Smoking or non-smoking?

here are a few interesting facts about smoking and examples of anti-advertisement of cigarettes

1. To date, most smoking country - Russia - is sad.
2. Tobacco was brought to Europe in the 1496th year. This year can be officially considered the beginning of the spread of smoking in the world. A Columbus - fat minus in karma.
3. Initially, smoking was considered to be extremely beneficial to the health process. It is prescribed for headaches, indigestion, weight loss, etc.
4. A more reasonable in this regard, countries (Britain, the Ottoman Empire and even Russia) introduced penalties for smoking tobacco. Up to the death penalty. However, in our country, Peter I allowed to smoke for everybody, and even planted this pernicious habit
5. Cigarettes are the most common commodity in the world. Each year, tobacco companies have cut a huge babos selling cigarettes to smokers about a trillion
6. Americans began to actively fight against smoking in the early 70s and is now the largest US tobacco manufacturers earn the most money selling cigarettes to other countries
7. American brands Marlboro, Camel and Kent comprise approximately 70% of the global cigarette market.
8. It was in Nazi Germany was found association between smoking and the occurrence of lung cancer. And despite the fact that the soldiers were cigarette ration, real Nazis tried to quit smoking with the motivation that the Fuehrer does not smoke)
9. In the kingdom of Bhutan banned smoking completely. Violation of the prohibition is punishable by huge fines. Although the ban does not apply to tourists. They can only advise to stock cigarettes, because in this country they simply do not buy.
10. Tobacco smoke contains arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and about 43 known carcinogens.
11. In order to accelerate the combustion of tobacco in cigarettes is often added special substances. Without additives burning tobacco is bad enough, especially if not properly tightened
12. The very first cigarette factory was built in London
13. Smoking, rather, nicotine, blocking the absorption of vitamin C
14. According to recent data, more than 90% of cases of lung cancer associated with smoking. The main factors causing lung cancer in smokers considered radon, polonium, benzopyrene and nitrosamines contained in tobacco tar.
15. Habitual we filter cigarettes began to produce only after the 50s of the 20th century

Kakzhdy country in its fight against smoking. Already "threw" the habit in California and New York, stopped smoking, even in the parks; not far behind Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and Bangladesh - restrictions on smoking are the most stringent. In addition, 178 countries have ratified the convention on tobacco control, committing themselves to improve the health of the nation. However, Russia is not among them.
Basically the country at the moment are beginning to fight against smoking, by raising the price of tobacco products. The very high price in Norway (№1): a pack of cigarettes costs an average of 8, 02 euros. In one day, the value pack has increased by 47%. And after five months of life of smokers changed the law to ban smoking in public places. However, in addition to the usual Scandinavian fans "posmolit" there is also a snus-dependent. Snus - it's sort of moist tobacco, crushed into powder. Outwardly, it resembles snuff, snus but lay under the upper lip where the nicotine is absorbed by the mucous membranes. As a result of the legislation, many smokers give up cigarettes in favor of the tobacco, which affected the growth of its production of tobacco companies. It should be a standard box "nicotine happiness" from 7 to 16 euros. In second place - a pack of cigarettes in Iceland (№2; 7, 57 euros). Interestingly, the name of the capital of Iceland - Reykjavik - translated as "smoking bay", but the "tobacco war" will soon crush all cigarette flashes. Since 1999, Iceland banned smoking in health care, educational and government institutions, as well as in cinemas. Restaurants and bars are not yet come under the ban, but only received recommendations on arrangement of rooms for smoking. Smoking in Britain, too, not cheap. For a pack will have to pay an average of 7, 36 euros. Soon, however, the cost of a pack of cigarettes may be reduced: the European Court called on Britain to tax the European products (including alcohol and cigarettes) under the laws of the country of origin. But it will not save smokers, as from February 2006. Smoking is prohibited in the workplace, and soon (mid-2007). ban touches as pubs and discos. The cheapest you can buy cigarettes in Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. Only smoking areas in these countries each year is decreasing. Numerous studies have shown that increasing the cost of cigarettes in Europe forced the people to quit smoking. However, along with other measures to improve the health of the nation program could be a success.

and now look at us anti-advertising of cigarettes and over the hill on the example of cigarettes "Kent»


and by the way, if you look at Soviet films, then each people as a matter of smoke and drink, that is the propaganda we conducted many, many years!
So I think SAMI_RESHAYTE SAMI_KURIT or non-smoking.