My husband is a real romantic, I just don't understand is...

I have the most wonderful husband. Like any human, he has his own cockroaches, and quite a lot of them. For example, it does not travel on the bus, if the destination can be reached by public transport. Besides, he is firmly convinced that to give color — this sheer stupidity and baseless extravagance. Believes that it is better to give your wife an expensive delicious sausage. In General, my husband is a very practical man.
One winter evening I discovered on the windowsill of two small flower pot. After a while of the ground show sprouts of onions. My daughter was very happy and already looking forward to when you can try crop. Onions and grew stronger, and our insatiable desire to enjoy it.
One day we waited, when the husband goes to work and finally cut onions. Daughter quickly prepared a vegetable salad. Ate and forgot about his "dark deeds". But the next morning the husband discovered the loss:
— Where? Where are the flowers?
— What flowers? You mean the onion? So we yesterday in a salad crumbled and eaten.
— Husband's face changed and after a moment's pause, explained:
— What kind of bow?! Yes, it's daffodils were! I used to grow them, wanted to surprise you to make the eighth of March! Dug in the country of the bulb, all the book did, to accurately calculate the time! Oh, you...
And my husband was a true romantic.
via factroom.ru