Growing tobacco at home
Eight million five hundred ninety six thousand three hundred seventy seven
The cultivation of tobacco, in General, a simple matter, just need to follow the rules of farming. It should be noted immediately that the tobacco plant heat-loving and most of all for its cultivation suited the southern regions.
Quite common only a few species of tobacco, all of them decorative value are not present and most of them are grown rarely and only by Amateurs.
Tobacco adhesive
Plant height of about one meter, and as the name implies all parts of the plant covered with a gummy coating. This tobacco is very similar to rustic tobacco. The plant is very unpleasant and smells like flowers, leaves and stems.
Tobacco Knight
A very inconspicuous plant, generally used in group plantings as a background for other plants. Blooms tubular flowers yellowish-green color, flowering period long, from June to September.
Tobacco scented
This plant has a pleasant aroma that you can feel in the twilight time of the day. He truncatetable large white flowers with outer storenew red touches. On the day the flowers are closed and open only at dusk.
Smoking or tobacco virgin
This type of tobacco is an annual plant in natural conditions it grows only in South America. Here it can reach a height of 3 meters. Plants not branched or weakly branched, depending on the variety. Also depends on the variety size, and number of leaves on the plant. The flowers of this species are tubular, pink or red colour, are collected in paniculate inflorescences. The main value is the size, thickness and number of leaves on plants. There are quite a large number of varieties and hybrids of this species. It should also be noted that this type of tobacco before use, is in the process of fermentation, in order that the leaves open up their aroma.
Tobacco derevenskie view of the common people is called the shag. Plants annual, in nature, grow only in North America. Plant height usually does not exceed 100-120 cm, flowers yellow-green, stems are more branched than those of Smoking tobacco. Shag more simple species and its leaves contain more nicotine than Virginia tobacco.
Varieties of Smoking tobacco
The most common are the following varieties of tobacco: Virginia, Bryansk Bigleaf Holly, Samsun, Cigar and Jubilee.
Agricultural cultivation for virgin tobacco and of tobacco are the same, both grown seedling method. For growing seedlings of suitable and greenhouse and greenhouse and also a warm windowsill, you can grow seedlings in a well drained seed box or just a flower pot.
For growing seedlings of tobacco should prepare a nutrient substrate, preferably to natural fertilizer such as horse or cow manure. But fresh fertilizer should not be used the ideal would be humus. An ideal substrate can be considered a substrate, consisting of two parts compost, one part regular soil from your plot and one part sand. Before sowing, the substrate must be moistened.
You can plant dry seeds, but more friendly shoots out, if seeds sprouted. For sprouting seeds should be 4-5 days before sowing wrap in a clean cloth or gauze and soak in clean warm water. For best germination, you can add a few crystals of potassium nitrate.
In this solution the seeds should be kept for about a day, then rinse them well with water and place on the same cloth. A rag put in an enamel or earthenware dish, place the container in a warm place, cover the seeds or utensils should not be.The rag need to be wet. By about the third or fourth day the seeds start to hatch, wait another day and seeds to plant in the soil, is not worth too strong to allow regrowth of the sprouts, otherwise they can poblematic.Seeds can be sown one by one, and can be dried and mixed in dry sand and sow massively. Depth of seeding should not exceed 0.5 cm. After sowing the seeds cover with a layer of sand mixed with humus in the ratio 3:1. Watering the seeds should be very careful not to blur the top layer of soil. For watering it is best to use a spray. So it is not necessary to prevent standing water and overflow of the soil.
If you use for growing seedlings seed box or flower pots, and also if the seeds are planted too close to each other you will need to carry out this procedure as swordplay.Picks should be done when the young seedlings appear 3-4 true leaves. Before swordplay sprinkle seedlings when the soil is wet you can carefully transplant the plants to the greenhouse or individual pots for further growth and development.
Plant tobacco like all other crop plants for better growth, you should fertilize. For supplements can ispolzovatsya fertilizer In 10 liters of water to dissolve 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of sulfate or potassium chloride and this solution to water the plants.
In 10 liters of water to dissolve 1 kg of chicken pometia allow solution to pereprygivaya for two weeks, stirring occasionally. After the solution has fermented it can be used for fertilizing young plants, but only before watering it should be diluted. Adding 1 litre of a solution of 4-5 liters of water.
To transplant to a permanent place in the ground should only be initiated when will the threat of late spring frosts and the soil is warm.If you grow tobacco in a greenhouse after picking him more do not need to repot. The soil should be planted strong plants, ranging in height from 14 to 16cm, already have 5-7 true leaves and the stem thickness of about 0.5 cm a week before transplanting, the seedlings should begin to strengthen, reducing watering and training the plants to the open air and sunlight.
Before transplantation, in approximately 2-3 days watering seedlings cease, watering profusely and only 2-3 hours before transplantation.
Plants carefully removed from the soil and placed in pre-prepared holes. These holes should be pre-pour about half a liter of water. Peg to make a hole in the center of the hole and put it in the plant, then sprinkle the roots moist soil and thoroughly crush it, and sprinkle with dry planting soil. This procedure helps to retain moisture near the roots much longer.For the whole season will be enough to hold three feedings. The first fertilizing is carried out immediately after transplantation of plants into the ground.
Second top dressing in two to three weeks after the first and third, respectively, in two -three weeks after the second. For the dressing you can take a solution of chicken manure or any fertilizer complex. How to build a fertilizer indicated on the package.
Care of tobacco plants reduced to regular weeding and loosening of soil near plants.
Source: www.art-pen.ru/
The cultivation of tobacco, in General, a simple matter, just need to follow the rules of farming. It should be noted immediately that the tobacco plant heat-loving and most of all for its cultivation suited the southern regions.
Quite common only a few species of tobacco, all of them decorative value are not present and most of them are grown rarely and only by Amateurs.
Tobacco adhesive
Plant height of about one meter, and as the name implies all parts of the plant covered with a gummy coating. This tobacco is very similar to rustic tobacco. The plant is very unpleasant and smells like flowers, leaves and stems.
Tobacco Knight
A very inconspicuous plant, generally used in group plantings as a background for other plants. Blooms tubular flowers yellowish-green color, flowering period long, from June to September.
Tobacco scented
This plant has a pleasant aroma that you can feel in the twilight time of the day. He truncatetable large white flowers with outer storenew red touches. On the day the flowers are closed and open only at dusk.

Smoking or tobacco virgin
This type of tobacco is an annual plant in natural conditions it grows only in South America. Here it can reach a height of 3 meters. Plants not branched or weakly branched, depending on the variety. Also depends on the variety size, and number of leaves on the plant. The flowers of this species are tubular, pink or red colour, are collected in paniculate inflorescences. The main value is the size, thickness and number of leaves on plants. There are quite a large number of varieties and hybrids of this species. It should also be noted that this type of tobacco before use, is in the process of fermentation, in order that the leaves open up their aroma.
Tobacco derevenskie view of the common people is called the shag. Plants annual, in nature, grow only in North America. Plant height usually does not exceed 100-120 cm, flowers yellow-green, stems are more branched than those of Smoking tobacco. Shag more simple species and its leaves contain more nicotine than Virginia tobacco.
Varieties of Smoking tobacco
The most common are the following varieties of tobacco: Virginia, Bryansk Bigleaf Holly, Samsun, Cigar and Jubilee.
Agricultural cultivation for virgin tobacco and of tobacco are the same, both grown seedling method. For growing seedlings of suitable and greenhouse and greenhouse and also a warm windowsill, you can grow seedlings in a well drained seed box or just a flower pot.
For growing seedlings of tobacco should prepare a nutrient substrate, preferably to natural fertilizer such as horse or cow manure. But fresh fertilizer should not be used the ideal would be humus. An ideal substrate can be considered a substrate, consisting of two parts compost, one part regular soil from your plot and one part sand. Before sowing, the substrate must be moistened.
You can plant dry seeds, but more friendly shoots out, if seeds sprouted. For sprouting seeds should be 4-5 days before sowing wrap in a clean cloth or gauze and soak in clean warm water. For best germination, you can add a few crystals of potassium nitrate.
In this solution the seeds should be kept for about a day, then rinse them well with water and place on the same cloth. A rag put in an enamel or earthenware dish, place the container in a warm place, cover the seeds or utensils should not be.The rag need to be wet. By about the third or fourth day the seeds start to hatch, wait another day and seeds to plant in the soil, is not worth too strong to allow regrowth of the sprouts, otherwise they can poblematic.Seeds can be sown one by one, and can be dried and mixed in dry sand and sow massively. Depth of seeding should not exceed 0.5 cm. After sowing the seeds cover with a layer of sand mixed with humus in the ratio 3:1. Watering the seeds should be very careful not to blur the top layer of soil. For watering it is best to use a spray. So it is not necessary to prevent standing water and overflow of the soil.
If you use for growing seedlings seed box or flower pots, and also if the seeds are planted too close to each other you will need to carry out this procedure as swordplay.Picks should be done when the young seedlings appear 3-4 true leaves. Before swordplay sprinkle seedlings when the soil is wet you can carefully transplant the plants to the greenhouse or individual pots for further growth and development.
Plant tobacco like all other crop plants for better growth, you should fertilize. For supplements can ispolzovatsya fertilizer In 10 liters of water to dissolve 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of sulfate or potassium chloride and this solution to water the plants.
In 10 liters of water to dissolve 1 kg of chicken pometia allow solution to pereprygivaya for two weeks, stirring occasionally. After the solution has fermented it can be used for fertilizing young plants, but only before watering it should be diluted. Adding 1 litre of a solution of 4-5 liters of water.
To transplant to a permanent place in the ground should only be initiated when will the threat of late spring frosts and the soil is warm.If you grow tobacco in a greenhouse after picking him more do not need to repot. The soil should be planted strong plants, ranging in height from 14 to 16cm, already have 5-7 true leaves and the stem thickness of about 0.5 cm a week before transplanting, the seedlings should begin to strengthen, reducing watering and training the plants to the open air and sunlight.

Before transplantation, in approximately 2-3 days watering seedlings cease, watering profusely and only 2-3 hours before transplantation.
Plants carefully removed from the soil and placed in pre-prepared holes. These holes should be pre-pour about half a liter of water. Peg to make a hole in the center of the hole and put it in the plant, then sprinkle the roots moist soil and thoroughly crush it, and sprinkle with dry planting soil. This procedure helps to retain moisture near the roots much longer.For the whole season will be enough to hold three feedings. The first fertilizing is carried out immediately after transplantation of plants into the ground.
Second top dressing in two to three weeks after the first and third, respectively, in two -three weeks after the second. For the dressing you can take a solution of chicken manure or any fertilizer complex. How to build a fertilizer indicated on the package.
Care of tobacco plants reduced to regular weeding and loosening of soil near plants.
Source: www.art-pen.ru/
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