What you need to know about “liquid smoke” or about the carcinogens in smoked meat

How to make “liquid smoke”?
Natural “liquid smoke” is produced by stage and filtering ordinary wood smoke. According to developers, sawdust of deciduous trees with certain moisture content burned at a predetermined temperature, then the smoke particles is passed through the collector water is purified from harmful impurities – tar, tar, carcinogens, which are insoluble in water and completely removed from the smoke.
As evidenced by the experts, smoke fluid are different in composition. The most common combination of components: from 11 to 92 percent water, from 0.2 to 2.9 per cent phenols, from 2.9 to 9.5 percent acid, from 2.6 to 4.6 percent carbonyl compounds.
“Liquid smoke” is imported sometimes legally, but often illegally. Parties often do not specify the composition or name of substance: liquid and powders for “quick smoked” pass through customs as a food additive. On packing should any room or mysterious Latin abbreviations.
According to Derzhspozhyvstandard, “liquid smoke” is prohibited for use as a strong carcinogen, in many countries of the world. In the European countries have adopted standards for the use of various additives authorized for use.
Regulated allowable dose concentration. We have these standards, how and in what quantity you can use “liquid smoke” — no. But the concentration of this additive depends on the security of the product too high dose is harmful to health. Some manufacturers may exceed the recommended concentration of “liquid smoke”, the processing of stale meat or fish, to drown out the bad taste.
Pseudococaine exposed chicken legs and wings, mackerel, small fish such as capelin. Look soaked in “liquid smoke” products as well as smoked — not be distinguished, and the smell of smoke. Manufacturers add this team in the shell and beef sausages — the product is actually boiled, and the smell and flavor is like smoked.
Harmful “liquid smoke”? Expert opinion:
ALEXANDER BIRD, chief doctor of Oncology dispensary of Kramatorsk: “the Meats can be consumed occasionally”
Is it true that smoked products are the result of prolonged exposure to smoke carcinogenic?Of course, the carcinogens in smoked meat are available. Especially those that are not produced in a natural way smoked in the smoke of natural wood, and using various chemical, fluids like “liquid smoke” in which to dip the meat. These meats are especially harmful to the body, and there are now on the shelves of the majority. Some believe that natural meats more harmful, since the smoke many carcinogens, and “liquid smoke” less harmful...
It is obvious that manufacturers are treated in this way products are evil. Since when natural products become worse substitutes of all kinds? It is much better and healthier to drink, say, a hundred grams of good organic coffee than two liters of ersatz. Any chemicals — it is chemical, it is always unhealthy. And what about smoked foods in General is a treat, it is a celebratory product. If you do not have diabetes or stomach ulcers, there is nothing terrible that you are on holiday indulge yourself with a delicacy. But if you eat meats every day, it really is likely to harm the health, because it is quite heavy food.
IRINA GARNIER, Chairman of the Board of JSC “Kramatorsk meat processing plant”: “Wainilu — no!”
What additives are used in the technology of production of smoked meat?
There is a liquid, the so-called “liquid smoke”, produced on the basis of chemical vanila that some unscrupulous manufacturers use to add to the stuffing. This beef is starting to smell like smoked without the real Smoking. But we have not used any substitutes for Smoking products use only natural oak wood chips. And products manufactured using substitutes of natural smoke, and with its systematic use of human results after two to three months to corrosion of the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal diseases. We do not manufacture such products and do not advise anyone to use it. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.povarenok.ru/articles/show/2739/%20www.1tv.ru/documentary/print/fi=6222&sn=117