In Ekaterinburg walked 700 zombies
Several hundred "living dead" was held in Yekaterinburg, in the framework of the annual organized "Zombie Moba».
"Today was about 700 people. We had a team of survivors and the team of zombies. We walked along the route of the circus on March 8, Radishcheva Weiner Plotinka and finished at the Drama Theatre. There were fights, and mash. We played scenes from movies and games: zombies attacked a truck, a team of survivors of 40 people, tried to escape, "- said the organizer Erich Sofia.
"Zombie Mob" - the common name for hundreds of events fans of zombie culture worldwide. Their participants dress up and grimiruyutsya to the most realistic sound like the living dead. They are usually found in the center of the city and walk around the surrounding streets, scaring passers-by.
Before "Zombie mob" in Ekaterinburg organizers have published on the social network set of rules for "correct zombie", consisting of four points. The zombies are asked to be careful with other people's property - not to climb on the poles, not get blood collector car and monuments, do not yell, do not hold the hustle and especially not to hurry in the column because the slowness - a distinctive feature of all the zombies.

"Today was about 700 people. We had a team of survivors and the team of zombies. We walked along the route of the circus on March 8, Radishcheva Weiner Plotinka and finished at the Drama Theatre. There were fights, and mash. We played scenes from movies and games: zombies attacked a truck, a team of survivors of 40 people, tried to escape, "- said the organizer Erich Sofia.
"Zombie Mob" - the common name for hundreds of events fans of zombie culture worldwide. Their participants dress up and grimiruyutsya to the most realistic sound like the living dead. They are usually found in the center of the city and walk around the surrounding streets, scaring passers-by.
Before "Zombie mob" in Ekaterinburg organizers have published on the social network set of rules for "correct zombie", consisting of four points. The zombies are asked to be careful with other people's property - not to climb on the poles, not get blood collector car and monuments, do not yell, do not hold the hustle and especially not to hurry in the column because the slowness - a distinctive feature of all the zombies.