Modern society - microscope for nails
It is a wise nomad. He does not have anything other than necessary.
Stop for a moment, look around and think. Today we consume resources much more than necessary. We, as a textbook Russian tourist from Tagil, who seized upon the Turkish all-inklyuziva, piled on the tray itself mountain food, bit into it, and most of all threw in the trash. Not because the food is bad. Do not climb.
Today we all overgorged tourists in the hotel with all-inklyuziva. In my pocket is a telephone, computing power which, more than enough, that would run the space rocket with first person on board. I play it in Angry Birds and put the Huskies at my favorite pictures. My house is a computer. This fruit of hundreds and thousands of people who for centuries have created a brilliant car. And in the end? In the end, I look at the greatest inventions of all time films are used as a typewriter and spread democracy in the lost Arab country in the next Battlefield or Call of Duty. Too small scope, do not you think?
This Norbert Wiener, father of cybernetics.
And this is me, using his brainchild.
At home and at work have access to the knowledge accumulated by mankind for all time of its existence. I can read in seconds with a question for the study of which ten years ago I would have to sit for weeks in the library, flipping through dusty tomes and making notes in a thick notebook. But I, for some reason, does not fall to the wisdom of this source of knowledge.
It's a big part of Internet content.
The vast amount of information available and, strangely, does not make us smarter. We glupeem vice versa. Devaluation of information caused by her own inflation. Knowledge gained without effort, nothing, as well as the value of any thing for us is measured in the amount of effort that we spent on its purchase. And then there is the destructive information. Buy a new iPhone - it is 2 mm shorter and 5 grams lighter. Through it convenient to surf the Net and sometimes, if he is discharged before your eyes, you can call on it. Buy a new Audi - now comes as standard brush that automatically cleans the navel driver. I do not know who, reasonable reptilians from Sirius or World Zionist conspiracy or international corporations in pursuit of profit, but someone or something is constantly pushing us - buy, buy, buy. Spend honestly earned money, or better yet take a loan and buy what you do not. We like a horse, with a blindfold, which goes in a circle, and the whip that it's faster, burned "Buy Now! What do you as a goof! »
Modern society is redundant. Redundant in all - in the things that we do not need in the information we useless. In social relations through instagramm, facebook and tweeter that pull us to the bottom, make it easier to degrade and manipulation us. All this requires considerable resources and resources. Resources final product. The more excess will be our inquiries, the sooner we get closer to the "point of no return." What will happen after that? Hard to say. But if today we are hammering nails with a microscope, the following, we will drive nails will ax. Stone.
P.S. I'm not saying to give up the benefits of civilization, to throw the phone and build a hut in the woods. I have no answer to the question "what to do in this situation?". I know that I did not discover America. Thank you for your attention.

Stop for a moment, look around and think. Today we consume resources much more than necessary. We, as a textbook Russian tourist from Tagil, who seized upon the Turkish all-inklyuziva, piled on the tray itself mountain food, bit into it, and most of all threw in the trash. Not because the food is bad. Do not climb.


Today we all overgorged tourists in the hotel with all-inklyuziva. In my pocket is a telephone, computing power which, more than enough, that would run the space rocket with first person on board. I play it in Angry Birds and put the Huskies at my favorite pictures. My house is a computer. This fruit of hundreds and thousands of people who for centuries have created a brilliant car. And in the end? In the end, I look at the greatest inventions of all time films are used as a typewriter and spread democracy in the lost Arab country in the next Battlefield or Call of Duty. Too small scope, do not you think?

This Norbert Wiener, father of cybernetics.
And this is me, using his brainchild.

At home and at work have access to the knowledge accumulated by mankind for all time of its existence. I can read in seconds with a question for the study of which ten years ago I would have to sit for weeks in the library, flipping through dusty tomes and making notes in a thick notebook. But I, for some reason, does not fall to the wisdom of this source of knowledge.

It's a big part of Internet content.
The vast amount of information available and, strangely, does not make us smarter. We glupeem vice versa. Devaluation of information caused by her own inflation. Knowledge gained without effort, nothing, as well as the value of any thing for us is measured in the amount of effort that we spent on its purchase. And then there is the destructive information. Buy a new iPhone - it is 2 mm shorter and 5 grams lighter. Through it convenient to surf the Net and sometimes, if he is discharged before your eyes, you can call on it. Buy a new Audi - now comes as standard brush that automatically cleans the navel driver. I do not know who, reasonable reptilians from Sirius or World Zionist conspiracy or international corporations in pursuit of profit, but someone or something is constantly pushing us - buy, buy, buy. Spend honestly earned money, or better yet take a loan and buy what you do not. We like a horse, with a blindfold, which goes in a circle, and the whip that it's faster, burned "Buy Now! What do you as a goof! »
Modern society is redundant. Redundant in all - in the things that we do not need in the information we useless. In social relations through instagramm, facebook and tweeter that pull us to the bottom, make it easier to degrade and manipulation us. All this requires considerable resources and resources. Resources final product. The more excess will be our inquiries, the sooner we get closer to the "point of no return." What will happen after that? Hard to say. But if today we are hammering nails with a microscope, the following, we will drive nails will ax. Stone.
P.S. I'm not saying to give up the benefits of civilization, to throw the phone and build a hut in the woods. I have no answer to the question "what to do in this situation?". I know that I did not discover America. Thank you for your attention.