What prevents quit smoking
Every year on the third Thursday of November in most of the world celebrates the International Day of quitting (No Smoking Day). It was established by the American Cancer Society (American Cancer Society) in 1977. Almost 40% of Russia's population is addicted to cigarette smoking addiction. On June 1, the country entered into force on anti-smoking law, and from November 15 began to operate the penalties for violation of this law. Psychologists and doctors talked about what the myths often prevent smokers give up cigarettes for good.
Myth №1. Cigarette helps a person to remove tension and stress
Mainly because of the smoke nicotine dependence, which is a psychoactive drug, and connecting to specific receptors of the brain contributes to the release of dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline.
"In this regard, indeed, during smoking the first cigarette is improving thinking, increases concentration, stabilizing emotional background. But the problem is that this occurs only at low doses of nicotine after a night's sleep, but with each successive cigarette sensitivity of receptors in the brain decreases, while the cigarette is smoked have to relieve stress caused by lack of nicotine, "- he told RIA Novosti Head advisory call center help in giving up tobacco St. Petersburg Institute Phthisiopulmonology Olga Sukhovskaya. It is proved that smokers expose themselves to more stress than nonsmokers, because all the daily stress they added also caused by the lack of nicotine in the irregular entry into the body of the smoker.
Myth №2. Smoking contributes to weight loss, and smoking cessation leads to weight gain
The second misconception concerns, primarily women, because many of them think that if you quit smoking, you will automatically gain weight. In fact, after quitting, many are beginning to fill this gap by eating excess food, said Sukhovskaya.
"After quitting the body is freed from toxins begin to work normally cells that produce gastric juices. The man begins to feel the taste and smell of food and would like to have more. In addition, some people because of the stress that is caused by the lack of nicotine in the body, begins jamming effect neurotic ", - she said. In this regard, it recommends Sukhovskaya after quitting there are not two or three times a day, and more often, and limit yourself to sweet and fatty foods, drink and move more.
Myth №3. You can not quit smoking for pregnant women
Some doctors cultivate the idea of pregnant women that if they do not quit smoking before pregnancy, it is best not to do during childbearing. "We believe that physicians who are advised not to give up smoking during pregnancy, fear that the stress of quitting smoking, will worsen during pregnancy. But you must understand that the harm caused by smoking woman and her fetus is huge. Because during each puff fetus is experiencing oxygen starvation and poisoning by various toxins. It is proved that smoking mothers often give birth to babies with developmental disabilities, often forming diseases associated with immune and broncho-pulmonary system, "- she said.
At the same time it observed that pregnant women are very easy to give up smoking, even if they smoked a day for a pack of cigarettes, because the motivation is very high.
"Pregnancy - this is such a strong motivation that many women who could not do before, against the background of pregnancy is easy to give up smoking", - she said. Even if a woman can not quit smoking, it can be used during pregnancy, nicotine-replacement therapy under the supervision of a physician, noted Sukhovskaya.
Myth №4. Many nonsmokers believe that to give up cigarettes easily
In fact, many really can quit smoking with a strong motivation only through its own willpower. But we must remember that smoking is addictive, the extent of which is defined as the duration of smoking, and genetic characteristics of the person. Therefore, there are people who can not easily quit smoking and need of treatment of nicotine addiction, said the agency interlocutor.
Every smoker is trying to quit smoking an average of 4-6 times. "Any such refusal can be considered as training. In the end, such a person will achieve results and pass this distance to the end ", - she added. This Sukhovskaya believes that if a person has high motivation, he can quit and the first time, whereas some time is required.
She also explained why smokers start smoking again after being thrown. "Because the smoker feels already non-smoker, he finds himself in the company and decides that one cigarette does not mean anything. A relationship quickly about himself recalls the man after one cigarette takes the second, third and so on. And again he already smokes, and everything is back to normal, "- said the doctor.
Myth №5. Preparations of nicotine addiction does not help
From many smokers to smoke a great experience to hear that smoking drugs do not help them and can only be harmful. "I've already tried, and it's all nonsense," - says some smokers. But the vast majority of drugs used alone and, as a consequence, properly noted Sukhovskaya. Medicines from tobacco dependence should be taken in accordance with the number of cigarettes smoked. Some use drugs a week, believing that the drugs they do not need, and interrupt the course of treatment. Others, however, believe that if the drug a week did not help get rid of the craving for cigarettes, it is not efficient. While the treatment of tobacco dependence is not less than 1 month, and for the majority of drugs - 10-12 weeks.
Myth №6. Abrupt cessation of smoking after many years of unhealthy
Some people believe that older people should not be forced to give up smoking. This view is common among smokers and doctors who discourage their patients from this idea.
In reality, no smoking at any age benefits: even after 12 hours carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke comes out of the human body, the lungs begin to work better.
"Two days later, those who quit smoking, begin to feel the taste and smell. It is believed that within 3-9 months, improves breathing, shortness of breath decrease or disappear while walking. After 5 years the risk of myocardial infarction in non-smokers would be twice smaller than that of smokers, "- said Sukhovskaya. People who quit smoking, sometimes even euphoria after quitting, because the brain starts to get more oxygen.
Sukhovskaya said that in 2011 the All-Russia started its work free counseling line smoking cessation at the St. Petersburg Research Institute Phthisiopulmonology. In 2012, on the advice of the line asked more than 23 thousand Russians, she said.
Experts hotline taught self-help methods for smoking cessation help steps to overcome the difficulties faced by the smoker, also suggest the addresses of medical institutions, where there are specialists who treat tobacco dependence.
Myth №7. "Light" cigarettes are less dangerous
Many smokers argue their unwillingness to give up smoking so that smokers only "light" cigarettes, damage from which the supposedly less because of lower tar.
"In fact, we can prove the opposite - going to the so-called" light "cigarettes, smokers are forced to increase their consumption of number and make more frequent and deeper puffs, to make up the required amount of nicotine that can not go to the body to the benefit, but only increases the risk of lung cancer, "- told RIA Novosti researcher at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MGPPU) Anna Koshkin.
Myth №8. Switching to the electronic cigarette helps people quit smoking
Electronic cigarettes, we are gaining more and more popularity, mainly positioned as an alternative to smoking and a safe option, which helps the transition to a smoker with time to give up the addiction. The advantage of these cigarettes is that when smoking is not allocated containing tobacco smoke carcinogens that makes smoking safer for others (however, "security" of the smoke in the recent experts also have questioned).
"However, the attention switched to electronic cigarettes smokers out of the fact that electronic cigarettes cartridges is nicotine, which supports the formed physical dependence or contributes to its formation and adversely affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thus, going from traditional cigarettes to electronic, it is impossible to get rid of dependence. In fact, it's the same poison, but beautiful, "modern" wrap "- says Koshkin.
Moreover, under the influence of advertising, which suggests that the electronic cigarette does minimal harm to health and that it is now possible to smoke in the area leads to a sad effect: a person begins to perform the ritual of smoking often without controlling time.
This can lead to nicotine poisoning of the body and does not get rid of dependence. And the psychological attachment to tobacco will remain - a person gets a sense of smoking with all the associated ritual attributes (smoke a cigarette in the mouth feeling).
Source: oxyxo.ru

Myth №1. Cigarette helps a person to remove tension and stress
Mainly because of the smoke nicotine dependence, which is a psychoactive drug, and connecting to specific receptors of the brain contributes to the release of dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline.
"In this regard, indeed, during smoking the first cigarette is improving thinking, increases concentration, stabilizing emotional background. But the problem is that this occurs only at low doses of nicotine after a night's sleep, but with each successive cigarette sensitivity of receptors in the brain decreases, while the cigarette is smoked have to relieve stress caused by lack of nicotine, "- he told RIA Novosti Head advisory call center help in giving up tobacco St. Petersburg Institute Phthisiopulmonology Olga Sukhovskaya. It is proved that smokers expose themselves to more stress than nonsmokers, because all the daily stress they added also caused by the lack of nicotine in the irregular entry into the body of the smoker.
Myth №2. Smoking contributes to weight loss, and smoking cessation leads to weight gain
The second misconception concerns, primarily women, because many of them think that if you quit smoking, you will automatically gain weight. In fact, after quitting, many are beginning to fill this gap by eating excess food, said Sukhovskaya.
"After quitting the body is freed from toxins begin to work normally cells that produce gastric juices. The man begins to feel the taste and smell of food and would like to have more. In addition, some people because of the stress that is caused by the lack of nicotine in the body, begins jamming effect neurotic ", - she said. In this regard, it recommends Sukhovskaya after quitting there are not two or three times a day, and more often, and limit yourself to sweet and fatty foods, drink and move more.
Myth №3. You can not quit smoking for pregnant women
Some doctors cultivate the idea of pregnant women that if they do not quit smoking before pregnancy, it is best not to do during childbearing. "We believe that physicians who are advised not to give up smoking during pregnancy, fear that the stress of quitting smoking, will worsen during pregnancy. But you must understand that the harm caused by smoking woman and her fetus is huge. Because during each puff fetus is experiencing oxygen starvation and poisoning by various toxins. It is proved that smoking mothers often give birth to babies with developmental disabilities, often forming diseases associated with immune and broncho-pulmonary system, "- she said.
At the same time it observed that pregnant women are very easy to give up smoking, even if they smoked a day for a pack of cigarettes, because the motivation is very high.
"Pregnancy - this is such a strong motivation that many women who could not do before, against the background of pregnancy is easy to give up smoking", - she said. Even if a woman can not quit smoking, it can be used during pregnancy, nicotine-replacement therapy under the supervision of a physician, noted Sukhovskaya.
Myth №4. Many nonsmokers believe that to give up cigarettes easily
In fact, many really can quit smoking with a strong motivation only through its own willpower. But we must remember that smoking is addictive, the extent of which is defined as the duration of smoking, and genetic characteristics of the person. Therefore, there are people who can not easily quit smoking and need of treatment of nicotine addiction, said the agency interlocutor.
Every smoker is trying to quit smoking an average of 4-6 times. "Any such refusal can be considered as training. In the end, such a person will achieve results and pass this distance to the end ", - she added. This Sukhovskaya believes that if a person has high motivation, he can quit and the first time, whereas some time is required.
She also explained why smokers start smoking again after being thrown. "Because the smoker feels already non-smoker, he finds himself in the company and decides that one cigarette does not mean anything. A relationship quickly about himself recalls the man after one cigarette takes the second, third and so on. And again he already smokes, and everything is back to normal, "- said the doctor.
Myth №5. Preparations of nicotine addiction does not help
From many smokers to smoke a great experience to hear that smoking drugs do not help them and can only be harmful. "I've already tried, and it's all nonsense," - says some smokers. But the vast majority of drugs used alone and, as a consequence, properly noted Sukhovskaya. Medicines from tobacco dependence should be taken in accordance with the number of cigarettes smoked. Some use drugs a week, believing that the drugs they do not need, and interrupt the course of treatment. Others, however, believe that if the drug a week did not help get rid of the craving for cigarettes, it is not efficient. While the treatment of tobacco dependence is not less than 1 month, and for the majority of drugs - 10-12 weeks.
Myth №6. Abrupt cessation of smoking after many years of unhealthy
Some people believe that older people should not be forced to give up smoking. This view is common among smokers and doctors who discourage their patients from this idea.
In reality, no smoking at any age benefits: even after 12 hours carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke comes out of the human body, the lungs begin to work better.
"Two days later, those who quit smoking, begin to feel the taste and smell. It is believed that within 3-9 months, improves breathing, shortness of breath decrease or disappear while walking. After 5 years the risk of myocardial infarction in non-smokers would be twice smaller than that of smokers, "- said Sukhovskaya. People who quit smoking, sometimes even euphoria after quitting, because the brain starts to get more oxygen.
Sukhovskaya said that in 2011 the All-Russia started its work free counseling line smoking cessation at the St. Petersburg Research Institute Phthisiopulmonology. In 2012, on the advice of the line asked more than 23 thousand Russians, she said.
Experts hotline taught self-help methods for smoking cessation help steps to overcome the difficulties faced by the smoker, also suggest the addresses of medical institutions, where there are specialists who treat tobacco dependence.
Myth №7. "Light" cigarettes are less dangerous
Many smokers argue their unwillingness to give up smoking so that smokers only "light" cigarettes, damage from which the supposedly less because of lower tar.
"In fact, we can prove the opposite - going to the so-called" light "cigarettes, smokers are forced to increase their consumption of number and make more frequent and deeper puffs, to make up the required amount of nicotine that can not go to the body to the benefit, but only increases the risk of lung cancer, "- told RIA Novosti researcher at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MGPPU) Anna Koshkin.
Myth №8. Switching to the electronic cigarette helps people quit smoking
Electronic cigarettes, we are gaining more and more popularity, mainly positioned as an alternative to smoking and a safe option, which helps the transition to a smoker with time to give up the addiction. The advantage of these cigarettes is that when smoking is not allocated containing tobacco smoke carcinogens that makes smoking safer for others (however, "security" of the smoke in the recent experts also have questioned).
"However, the attention switched to electronic cigarettes smokers out of the fact that electronic cigarettes cartridges is nicotine, which supports the formed physical dependence or contributes to its formation and adversely affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thus, going from traditional cigarettes to electronic, it is impossible to get rid of dependence. In fact, it's the same poison, but beautiful, "modern" wrap "- says Koshkin.
Moreover, under the influence of advertising, which suggests that the electronic cigarette does minimal harm to health and that it is now possible to smoke in the area leads to a sad effect: a person begins to perform the ritual of smoking often without controlling time.
This can lead to nicotine poisoning of the body and does not get rid of dependence. And the psychological attachment to tobacco will remain - a person gets a sense of smoking with all the associated ritual attributes (smoke a cigarette in the mouth feeling).

Source: oxyxo.ru