An inconvenient truth about Smoking
Do you smoke? However, it doesn't matter. You're still on the other side of the fence. Because this world has long been torn apart by war, where two armies are fighting — Tobacco and Clean Air.
Sixty five million eight hundred twenty thousand five hundred forty five
Dangerous is Smoking for your health?The funny thing is that while nobody could nor confirm one hundred percent that Smoking is dangerous or refute this idea. Neither scientifically nor statistically.
It is known that heavy smokers reduced the working volume of the lungs, when the load pulse is increased further, and the shortness of breath occurs faster than non-smokers. Exactly what smokers have increased metabolism, so they are worse than gain weight faster and lose it. How life-threatening these changes are to be judged is not yet possible. Because as soon as it begins to relate to nicotine dependence, scientists, and statisticians discouraged. Yes, up to 70% dying from lung cancer — smokers or quitters. But if you take the basic age and gender cut such deaths, it turns out that he is so and so is 70% of former or current smokers.Yes, shortness of breath when climbing to the fifth floor is not good. But smokers are 15% faster solve the problem of tests on IQ. And twice as likely to die from diabetes. Yes, pregnant smokers children are often born with a lack of weight. But smokers are 50% less common threat prenatal preeclampsia, and a third reduced the number of cases of toxicity. Emphysema occurs in smokers twice as often, but Alzheimer's is three times less, and Parkinson's disease.
Here is the official medicine strikes the Gong wins! One hundred percent found that smokers are more at risk to become victims of frostbite — tissues are less able to resist the cold. Proven, tested, safe! Let's fight with a bad habit! But then creeps up the report of the British medical Academy of a sharp decline in the number of ulcerative colitis in smokers compared to non-smokers — what kind of meanness is... Summary data once again show that statistics is the science of false, inaccurate and insane. But much worse happens when the statistics suddenly loosened up. Wild scandal ended in 1993, the medical report, the Australian Bureau of statistics on the health status of the population in 1989-1990. There is still need to consider that Australia, with its centralised system of medical centers and medical insurance any statistical studies look much better and bigger than the European and American centers.How to live long? My recipe is: 5-6 cigars a day. Z-4 servings of whiskey. And no physical education! © Winston Churchill
So, according to this report, the health of Australian smokers in General had better health than non-smokers or quitters. Atherosclerotic disease and cancer — the two main scarecrows in the fight against Smoking, showed modest results in those who by their testimony does not produce Smoking sticks out of the mouth, compared to their non-Smoking fellow citizens. If you consider what the number means anti-Smoking lobbyists at the time, managed to extort from the pockets of state on his great struggle, reports their compilers would cost to feed the sharks, frolicking in the coastal waters of Sydney...In comparison with this bomb could not even pay attention to the traditionally awful results of Greece (the highest percentage of smokers in Europe and the lowest level of cancer and diseases of the circulatory system). This Greece — in the end they have sun, wine, mountain air, folk dances.
How does nicotine
Seventy two million seven hundred thousand three hundred seventy seven
Tobacco contains the alkaloid nicotine. During the combustion of tobacco, some of the nicotine gets into the smoke into the body through the lungs and mucous membranes. Then with the blood nicotine is carried to all organs and begins to penetrate the cells of the tissues. In fact to get into our cage is not so simple — face control at the entrance will be more serious than in the elite club, and guests outside the list, there catch nothing special. But nicotine luck. Part of the receptor cells designed to provide unobstructed access inside the natural enzyme of our body — acetylcholine perceives nicotine as a form of this enzyme. And widely opens the door. Action that nicotine has on the body, very much.
It raises your heart rate, constricts blood vessels (and at the same time promotes their growth), comes into close interaction with the neurons of the brain, stimulates the production of the enzyme dopamine pleasure inside us remains virtually no areas where nicotine is not stuck your nose in. But any too violent change in us occurs. Unlike alcohol, for example, nicotine behaves quite humbly, very quickly integrates into the overall workflow of metabolism and have such a liking for our body, that quickly recovered after the first vomiting and dizziness begins to demand all new and new portions of the substance, considering it is now a legitimate part of your own system.
Forty two million one hundred fourteen thousand seven hundred fourteen
Now the head is not yet cut, but apparently everyone is going. Sixteen years ago, the largest tobacco company in the United States has acknowledged its obligation to pay 46 States $206 000 000 to cover the cost of health insurance smokers. The insurance company for a long time danced victory dances. Still, under "nicotine Amnesty" hit most of the existing diseases — it was enough for the patient to indicate that he is a smoker, and bills for his treatment were sent to centres for distribution of tobacco subsidies. Given that the production of tobacco and so are subject to a tremendous taxes, and the company still regularly pay multimillion-dollar amount in claims the particular "victims", it would seem, can be satisfied and such indemnity. There it was.In January 2014, the U.S. Department of justice and the five largest tobacco companies Philip Morris USA, Reynolds American, British American Tobacco, Liggett Group and Lorillard Tobacco after 15 years of litigation reached an agreement. Initially, the moj was required to recover from cigarette manufacturers 280 billion dollars on charges that fifty years ago they participated in a criminal conspiracy, concealing from the public that Smoking is addictive, and the inhaled smoke is dangerous, and claiming that "light" cigarettes are less harmful. In the end, the tobacco companies were found guilty of consumer fraud, but the penalty to break the Bank forgave them, forcing only to publicly admit to the crime. If the Ministry of justice insisted on the payment, then these giants of the industry simply would have gone bankrupt.
Why is tobacco so afraid of? The persecution of the POTION, the Mayor of new York pink helpless baby compared to the real opponents of Smoking.
One thousand five hundred fifteen
The Inquisition of Spain declares war on "demonic potion of the Gentiles, let the smoke out of her mouth and turns people into devils alike!" The export of tobacco to Spain and Portugal is prohibited, violating this prohibition are subject to flogging with whips. One thousand five hundred twenty five
In Portugal, smokers are excommunicated. One thousand five hundred thirty
In England for Smoking introduced the death penalty. The law, however, lasted less than a year. 1550-1690
In Russia Smoking the damn herb rip out the nostrils. The exception is made for foreigners, and then they are allowed to indulge in Vice only in areas designated for their residence. 1650-1750
In China, for the use or possession of tobacco death penalty through decapitation. Going to the anti-Smoking money that Otkrytaya from tobacco companies and are milked dry of state budgets, is a sum with many zeros. Not surprisingly, this gold glitter attracts so many fierce fighters, angry speakers and passionate guardians of the happiness of mankind. People will always pay for two types of citizens, it is still a Royal philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, "Those who entertain and those who scares them".
Of course, entertainment, show business, the scale is still larger, but the case of "the frighteners" is also quite a thriving.
Hundreds of funds are safely pocketed tobacco millions, feeding doctors and journalists, politicians and public figures. Of course, you can still fight abortion, with power plants, genetically modified products, dur-tion environment, with the crisis of overproduction, with the automotive industry... But in most of these cases on the side of "blemish" usually are too powerful forces, which are still quite successfully resist such attacks. Try to touch it as it follows the same genetically modified foods — will be against you half of all U.S. farmers, no fools with such bulls butt. A tobacco company was quite fatty and tasty, but also too weak. Ho, Ho!
Success in the fight against the demonic potion stagger the imagination — the bastions are falling behind the ramparts. Smokers hung red flags from all sides, non-drummed that those with Smoking pieces in your mouth, encroach on your life and freedom. They envelop with smoke your kids and they grow up stupid freaks, they deprive men of sexual power, they jinxed your cows and dancing naked on Bald mountain!.. In General, the old formulas still work well.
Convince new smokers that person with a cigarette in the other end of the restaurant did not cause him absolutely no harm — it's like five hundred years ago to try to tell a godly man in the street of Cologne about the fact that witches don't actually milk, it is ripened and do not damage children in the womb.
The strange poison in the world
Nine million three hundred forty two thousand nine hundred seventy two
Nicotine boils at a temperature of 140-145°C, soluble in water, ether and alcohol, is a very powerful poison. A drop of nicotine in several centigrammes kill a horse. It's true. But here the dog is required to have two or three drops, and if you take a goat or a sheep, these animals quietly drink and ten drops, not even meknow. Amoebas in General may well exist, playing in a one percent solution of nicotine, but the tubercle Bacillus somehow instantly toes (or that it's still there) even in the presence of negligible amounts of this alkaloid in the environment (that's why experienced physicians of tubercular sanatoria stealthily suggest to their patients to take the time to quit, and initially cured)."Quitting Smoking is easy, I did it a hundred times did" © mark TWAIN
If Smoking man will eat twenty cigarettes, he will either die or forever damaged in my mind, but schizophrenics Smoking helps to block the attacks of madness — nicotine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of their neurons. A leech, which was used to suck blood of a smoker lives an average of 20% longer than her non-Smoking counterparts, but if a person with a hooked leech will be at this time Smoking, the pet will quickly die in terrible agony. 6 reliable ways to reduce the harm from Smoking 1 Not more than half smoked less cigarettes Better light the next one, throwing a cigarette butt filter which darkened the already poorly with the absorption of harmful substances.
2 don't smoke on an empty stomach
Even if you belong to those creative individuals who, on the morning of his eyes, immediately begin a weak hand to root around for on the table Smoking accessories — prepare in the evening the bedside table so that the hand came across the first thing on some yogurt or fruit. Rape yourself — eat them. Now you can smoke with the consciousness of duty done.
3 Eat apples
If each smoked a cigarette you could compensate eaten on the same day, a half of an Apple, the harm from Smoking in your case would be minimized — contained in the Apple substances would help your body to restore the balance of minerals and reduce the risk from exposure to carcinogens. But, of course, so many apples you will not cram. So just eat as much as you want.
4 don't put a cigarette in his mouth
The smoke will be inhaled even if you just squeeze the filter to an almost closed lips. Just it will be less. At first it will be unusual to Smoking exactly, but it is good to be a smoker — it's the fact that you're not to get used very quickly.
5 More breathe fresh air and move
Better to smoke twenty cigarettes and make the hour run through the Park, than not to smoke any and all day to sit in a stuffy room. If remorse make you spend in the gym for twenty minutes longer, and sleep with the window open — so your Smoking is not so harmful in General.
6 give yourself a break, don't beat yourself up, do not scare yourself cancer and emphysema
If you smoke, do it with pleasure and a pure heart. Fears, nervousness and hypochondria themselves are often the cause of serious diseases, and not just nervous. Many experts believe that always expecting the worst and knowing the anxiety can provoke the development of cancer.
Text: Tata Oleinik
Photo: Edward Basile
source :maximonline.ru
Source: /users/1077
Sixty five million eight hundred twenty thousand five hundred forty five
Dangerous is Smoking for your health?The funny thing is that while nobody could nor confirm one hundred percent that Smoking is dangerous or refute this idea. Neither scientifically nor statistically.
It is known that heavy smokers reduced the working volume of the lungs, when the load pulse is increased further, and the shortness of breath occurs faster than non-smokers. Exactly what smokers have increased metabolism, so they are worse than gain weight faster and lose it. How life-threatening these changes are to be judged is not yet possible. Because as soon as it begins to relate to nicotine dependence, scientists, and statisticians discouraged. Yes, up to 70% dying from lung cancer — smokers or quitters. But if you take the basic age and gender cut such deaths, it turns out that he is so and so is 70% of former or current smokers.Yes, shortness of breath when climbing to the fifth floor is not good. But smokers are 15% faster solve the problem of tests on IQ. And twice as likely to die from diabetes. Yes, pregnant smokers children are often born with a lack of weight. But smokers are 50% less common threat prenatal preeclampsia, and a third reduced the number of cases of toxicity. Emphysema occurs in smokers twice as often, but Alzheimer's is three times less, and Parkinson's disease.
Here is the official medicine strikes the Gong wins! One hundred percent found that smokers are more at risk to become victims of frostbite — tissues are less able to resist the cold. Proven, tested, safe! Let's fight with a bad habit! But then creeps up the report of the British medical Academy of a sharp decline in the number of ulcerative colitis in smokers compared to non-smokers — what kind of meanness is... Summary data once again show that statistics is the science of false, inaccurate and insane. But much worse happens when the statistics suddenly loosened up. Wild scandal ended in 1993, the medical report, the Australian Bureau of statistics on the health status of the population in 1989-1990. There is still need to consider that Australia, with its centralised system of medical centers and medical insurance any statistical studies look much better and bigger than the European and American centers.How to live long? My recipe is: 5-6 cigars a day. Z-4 servings of whiskey. And no physical education! © Winston Churchill
So, according to this report, the health of Australian smokers in General had better health than non-smokers or quitters. Atherosclerotic disease and cancer — the two main scarecrows in the fight against Smoking, showed modest results in those who by their testimony does not produce Smoking sticks out of the mouth, compared to their non-Smoking fellow citizens. If you consider what the number means anti-Smoking lobbyists at the time, managed to extort from the pockets of state on his great struggle, reports their compilers would cost to feed the sharks, frolicking in the coastal waters of Sydney...In comparison with this bomb could not even pay attention to the traditionally awful results of Greece (the highest percentage of smokers in Europe and the lowest level of cancer and diseases of the circulatory system). This Greece — in the end they have sun, wine, mountain air, folk dances.
How does nicotine
Seventy two million seven hundred thousand three hundred seventy seven
Tobacco contains the alkaloid nicotine. During the combustion of tobacco, some of the nicotine gets into the smoke into the body through the lungs and mucous membranes. Then with the blood nicotine is carried to all organs and begins to penetrate the cells of the tissues. In fact to get into our cage is not so simple — face control at the entrance will be more serious than in the elite club, and guests outside the list, there catch nothing special. But nicotine luck. Part of the receptor cells designed to provide unobstructed access inside the natural enzyme of our body — acetylcholine perceives nicotine as a form of this enzyme. And widely opens the door. Action that nicotine has on the body, very much.
It raises your heart rate, constricts blood vessels (and at the same time promotes their growth), comes into close interaction with the neurons of the brain, stimulates the production of the enzyme dopamine pleasure inside us remains virtually no areas where nicotine is not stuck your nose in. But any too violent change in us occurs. Unlike alcohol, for example, nicotine behaves quite humbly, very quickly integrates into the overall workflow of metabolism and have such a liking for our body, that quickly recovered after the first vomiting and dizziness begins to demand all new and new portions of the substance, considering it is now a legitimate part of your own system.
Forty two million one hundred fourteen thousand seven hundred fourteen
Now the head is not yet cut, but apparently everyone is going. Sixteen years ago, the largest tobacco company in the United States has acknowledged its obligation to pay 46 States $206 000 000 to cover the cost of health insurance smokers. The insurance company for a long time danced victory dances. Still, under "nicotine Amnesty" hit most of the existing diseases — it was enough for the patient to indicate that he is a smoker, and bills for his treatment were sent to centres for distribution of tobacco subsidies. Given that the production of tobacco and so are subject to a tremendous taxes, and the company still regularly pay multimillion-dollar amount in claims the particular "victims", it would seem, can be satisfied and such indemnity. There it was.In January 2014, the U.S. Department of justice and the five largest tobacco companies Philip Morris USA, Reynolds American, British American Tobacco, Liggett Group and Lorillard Tobacco after 15 years of litigation reached an agreement. Initially, the moj was required to recover from cigarette manufacturers 280 billion dollars on charges that fifty years ago they participated in a criminal conspiracy, concealing from the public that Smoking is addictive, and the inhaled smoke is dangerous, and claiming that "light" cigarettes are less harmful. In the end, the tobacco companies were found guilty of consumer fraud, but the penalty to break the Bank forgave them, forcing only to publicly admit to the crime. If the Ministry of justice insisted on the payment, then these giants of the industry simply would have gone bankrupt.
Why is tobacco so afraid of? The persecution of the POTION, the Mayor of new York pink helpless baby compared to the real opponents of Smoking.
One thousand five hundred fifteen
The Inquisition of Spain declares war on "demonic potion of the Gentiles, let the smoke out of her mouth and turns people into devils alike!" The export of tobacco to Spain and Portugal is prohibited, violating this prohibition are subject to flogging with whips. One thousand five hundred twenty five
In Portugal, smokers are excommunicated. One thousand five hundred thirty
In England for Smoking introduced the death penalty. The law, however, lasted less than a year. 1550-1690
In Russia Smoking the damn herb rip out the nostrils. The exception is made for foreigners, and then they are allowed to indulge in Vice only in areas designated for their residence. 1650-1750
In China, for the use or possession of tobacco death penalty through decapitation. Going to the anti-Smoking money that Otkrytaya from tobacco companies and are milked dry of state budgets, is a sum with many zeros. Not surprisingly, this gold glitter attracts so many fierce fighters, angry speakers and passionate guardians of the happiness of mankind. People will always pay for two types of citizens, it is still a Royal philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, "Those who entertain and those who scares them".
Of course, entertainment, show business, the scale is still larger, but the case of "the frighteners" is also quite a thriving.
Hundreds of funds are safely pocketed tobacco millions, feeding doctors and journalists, politicians and public figures. Of course, you can still fight abortion, with power plants, genetically modified products, dur-tion environment, with the crisis of overproduction, with the automotive industry... But in most of these cases on the side of "blemish" usually are too powerful forces, which are still quite successfully resist such attacks. Try to touch it as it follows the same genetically modified foods — will be against you half of all U.S. farmers, no fools with such bulls butt. A tobacco company was quite fatty and tasty, but also too weak. Ho, Ho!
Success in the fight against the demonic potion stagger the imagination — the bastions are falling behind the ramparts. Smokers hung red flags from all sides, non-drummed that those with Smoking pieces in your mouth, encroach on your life and freedom. They envelop with smoke your kids and they grow up stupid freaks, they deprive men of sexual power, they jinxed your cows and dancing naked on Bald mountain!.. In General, the old formulas still work well.
Convince new smokers that person with a cigarette in the other end of the restaurant did not cause him absolutely no harm — it's like five hundred years ago to try to tell a godly man in the street of Cologne about the fact that witches don't actually milk, it is ripened and do not damage children in the womb.
The strange poison in the world
Nine million three hundred forty two thousand nine hundred seventy two
Nicotine boils at a temperature of 140-145°C, soluble in water, ether and alcohol, is a very powerful poison. A drop of nicotine in several centigrammes kill a horse. It's true. But here the dog is required to have two or three drops, and if you take a goat or a sheep, these animals quietly drink and ten drops, not even meknow. Amoebas in General may well exist, playing in a one percent solution of nicotine, but the tubercle Bacillus somehow instantly toes (or that it's still there) even in the presence of negligible amounts of this alkaloid in the environment (that's why experienced physicians of tubercular sanatoria stealthily suggest to their patients to take the time to quit, and initially cured)."Quitting Smoking is easy, I did it a hundred times did" © mark TWAIN
If Smoking man will eat twenty cigarettes, he will either die or forever damaged in my mind, but schizophrenics Smoking helps to block the attacks of madness — nicotine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of their neurons. A leech, which was used to suck blood of a smoker lives an average of 20% longer than her non-Smoking counterparts, but if a person with a hooked leech will be at this time Smoking, the pet will quickly die in terrible agony. 6 reliable ways to reduce the harm from Smoking 1 Not more than half smoked less cigarettes Better light the next one, throwing a cigarette butt filter which darkened the already poorly with the absorption of harmful substances.
2 don't smoke on an empty stomach
Even if you belong to those creative individuals who, on the morning of his eyes, immediately begin a weak hand to root around for on the table Smoking accessories — prepare in the evening the bedside table so that the hand came across the first thing on some yogurt or fruit. Rape yourself — eat them. Now you can smoke with the consciousness of duty done.
3 Eat apples
If each smoked a cigarette you could compensate eaten on the same day, a half of an Apple, the harm from Smoking in your case would be minimized — contained in the Apple substances would help your body to restore the balance of minerals and reduce the risk from exposure to carcinogens. But, of course, so many apples you will not cram. So just eat as much as you want.
4 don't put a cigarette in his mouth
The smoke will be inhaled even if you just squeeze the filter to an almost closed lips. Just it will be less. At first it will be unusual to Smoking exactly, but it is good to be a smoker — it's the fact that you're not to get used very quickly.
5 More breathe fresh air and move
Better to smoke twenty cigarettes and make the hour run through the Park, than not to smoke any and all day to sit in a stuffy room. If remorse make you spend in the gym for twenty minutes longer, and sleep with the window open — so your Smoking is not so harmful in General.
6 give yourself a break, don't beat yourself up, do not scare yourself cancer and emphysema
If you smoke, do it with pleasure and a pure heart. Fears, nervousness and hypochondria themselves are often the cause of serious diseases, and not just nervous. Many experts believe that always expecting the worst and knowing the anxiety can provoke the development of cancer.
Text: Tata Oleinik
Photo: Edward Basile
source :maximonline.ru
Source: /users/1077
Japanese education or the teacher in Japanese
New global tendency to drink coffee with cream and with butter