair of bumpers. Word of mouth and competition - a good thing when you're doing quality business, and five years -. It is enough time for natural selection
-What occasion brought you into acting
<? br> One day X to the gate of the SRT on a moped drove Oles Sanin. The painting in the spirit of socialist realism: the summer, I'm in a uniform, dirty on the navel, walk over to him. Oles pulled slightly eyebrow - and this is a manifestation of giperemotsii- and then spoke calmly so for him: "Well, right. Enough of this nonsense to deal with. " Some Productions at that time already existed, he gave me the phone the casting director, then I went to another, and then called in some ads, and then in the movie - and gone. At the same time I had the opportunity not to twitch in anticipation of a call "take-no take." Work is, the family fed. In 2007, Vitaly Potruh filmed "Law", for 10 days in the group visited Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. When met at the voice acting, he told me: "Now your life will change." And - yes, I was invited. And Vitaly drove the film to Moscow fest "Golden Knight" took it the prize of "Best Debut", in Kiev on the "Open Night" in 2008 was "The best camera work" and I won the "Best Actor" . And then I was in an incredible way dvadtsatiseriyny Chinese film, which was shot in 2008 in the Ukraine and China. 20-episode script I swallowed for 5 hours. I have read and understood that one of the characters - my, felt, as he says, moving, changing. I came up with a unique character piece - with each of the eight main characters, he spoke quite differently, as a completely different person. Rang said that I want to play Victor. I replied: "Nothing, it's the main character?" - "Nothing. Still better than me no one will play. ". They laughed and scheduled an appointment.
-Imeesh in mind that your character has changed consciously?
-Yes. It turned eight different people. The director praised the idea, he liked it, and typecasting all was ok. But there was one thing: my protagonist, Chinese actor Yao Lu, was identical to the invoice, and bald with a beard. During the discussion, I expressed the opinion that it is a brilliant solution - two very similar in appearance person, who in similar situations take diametrically opposed solutions, Good and Evil, but not outside, but from within. Neither before nor after I have not had such contact with the director, even though he did not speak English or Russian. We understood each other on the level of tonalities. It was involved a very strong actor team - Ching Hai Lu (House of Flying Daggers), Yao Lu (Confucius)
. I remember the episode well reflects the "immersion in the role." Its replica, I gave to the Russian, Chinese - in Chinese. We knew the order of the replicas, there was a rehearsal. And at some point the rehearsal stopped to ask me whether I understand Chinese. As a partner in a monologue, not knowing the language, I reacted and win back according to the value of words. It's great knocked Chinese actors and the director confused as to explain a direct hit was not possible. And everything is simple - I was in full contact. But when I talk to the Chinese steel quieter - if that is not enough. But after returning to work with the casting director it has become easier, because the phrase "Need-known Chinese actors?" Worked slaughter)
Yes certainly, familiar)) Unfortunately, we do not have the institute of personal agents actors
-Soglasen, Simply trouble. Absolute chaos, the system must operate very differently, but to civilize her - one more question. Legislative base no ... Who is the agent? This specialist, who will select the appropriate role, to some extent even the actor prepare for it, that is, in some ways, even the director. This is a great work and professionalism.
Okay, we will leave for a brighter future. You talked about the work kicks in a cool team. If we take for example the project of TV channel "Ukraine" "The real mystic" who are you in this team? Captain, the shadow leader?
-I Never tried to position himself as the boss and the first few months of filming fiercely fought, if someone tried to contact "the boss." We are all equal, each in his place, playing together
-Ierarhii not at all?
-No. In this project I do not see it necessary.
-A life?
-At The time of life is experience. The communication at work, at home with the children. And if you suffer from something, and I already have the answer to your question, I would say: "Do it."
-A How, then, to acquire personal experience?
He's gain. But if it is important to save time, especially, again, in the team, it is best to listen and to do so, as advised by a knowledgeable person.
-Make sure the team will use in the Board not to inhibit all. But if the team does not depend on me - I go, nabyu bump) But understand algorithm
Do not question) Do you want to try - go, try. From what we started there. Everyone has his own path? Just in my life, there are occasions when you could walk more easily and in a simple way, but there was nobody to tell. Yes, something at the same time studying, assimilating a lesson, but there are some reasonable ratio of the received experience to spent time.
-Second set on acting career has been more successful. Maybe even by virtue of some internal your changes?
I do not think. Some categorical changes occur in people between 20 and 30 years.
-In many ways. Socio-role relationships in the education period in our Palestine lead to mass infantilism among boys-boys-men. Therefore, 20 years for many - a deep childhood. 30 - youth
. -Do Not going to argue. Но у меня к 30 уже было четкое понимание, в какие игры я играть буду, а в какие — нет.
-Ты имеешь в виду вероятность поступиться какими-то принципами в порядке эксперимента?
-Не совсем так. Допустим, ты видишь: вот здесь не совсем чистая игра. И тебя зовут в ней поучаствовать. Опять-таки заманчивый финансовый момент… Но потом понимаешь, что вынос мусора из себя после подобной игры невозможно перекрыть никакими финансами. А «салфетки для очистки кармы» очень дорогие. Ставишь запрет, если чувствуешь сомнения на предмет честности предстоящего мероприятия, и в дальнейшем отказываешься без колебаний
-Как ты считаешь, какое твое самое сильное качество?
-Я стараюсь быть всесторонне развитым. Под этот вопрос я даже одну цитату слегка трансформировал: «Если ты не любишь себя и не сделаешь себя чем-то особенным, тебе нечего будет отдать этому миру». Ведь когда ты готов жертвовать собой ради других, но при этом ничего из себя не представляешь — это такая себе жертва. Относясь к себе и своим поступкам с достоинством, понимая какой в них есть уровень морали, ты никогда себя не осквернишь. Просто идешь по жизни таким образом — постоянно совершенствуясь, развиваясь, будучи здоровым эгоистом.
-Ты веришь, что человек может меняться в течении жизни?
-Во всем. В физическом, моральном, ментальном планах. Если говорить о совсем уж умных вещах — важна степень желания. К примеру, я до пятого класса был невысокий и толстый. Потом мне такое положение вещей надоело, и я начал заниматься баскетболом. Никакого чуда.
-А что ты меняешь в себе сейчас? Или в этом уже нет необходимости?
-Процесс идет постоянно. Но этот вопрос — из категории тех, о которых я упомянул в начале беседы. Живешь себе, что-то потихоньку в себе меняешь на подсознательном уровне, и тут бац — вопрос. И ты уже сидишь и чешешь макушку: «что же ты в себе меняешь?»)) Хотя, возможно, ответ будет таким: несколько лет назад, будучи в одном из проектов, я замирал каждый раз, когда ко мне обращались Андрей Поликарпович. А мое внутреннее «Я» жутко сопротивлялось, желая по-прежнему балагурить, дурачиться, вести себя несерьезно. Сейчас — возможно, в силу иного возрастного статуса — я уже не могу себе позволить такую линию поведения
-Не ощущаешь себя в праве так вести?
-Нет. Просто возникает диссонанс. Дело в том, что внутри я моложе, чем выгляжу внешне. И где-то в глубине я еще не Андрей Поликарпович. Но если лет десять назад мое разухабистое поведение не вступало в противоречие с внешним видом, то сейчас… В общем, я стараюсь взрослеть и получать от этого удовольствие. Оказывается, у взрослых несколько другие развлечения
-Ты планируешь стать взрослым со всеми или с кем-то можешь позволить себя вести по-прежнему?
-Пытаюсь синхронизировать)
-Ура) Я думаю, что тотально давить в себе упомянутую ребячливость и желание подурачиться — сознательно старить себя
-А это как в актерском мастерстве — да, в 42 года ребячливость имеет право остаться, но должна быть в наличии другие средства выражения. Дурачиться, наверное, я не перехочу никогда, просто облеку в другие формы. Чтобы в психушку не упекли, в конце концов))
-Режиссировать желание есть?
-Оглушающего желания не испытываю. В «Сузір’я» по ходу постановки довелось некоторые кусочки подрежиссировать, но это другое. Ближе к своему актерскому внутреннему монологу, а не идею в целом. Режиссер — это единственный человек, который знает, чем все закончится. У меня нет внутренней необходимости заниматься этим, достаточно внутренней режиссуры своей роли, чтобы высказать те идеи, которые хочу донести
-Ты легко прощаешь?
-Я не прощаю, потому что не обижаюсь. Просто меняю отношение.
-К ситуации или к человеку?
-К ситуации и к человеку, находящемуся в данной ситуации. Смотря что произошло, да и на ошибку мы все имеем право. Так что рассматривать можно только конкретный случай, причем комплексно. Может, действительно случился форс-мажор и делать выводы преждевременно. Но если происходят рецидивы, а человек в очередной раз извиняется, дескать «невиноватая я», то отношение таки изменится
-Что для тебя семья?
-Все. В первую очередь — друзья. Нежность, любовь, ласка. В чем-то моя армия, в чем-то ученики.
-Чего сейчас хочешь больше всего?
-А вот это очень простой вопрос. У нас сейчас одна мечта на всех — очень хочется свой дом. Даже я при своей привычности к спартанскому образу жизни и съемным квартирам, в которых тоже есть свои плюсы — в конце концов, всегда можно найти вариант поближе к работе, чтобы не тратить время — уже подустал. Хочется больше комфорта, уюта, старые косточки похрустывают, да и детям хочется свои комнаты…

With the actor and presenter of the "real mystic" Andrew Debrinym before the interview, I was not personally acquainted. However, we agreed to meet easily switched to "you" at ease, and began a conversation unconventional - not my question, but with a small revelation
. You know, the interview - a funny thing. You live in peace, do something, anything you do not mind, it's okay. And suddenly you begin to ask questions: "Why is it not as something different." Analiziruesh. And as soon as you turn on the brain, you start to confuse myself. In any case, when after the interview come home, begins, "but really, why so and not otherwise, what would have happened if turned the wrong way?" Then decide what well it all nafig and then poured into a comfortable flow of < br>
-So, you mean that the majority of life decisions are made on a subconscious level?
It's not I said, and you. And frequently used expressions such as "chance", "luck", "luck" proof. Formula of success there, because a very large error in the "human factor" -, fear, superstition, fear, imposed principles. I was lucky in that sense. I have a few friends of psychoanalysts. At the time, I helped them with psychodrama - a useful way, a thing, and they checked on me their tests. In the end, it turned out that I have not determined the nature of the individual. That is, there is some specific attachments, fears, phobias, principles. In the form of a joke, I put it this way:
"I have a principle, have no principles, but, in principle, for me it does not matter»
Even the nature of the falsity to these tests, there is no ...
We're time every day
Do not generalize) I have information that the falsity of my character - 0, 1%. In general, a rare event in the history of the test, but: no fear - height, depth, darkness, dogs, spiders ...
-stop. It fears physical
Why this sudden physical !? This conscious fears. And it is the fear that exists only in our minds.
Okay. I have other categories - social fears, fear of change. And the man they are subject to much more ...
-In Your life easily passed through many changes. Not to say that "flyer" for the profession, but at the moment I work:
- Coach basketball
-tokarem-welder manual welding -dugovoy 4th category assistant surveyor ...
-Sudya even only filmography has a blank portion 1999-2006.Pochemu gone?
Well, as they say everyone has his own way. The question you demand in society. Already in the last years at the institute, I was involved in a pile of projects in theater and on TV, then was accepted into the Drama and Comedy Theatre. And then there was a period, not a demand. If you can wait like lying on a resort somewhere in Miami and sipping cocktails in the evening waiting for a call with an invitation to the next film dreams, then that's great. But when, in addition to creativity, and there is a financial vacuum, and you know that in addition to meeting the ambitions still need elementary something to eat - that's a different alignment. And I took the obvious decision- to leave. Went to the car wash, without all sorts of mental anguish in the spirit of "O God, I am an actor, dressed in a robe, covered in oil, life is over».
< Why car service?
-So Coincided. There is the same need in me. Helped familiar with the installation of armored doors, and in the next box was service, which could not establish sandblaster. Accustomed from childhood to think and to understand his father, he took part in the process. Customized, debugged. With this began.
-Role father in the upbringing was fundamental?
-Up To now, I can not answer unequivocally - whether it was a thoughtful process of education either all happened by itself. On the one hand, rarely talked-father was a very busy man, on the other hand I was always in his field of attention. But there was such that he gave me to something pushed. For example, I myself have always recorded in various circles, starting with the voyage in the first class. Who is the father of 80, once in the conversation he said that he regrets that perhaps something is to give me. But the fact that it is such a development in childhood did Andrew Debrina way it is - drop me anywhere in the world - I will survive
But their accounts Kinder hand drive, while trying to deal with it ...
Do not show initiative?
-We With the wife of a different attitude to certain points of education. She believes that you need to take care of the child. I believe that it should be released into the natural environment in order to understand what is happening there, otherwise he would not know how to act. Two opinions: release in wildlife in the reserve or prepare. It turns out somewhere - I'm accustomed to independence, my mother cares. But the kid should be able to do many things for yourself. Still, the eldest in the December 16, the average is already 12, the youngest is not bothered.

-Never create additional difficulties currently conscious?
No!)) And what's the point?
< -You can remember their first serious fight and because of which it happened?
-Ivano-Frankivsk, at least during my childhood, was a town of high culture. Luxury House, 15 military units, 3 serious institution, many professors. Then he began to build new neighborhoods, they began to call "friend" people with their children conflicts began, and had to beat their districts. By the time I was already 14 years old So to defend with the help of physical force already learned enough to adulthood. He became engaged in taekwondo.
< -So, you were not accustomed to force to resolve issues
such a situation did not arise -Just. Plus - also his father - learned postulate "The fight's not prove the existence of any force, nor the mind." In general, before the period of mass settlement of new areas mentioned above, we lived peacefully. And then - yes, it happened more than once, and battered my face, and those opponents, when they came to "set their own rules" and show off. I do not provoke, the energy was already what to do - in sports
-martial / Power
? -No. Basketball. By the end of the school I knew that going in Kiev "Budivelnik" to build a career.
Ho. Then there still Tkachenko Belostenny finish the game, Wolves and lit Podkovyrov. Elegant team was
-perfect True. But when the medical examination in fizdispansere on my sports career put an end, in real life it does not matter, but the defect is unacceptable for professional sports. Basketball was covered, but I am quite calm, without falling into a depression, went to dances. Studio "Meditation", teacher Emma Y. Oziminskaya. And dancing all funny happened - he was not looking for anything, I just took by the hand, said, "We need the boys." Why not try?)
< -A school you are not fond of the theater?
-No. The only thing that in some way bound - at home we have dad included plate. Winokur, Petrosyan. Once in the country, a situation arose, "and remember there have Distiller?". And then I give on the whole number. I was at that time about five years, his father is very amused, and later I often played something from this repertoire. Memory was bleed the verses memorized easily, and when I started to put on competitions, not surprisingly, became their win - just what is the point to participate somehow. That such an indirect link. And seriously was a sport.
-Sports well developed competitiveness. You seek not only to participate, but to win, win ...
-In My sport is not developed more competitiveness, and the ability to play as a team.
Well, so you're doing a team sport ...
-And It too. But playing in a good team, sometimes more important than the win. You can win and feel the utter devastation, and his team catch a buzz from the process
-Look in any case. If we are talking about the filming - the pleasure from the process as a result and will win as a result, he will come like by itself
-Absolutely right. In the movie, the main thing - the joy of communication. If it does not - it does not work, you have nothing intelligent with a partner on the court will not make. I need to see his eyes, feel the contact, specify if something is unclear. By the way, it is also true for life. I was surprised when the man himself, manages to come up with your way of thinking and reactions in any situation, make conclusions. And you did not even guess. You can in fact just ask. After all, the person is different from the monkey, but not limited to? Free speech. Okay, Brazilian soap operas are built on the fact that "she did not ask, but he did not think." But we like to live in a different reality. Ask - and you will receive a response that is likely very far from your speculative assumptions

-In what age you are enrolled in a theater?
-In 19
-Podgotovitelnye courses?
-Of course. There's a choice all very funny happened. Sports covered himself, sitting, leaf through reference supplied, puzzles from each page, because everywhere need physics, chemistry, mathematics. Slowly creeping up understanding that for me personally in this reference nothing then and there. As suddenly come across "work history". The writing - it is generally our all, the history was a great teacher. Well for a university? It turns out - theater. And what's the specialty? Verse, a fable, a monologue. Hallelujah. The choice is made. However, with the arrival in Voronezh Theatre did not work, even though all passed successfully, for completely wild reason - to send documents simply do not come to the address. Back in Frankivsk, after a while I got into the studio to Svetlana Alexandrovna Yamtsun - a unique teacher. Among her students - Vitaly Linetskiy Yuri Gorbunov, Yevgeny Yevhen Nyshchuk, many other now well-known actors. She taught me a simple but very necessary thing - the ability to develop their personality. Do not try to do the "right," and serve as it is peculiar to you. This is probably the most important in acting. How technically to use - you can teach, but to understand how things work in your personality - a thing absolutely priceless. And it was she who taught me this.
Then there was the University of Karpenko-Kary Kyiv, on the course of Boris Petrovich Stavisky
-Why did it happen that you, during his studies in acting hitting cage, suddenly fell out of it then?
-sulfonic Definitely say. Although, it is worth remembering the specifics of that time. In 1996, for example, I did not pay salaries for six months in the theater. The performances, which started rehearsing, postponed, there was no money at all. On the set it was too hard to say. Now students can earn while filming on the series, and then I worked in a kiosk on Khreshchatyk. The Drama and Comedy Theatre has fulfilled a year, twice called an ambulance because of the hungry syncope. Separate chic - when all is so beautiful, in a raincoat - because in the theater you go - suddenly jump through the turnstile in the subway and run away, so as not detained.
-After this arose car service?
-Yes. Actually, thanks to this decision, I had a family and children. We are engaged in post-accident repair of bumpers. Word of mouth and competition - a good thing when you're doing quality business, and five years -. It is enough time for natural selection
-What occasion brought you into acting
<? br> One day X to the gate of the SRT on a moped drove Oles Sanin. The painting in the spirit of socialist realism: the summer, I'm in a uniform, dirty on the navel, walk over to him. Oles pulled slightly eyebrow - and this is a manifestation of giperemotsii- and then spoke calmly so for him: "Well, right. Enough of this nonsense to deal with. " Some Productions at that time already existed, he gave me the phone the casting director, then I went to another, and then called in some ads, and then in the movie - and gone. At the same time I had the opportunity not to twitch in anticipation of a call "take-no take." Work is, the family fed. In 2007, Vitaly Potruh filmed "Law", for 10 days in the group visited Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. When met at the voice acting, he told me: "Now your life will change." And - yes, I was invited. And Vitaly drove the film to Moscow fest "Golden Knight" took it the prize of "Best Debut", in Kiev on the "Open Night" in 2008 was "The best camera work" and I won the "Best Actor" . And then I was in an incredible way dvadtsatiseriyny Chinese film, which was shot in 2008 in the Ukraine and China. 20-episode script I swallowed for 5 hours. I have read and understood that one of the characters - my, felt, as he says, moving, changing. I came up with a unique character piece - with each of the eight main characters, he spoke quite differently, as a completely different person. Rang said that I want to play Victor. I replied: "Nothing, it's the main character?" - "Nothing. Still better than me no one will play. ". They laughed and scheduled an appointment.
-Imeesh in mind that your character has changed consciously?
-Yes. It turned eight different people. The director praised the idea, he liked it, and typecasting all was ok. But there was one thing: my protagonist, Chinese actor Yao Lu, was identical to the invoice, and bald with a beard. During the discussion, I expressed the opinion that it is a brilliant solution - two very similar in appearance person, who in similar situations take diametrically opposed solutions, Good and Evil, but not outside, but from within. Neither before nor after I have not had such contact with the director, even though he did not speak English or Russian. We understood each other on the level of tonalities. It was involved a very strong actor team - Ching Hai Lu (House of Flying Daggers), Yao Lu (Confucius)
. I remember the episode well reflects the "immersion in the role." Its replica, I gave to the Russian, Chinese - in Chinese. We knew the order of the replicas, there was a rehearsal. And at some point the rehearsal stopped to ask me whether I understand Chinese. As a partner in a monologue, not knowing the language, I reacted and win back according to the value of words. It's great knocked Chinese actors and the director confused as to explain a direct hit was not possible. And everything is simple - I was in full contact. But when I talk to the Chinese steel quieter - if that is not enough. But after returning to work with the casting director it has become easier, because the phrase "Need-known Chinese actors?" Worked slaughter)

Yes certainly, familiar)) Unfortunately, we do not have the institute of personal agents actors
-Soglasen, Simply trouble. Absolute chaos, the system must operate very differently, but to civilize her - one more question. Legislative base no ... Who is the agent? This specialist, who will select the appropriate role, to some extent even the actor prepare for it, that is, in some ways, even the director. This is a great work and professionalism.
Okay, we will leave for a brighter future. You talked about the work kicks in a cool team. If we take for example the project of TV channel "Ukraine" "The real mystic" who are you in this team? Captain, the shadow leader?
-I Never tried to position himself as the boss and the first few months of filming fiercely fought, if someone tried to contact "the boss." We are all equal, each in his place, playing together
-Ierarhii not at all?
-No. In this project I do not see it necessary.

-A life?
-At The time of life is experience. The communication at work, at home with the children. And if you suffer from something, and I already have the answer to your question, I would say: "Do it."
-A How, then, to acquire personal experience?
He's gain. But if it is important to save time, especially, again, in the team, it is best to listen and to do so, as advised by a knowledgeable person.
-Make sure the team will use in the Board not to inhibit all. But if the team does not depend on me - I go, nabyu bump) But understand algorithm
Do not question) Do you want to try - go, try. From what we started there. Everyone has his own path? Just in my life, there are occasions when you could walk more easily and in a simple way, but there was nobody to tell. Yes, something at the same time studying, assimilating a lesson, but there are some reasonable ratio of the received experience to spent time.
-Second set on acting career has been more successful. Maybe even by virtue of some internal your changes?
I do not think. Some categorical changes occur in people between 20 and 30 years.
-In many ways. Socio-role relationships in the education period in our Palestine lead to mass infantilism among boys-boys-men. Therefore, 20 years for many - a deep childhood. 30 - youth
. -Do Not going to argue. Но у меня к 30 уже было четкое понимание, в какие игры я играть буду, а в какие — нет.
-Ты имеешь в виду вероятность поступиться какими-то принципами в порядке эксперимента?
-Не совсем так. Допустим, ты видишь: вот здесь не совсем чистая игра. И тебя зовут в ней поучаствовать. Опять-таки заманчивый финансовый момент… Но потом понимаешь, что вынос мусора из себя после подобной игры невозможно перекрыть никакими финансами. А «салфетки для очистки кармы» очень дорогие. Ставишь запрет, если чувствуешь сомнения на предмет честности предстоящего мероприятия, и в дальнейшем отказываешься без колебаний
-Как ты считаешь, какое твое самое сильное качество?
-Я стараюсь быть всесторонне развитым. Под этот вопрос я даже одну цитату слегка трансформировал: «Если ты не любишь себя и не сделаешь себя чем-то особенным, тебе нечего будет отдать этому миру». Ведь когда ты готов жертвовать собой ради других, но при этом ничего из себя не представляешь — это такая себе жертва. Относясь к себе и своим поступкам с достоинством, понимая какой в них есть уровень морали, ты никогда себя не осквернишь. Просто идешь по жизни таким образом — постоянно совершенствуясь, развиваясь, будучи здоровым эгоистом.
-Ты веришь, что человек может меняться в течении жизни?
-Во всем. В физическом, моральном, ментальном планах. Если говорить о совсем уж умных вещах — важна степень желания. К примеру, я до пятого класса был невысокий и толстый. Потом мне такое положение вещей надоело, и я начал заниматься баскетболом. Никакого чуда.
-А что ты меняешь в себе сейчас? Или в этом уже нет необходимости?
-Процесс идет постоянно. Но этот вопрос — из категории тех, о которых я упомянул в начале беседы. Живешь себе, что-то потихоньку в себе меняешь на подсознательном уровне, и тут бац — вопрос. И ты уже сидишь и чешешь макушку: «что же ты в себе меняешь?»)) Хотя, возможно, ответ будет таким: несколько лет назад, будучи в одном из проектов, я замирал каждый раз, когда ко мне обращались Андрей Поликарпович. А мое внутреннее «Я» жутко сопротивлялось, желая по-прежнему балагурить, дурачиться, вести себя несерьезно. Сейчас — возможно, в силу иного возрастного статуса — я уже не могу себе позволить такую линию поведения
-Не ощущаешь себя в праве так вести?
-Нет. Просто возникает диссонанс. Дело в том, что внутри я моложе, чем выгляжу внешне. И где-то в глубине я еще не Андрей Поликарпович. Но если лет десять назад мое разухабистое поведение не вступало в противоречие с внешним видом, то сейчас… В общем, я стараюсь взрослеть и получать от этого удовольствие. Оказывается, у взрослых несколько другие развлечения
-Ты планируешь стать взрослым со всеми или с кем-то можешь позволить себя вести по-прежнему?
-Пытаюсь синхронизировать)
-Ура) Я думаю, что тотально давить в себе упомянутую ребячливость и желание подурачиться — сознательно старить себя
-А это как в актерском мастерстве — да, в 42 года ребячливость имеет право остаться, но должна быть в наличии другие средства выражения. Дурачиться, наверное, я не перехочу никогда, просто облеку в другие формы. Чтобы в психушку не упекли, в конце концов))
-Режиссировать желание есть?
-Оглушающего желания не испытываю. В «Сузір’я» по ходу постановки довелось некоторые кусочки подрежиссировать, но это другое. Ближе к своему актерскому внутреннему монологу, а не идею в целом. Режиссер — это единственный человек, который знает, чем все закончится. У меня нет внутренней необходимости заниматься этим, достаточно внутренней режиссуры своей роли, чтобы высказать те идеи, которые хочу донести

-Ты легко прощаешь?
-Я не прощаю, потому что не обижаюсь. Просто меняю отношение.
-К ситуации или к человеку?
-К ситуации и к человеку, находящемуся в данной ситуации. Смотря что произошло, да и на ошибку мы все имеем право. Так что рассматривать можно только конкретный случай, причем комплексно. Может, действительно случился форс-мажор и делать выводы преждевременно. Но если происходят рецидивы, а человек в очередной раз извиняется, дескать «невиноватая я», то отношение таки изменится
-Что для тебя семья?
-Все. В первую очередь — друзья. Нежность, любовь, ласка. В чем-то моя армия, в чем-то ученики.
-Чего сейчас хочешь больше всего?
-А вот это очень простой вопрос. У нас сейчас одна мечта на всех — очень хочется свой дом. Даже я при своей привычности к спартанскому образу жизни и съемным квартирам, в которых тоже есть свои плюсы — в конце концов, всегда можно найти вариант поближе к работе, чтобы не тратить время — уже подустал. Хочется больше комфорта, уюта, старые косточки похрустывают, да и детям хочется свои комнаты…