Social zombies: looking good does not mean internal happiness
A man runs in life,Not sparing the legs.Home – work,Home – work,Serving time.Weekend breakVacation, as the halt.Old age pension, shortness of breathAnd where to run?..© Unknown author
The lives of most people is reminiscent of Groundhog day. Up early, stuck in traffic, eight hours of office slavery with a break for lunch, again late evening with a beer and TV or the Internet, drunk Friday, on weekends, camping with family and kids in the shopping centre... a Series of holidays from year to year, winter vacation, 14 and February 23, March 8, may holidays, Victory Day, summer, vacation, birthdays, New year and everything is new.
Social zombies live on the principle of "Consume, reproduce, Live for the Weekend" ("Consume, Reproduce, Live for the Weekend!"). Or "Consume, work, die", to speak crudely. Working life, then recreation of the monitor or in drunken company, or in the pursuit of a new purchase, a portion of sex or dose of entertainment, and the next morning work again, and so on.

They live in anticipation of leaving school, and then University or College, then weddings, before spending the rest of his years in anticipation of retirement and the calculation of credit and mortgage payments – when you are born and grow up kids that will also wait until the end of the school, then the UNIVERSITY/College, when is the wedding, vyputatsya their mortgages, grow up their children who will also live in the aforementioned scenario... Unless you want to interrupt this existence of the movement toward the high goal.
Most of the universe is based on three pillars – the desire to dominate, sexual satisfaction and desire and satisfying to live. Power, sex and money are three of the hook, not giving off "the Matrix", three of the parasite that rocks human energy, "petrol" System. These three elements as the three heads of the mythical snake, interrelated, mutually connected and supporting each other. The strengthening of one leads to a saturation of the other.
If the essence of Human life-the Consumer – it is work, entertainment, reproduction and consumption, the Man-Creator is characterized as the name implies, the creation of new and useful information that improves, develops and harmonizes the world. A consumer is a person mass, of which the vast majority. Creators of a fraction, but they lead the world in motion. Consumers do not decide anything themselves, they follow the trends. Creators – trend set.
Man-to-Consumer only takes, uses and values. He's looking for a thrill in consumption (entertainment, sex, shopping, and demonstration of show-off). Man Creator himself creates values, and experiencing pleasure in creating something useful.
Man is a Consumer sees happiness by achieving external goals of wealth accumulation, property acquisition, etc. Man Creator finds happiness in the building.
Man listens to Consumer society with its programming, live in the reality created by TV and the media, thinks so, as they will prompt to a screen/monitor. Man Creator listens to himself first of all is your own strong reality, based on what he learned and saw.
Confidence, attitude and value system a Human user is kept on the reactions of others and the value of his property. I mean, I'm confident as long as you treat me well around, if I have flat (and what) if I have a machine (and how), how prestigious my job, clothing what brands I dress on what device I'm talking to... etc.
Confidence, attitude and value system of the Person-Creator rests on the fact of who he is, what he can do what he does, what he creates is useful.
That is, the inner core of a Person-Creator is based on the mission level, and the confidence of the Human user at the level of the property and the reactions of others, i.e., transient values. If you fail, it relies on these values – the collapse and confidence.
Man-to-Consumer work is needed to obtain a livelihood and entertainment. And to sell yourself and identify your personality it will be with how he spends leisure time. The Man-the Creator of the work (almost always) is a realization of his personal mission.
The meaning of Human life-Consumer: work for money, money for entertainment and the acquisition of Ponto, Ponto – for the sake of having sex and raising a sense of grandeur. Well, to reproduce the light of their own kind.What is the meaning of Human life-Creator? To create and leave behind something that will be useful and will survive it. To create and leave behind something that will make the world a better place.
Man-to-Consumer measure their dignity by the value of the dwelling, the brand name of your car, smartphone, suit. The dignity of the Person-Creator is measured by the usefulness of its Affairs – that he has made, what he built, what he had done, how much real use he had with his business.
In other words, one Consumer respects himself for what he is, and the Person-Creator – for what he does.
In our opinion, true self-worth is not the achievement of foreign policy goals, it is not the brand of the car, not the housing area, not branded clothes and fashionable devices, not the amount in the Bank account and not how many women you've had. True self-worth that will remain after the death of a person is the fruits of his creative labor.
Getting rid of Consumerism as a way of life and the path to the Building passes through the understanding of social programming and as a result, through self-discovery, finding harmony with yourself, self-sufficiency, and the pursuit of happiness. Happiness comes to a man when he ceases to chase "ideals" and to impose the order, himself and takes things for what they are and live "in the moment".
"True courage consists not in heroic efforts to achieve external goals, and determined to go through the terrible experience of a collision with itself. As long as the individual does not find his true self in himself, any attempt to give meaning to life through manipulation in the outside world and the achievement of external goals will remain fruitless and ultimately doomed to failure quixotic" — said the psychologist and philosopher Stanislav Grof.
Here I don't want to be misunderstood. I'm not saying that "money is evil", "greed is a sin", we must abandon the earnings to go to the mountains for enlightenment, and to be poor, but righteous. Undoubtedly, money is very important, as they give a relative financial freedom.
But making money is not the goal in a global sense. This provision in your life. In particular, this concerns cases where the earned money is worth nothing, they are produced to just pull on entertainment or unnecessary things. Purchasing and accumulation of "status" property is also not a goal, it's consumerism.
The person putting his life's purpose to make as much as possible and buy expensive property, sooner or later will find themselves in a situation when he realizes that he has things, but there is no meaning of life. That all the gloss, glitz and glamour can't replace the feeling of happiness, joy, feelings that he lives for real.
Looking good does not mean internal happiness, such a person will not feel satisfied, whatever wealth he wouldn't have surrounded. For this reason, many top businessmen, politicians and stars of show business trying to drown out your inner vacuum in alcohol, drugs, secular parties and sexual perversions, which I love to tell the media, giving it status activity for signs of "a beautiful life".
Simply put and in short, you should strive not to achieve success, and to ensure that your life had meaning.

Well, when a person is able to combine material wealth with inner satisfaction. But just for this, and need to ignore the pressure of society and look for yourself. How to come to creation? There are no universal recipes. The main thing – to listen to yourself, look, even if by trial and error, a niche, and do in life what you love, what you do best, and that benefits people.
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No matter what you are building – design or build buildings, paint paintings, music or books, create another creative product, building good business, teach, or give advice is not important.
The main thing – with love to create what you love and what you do best. Even if you do not come to the rescue with this income in the form of money, anyway, life with meaning, with a positive goal is much richer racing consumers for a new dose of pleasure, sex and show-off, a meaningful dull existence of ordinary people. This life, compared with the previous, takes on a completely different, bright colors. published
© Konstantin Kastaned
Source: kastaned.livejournal.com/57479.html
Informational field of the Universe exists without time, and knows everything about us
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