7 main features of Neurology zombies
And their research obyasneniya
Most zombies, which we see in the movies, groan, growl, moving slowly and clumsily, and their main task is to search for and eating brains. But why do zombies have to act this way? They suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a disease invented by Timothy Vershteynom and Brad Wojtek. Here are a few components such behavior zombies:
1. Zombies want to eat human flesh because of irregularities in the gipotalamusaKak we know from the movies, the main characteristic of zombies is their desire to find and eat human flesh. Vershteyn and Wojtek think that if zombies actually existed, it would be forever hungry, primarily because they had lost a part of the hypothalamus - part of the brain responsible for the feeling of satiety.
People with this type of brain injury eat and drink without stopping. Zombies are constantly trying to eat people because it is never full. They can focus on only one issue, and that means that if the food is available - Zombies want to eat.
2. Zombie focus on moving subjects due to damage to the parietal lobe mozgaTakzhe zombies observed an unusual concentration of attention - they can only focus on what is in front of them. Perhaps, this could be due to damage to the parietal lobe of the brain.
Zambia there is a kind of Balint's syndrome, which causes them to see only the objects that require the most attention: they watch a man run around the room, not a group of Zombie Hunter, standing motionless in the corner. If ever you happen to be faced with a zombie, keep this in mind - much better to stay or to hide, than to try to escape.
3. Zombies move slowly and awkwardly because of the atrophy mozzhechkaDlya zombies certain characteristic gait - heavy and clumsy. Feet tend to walking they put too wide. This happens because of cerebellar ataxia - motor disorder caused by damage and atrophy of the cerebellum, promoting an awkward gait, balance problems and slurred speech. By the way, Romero, one of the creators of Zombie, the question of why they are moving that way, says that, "Well, they're dead».
4. Fast zombies luckier - their brains are less povrezhdёnV "28 Days Later" and "World War Z» described zombies can move quickly. They can because they require less time to rise from the dead. Vershteyn and Wojtek call it the resurrection hypothesis: for fast zombie brain is damaged less than the slowest. It's similar to hypoxia, when the brain is deprived of oxygen - the longer the brain does not arrive oxygen, the more it will be damaged.
5. Zombie nobody will know because of damage gippokampaEschё one notable feature is the inability to find a zombie any of his former life. The fact that zombies suffer from prosopagnosia, otherwise known as individual perception disorder. Damage to the hippocampus causes retrograde amnesia, which makes every day exactly the same - the zombies have no long-term memory.
6. Zombies are angry, because they have violated the neural connections in mozgeZombi very angry and have a distinct emotional disorders. Vershteyn and Wojtek believe that this could be due to the breach of neural pathways that connect the amygdala, hippocampus and limbic system of the brain, which in turn breaks the emotional perception. This means that zombies much harder to control their impulses.
7. Zombies can not speak because they have damaged arcuate puchokZombi can not even express my sadness and rage words because of incorrect operation of the arcuate beam connecting the two areas of the brain responsible for language. Since Broca's area is not active, zombies can only moan and grunt and sometimes say "brains-and-and-and." Damage to Wernicke's area makes it impossible to understand pleading for mercy from their victims.
via factroom.ru

Most zombies, which we see in the movies, groan, growl, moving slowly and clumsily, and their main task is to search for and eating brains. But why do zombies have to act this way? They suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - a disease invented by Timothy Vershteynom and Brad Wojtek. Here are a few components such behavior zombies:

1. Zombies want to eat human flesh because of irregularities in the gipotalamusaKak we know from the movies, the main characteristic of zombies is their desire to find and eat human flesh. Vershteyn and Wojtek think that if zombies actually existed, it would be forever hungry, primarily because they had lost a part of the hypothalamus - part of the brain responsible for the feeling of satiety.
People with this type of brain injury eat and drink without stopping. Zombies are constantly trying to eat people because it is never full. They can focus on only one issue, and that means that if the food is available - Zombies want to eat.
2. Zombie focus on moving subjects due to damage to the parietal lobe mozgaTakzhe zombies observed an unusual concentration of attention - they can only focus on what is in front of them. Perhaps, this could be due to damage to the parietal lobe of the brain.
Zambia there is a kind of Balint's syndrome, which causes them to see only the objects that require the most attention: they watch a man run around the room, not a group of Zombie Hunter, standing motionless in the corner. If ever you happen to be faced with a zombie, keep this in mind - much better to stay or to hide, than to try to escape.

3. Zombies move slowly and awkwardly because of the atrophy mozzhechkaDlya zombies certain characteristic gait - heavy and clumsy. Feet tend to walking they put too wide. This happens because of cerebellar ataxia - motor disorder caused by damage and atrophy of the cerebellum, promoting an awkward gait, balance problems and slurred speech. By the way, Romero, one of the creators of Zombie, the question of why they are moving that way, says that, "Well, they're dead».
4. Fast zombies luckier - their brains are less povrezhdёnV "28 Days Later" and "World War Z» described zombies can move quickly. They can because they require less time to rise from the dead. Vershteyn and Wojtek call it the resurrection hypothesis: for fast zombie brain is damaged less than the slowest. It's similar to hypoxia, when the brain is deprived of oxygen - the longer the brain does not arrive oxygen, the more it will be damaged.

5. Zombie nobody will know because of damage gippokampaEschё one notable feature is the inability to find a zombie any of his former life. The fact that zombies suffer from prosopagnosia, otherwise known as individual perception disorder. Damage to the hippocampus causes retrograde amnesia, which makes every day exactly the same - the zombies have no long-term memory.
6. Zombies are angry, because they have violated the neural connections in mozgeZombi very angry and have a distinct emotional disorders. Vershteyn and Wojtek believe that this could be due to the breach of neural pathways that connect the amygdala, hippocampus and limbic system of the brain, which in turn breaks the emotional perception. This means that zombies much harder to control their impulses.

7. Zombies can not speak because they have damaged arcuate puchokZombi can not even express my sadness and rage words because of incorrect operation of the arcuate beam connecting the two areas of the brain responsible for language. Since Broca's area is not active, zombies can only moan and grunt and sometimes say "brains-and-and-and." Damage to Wernicke's area makes it impossible to understand pleading for mercy from their victims.
via factroom.ru
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