How I quit Smoking and my parents give me this great help
Eighty four million six hundred nineteen thousand four hundred fourteen
The other day I irrevocably tied to Smoking! And pushed me to make this decision parents. Went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette. Pre-made sure that the parents are passionate about their business, and therefore to my room to go will not.
Standing quietly, enjoying the tobacco smoke, as there comes to the balcony dad. He carefully looked at me, disappointed shrugged his shoulders and walked off. Has not passed also minutes, as the apartment came my dad's shout:
— Luda, come on new baby get! To me this is more do not like!
via factroom.ru
The other day I irrevocably tied to Smoking! And pushed me to make this decision parents. Went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette. Pre-made sure that the parents are passionate about their business, and therefore to my room to go will not.
Standing quietly, enjoying the tobacco smoke, as there comes to the balcony dad. He carefully looked at me, disappointed shrugged his shoulders and walked off. Has not passed also minutes, as the apartment came my dad's shout:
— Luda, come on new baby get! To me this is more do not like!
via factroom.ru
The sister was forbidden to communicate with the small nephew, I'm not a good influence...
"I told you: buy the cow!»