What entertainment is better to refuse

In recent years, hookahs have become so popular that they are sipped in parks, parking lots, nature, and restaurants. What is most interesting, there is no ban on them in catering establishments (although there is a law), because there is an opinion that hookahs are harmless to health.

Most often, teenagers are fashionable, who convince parents of the safety of such a hobby. But this is a big misconception, studies show that hookah is much more harmful than ordinary cigarettes.


Editorial "Site" 7 facts that will dispel the myth that hookah It is safe because it passes through water.

Harmful hookah
  1. Hookah smoke contains carcinogens, heavy metals, chad gas, formaldehyde and other dangerous substances. As a result of coal combustion, carbon monoxide is released. Half an hour of sipping a hookah leads to a lack of oxygen in the blood. During smoking a cigarette, a person inhales 0.6 liters of smoke, and for a session of smoking a hookah consumes 74.1 liters.

  2. Often, hookah tobacco is flavored, so it contains toxic substances that lead to diseases of the respiratory tract and circulatory system.


  3. Sipting a hookah increases heart rate, blood pressure, and aortic size index. This is all observed even from one session, which averages 30-60 minutes.


  4. Hookah is also addictive, because its smoke contains nicotine.

  5. If a woman smoked a hookah during pregnancy, then her child will have an increased risk of developing respiratory diseases, and the baby can also be born with a small weight. 430782


  6. Even if you smoke tobacco-free hookah, it is still harmful, as well as any combustion products. In addition, the hookah is tightened much more, it enters the deepest parts of the lungs, which negatively affects health. 611362


  7. Transferring the hookah tube to other people, you can catch hepatitis, tuberculosis and various infectious sores. Smoke hookah is harmful to others – passive smokers. After all, they inhale not only tobacco smoke, but also combustion products.


Hookah is not a safe alternative to cigarettes. Inhalation of smoke in any of its manifestations is harmful to health. It is better to completely abandon this habit and find a hobby that will relax and distract from problems. Do sports, find the positive in everything and no hookahs or cigarettes you will not need. They also cause premature aging.

We also talked about how to get rid of nicotine addiction.

Tell us in the comments if you smoke a hookah. Share this article with your friends on social media!

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