What is hookah tobacco for the most delicious: the nuances of choice
Twenty nine million three hundred twenty eight thousand three hundred fifty eight
Hookah tobacco is a special flavored composition. In addition to flavors and tobacco, can be and other ingredients, unusual for ordinary lovers of cigars and cigarettes (molasses, glycerin). Along with the tobacco, flavor is a significant part of the cost of production. Products that are included with the hookah mixture, the manufacturer mixes kept secret. Try to figure out what flavor of hookah tobacco is best?
Flavored or not?
All kinds of tobacco for hookah are divided into 2 categories.
Flavored tobacco has the taste of a specific product and a specific smell. Manufacturers develop and release new products, taking into account the desires of consumers. At separate firms the number of "flavors" up to 70 or more. This gives you the opportunity to try the products with the taste of vegetables, fruits, drinks, chocolate or spices. If you buy ready flavoured mix, the problem of cooking a "delicious" hookah bar mix disappears by itself. The case for small: to choose the products in accordance with your taste.
The nuances of choice
The finished mixture is packaged in a sealed foil package, then in bags. This can be a container made of glass, metal, cardboard or plastic. The mass of the package depends on how often you use the hookah. If you want to try any new taste, start with a packing should not be. At the same time, familiar tastes fairly quickly "stale" and there is a natural desire to try something new. For this reason, to buy for personal use too much packaging makes no sense.
Store ready mix need in a sealed container at room temperature, as the mixture dries quickly. This helps to maintain optimum moisture content of the product. Do not store it in the fridge because the tobacco can absorb the smell and dry a lot faster.
The best tastes
Criteria that must be met by a good tobacco for Shisha — realistic reproduction of taste, sustained release of large volumes of smoke. Products related to middle price range, is consistent with these requirements. With regard to the specific selection, then you need to rely only on his own senses. Ingredients and their ratio of companies kept in strict confidence.
However, there are products that have hookah lovers is objectively considered the best. For Example, Starbuzz. All flavours can be divided into 3 categories.
Hookah tobacco is a special flavored composition. In addition to flavors and tobacco, can be and other ingredients, unusual for ordinary lovers of cigars and cigarettes (molasses, glycerin). Along with the tobacco, flavor is a significant part of the cost of production. Products that are included with the hookah mixture, the manufacturer mixes kept secret. Try to figure out what flavor of hookah tobacco is best?

Flavored or not?
All kinds of tobacco for hookah are divided into 2 categories.
- Flavoured with certain flavours.
- Not flavored.
Flavored tobacco has the taste of a specific product and a specific smell. Manufacturers develop and release new products, taking into account the desires of consumers. At separate firms the number of "flavors" up to 70 or more. This gives you the opportunity to try the products with the taste of vegetables, fruits, drinks, chocolate or spices. If you buy ready flavoured mix, the problem of cooking a "delicious" hookah bar mix disappears by itself. The case for small: to choose the products in accordance with your taste.

The nuances of choice
The finished mixture is packaged in a sealed foil package, then in bags. This can be a container made of glass, metal, cardboard or plastic. The mass of the package depends on how often you use the hookah. If you want to try any new taste, start with a packing should not be. At the same time, familiar tastes fairly quickly "stale" and there is a natural desire to try something new. For this reason, to buy for personal use too much packaging makes no sense.
Store ready mix need in a sealed container at room temperature, as the mixture dries quickly. This helps to maintain optimum moisture content of the product. Do not store it in the fridge because the tobacco can absorb the smell and dry a lot faster.

The best tastes
Criteria that must be met by a good tobacco for Shisha — realistic reproduction of taste, sustained release of large volumes of smoke. Products related to middle price range, is consistent with these requirements. With regard to the specific selection, then you need to rely only on his own senses. Ingredients and their ratio of companies kept in strict confidence.
However, there are products that have hookah lovers is objectively considered the best. For Example, Starbuzz. All flavours can be divided into 3 categories.
- Natural. The mix is made based on Virginia tobacco with the addition of "Latakia" and "Oriental". The last two components form a unique combination of taste and aroma. The Virginia tobacco is the basis, not making almost no weather in the formation of taste. The mix has a sweet smoked flavor, Smoking turns out to be very pleasant.
- Natural. This mixture with the addition of herbs, spices, cocoa, fruit, and occasionally flower petals. Sometimes the taste has notes of alcohol — whisky or rum. The maturation of this mix – quite a lengthy process.
- Artificial. The principle of the preparation of the mix – soaking tobacco leaves in the fragrant mixture. Most often, it's a cheap artificial substitutes. First, rich taste bouquet is felt strongly, but then it wanes, giving way to bitterness. Another disadvantage is the large amount of condensate. Therefore, mix with artificial additives great popularity among connoisseurs of the hookah is not in use.