My husband found another and wanted to leave the family, I decided to act wisely, now I have no regrets.

Divorced women sometimes have a downright unpleasant feeling when they realize that their ex-husband. The truth is, the man you lived with for a while, who swore love, gave you a ring. Eventually divorced, now... Happy? Are you still living and loving another woman? Oh, that's unpleasant.

Again, not all divorced women think so, but let’s face it, there is a certain percentage. On the other hand, some women act wiser and let go of the person without unnecessary emotions, preferring instead to just move on. Maybe even get some benefit from the situation. The wife of billionaire Jeff Bezos is a direct example.

Ex-husband happy I, in essence, a person quite suspicious and vulnerable. Even at 49 years old. I don’t know if that’s how I was born or how my parents taught me. He grew up in a very wealthy family, an only child. My mother has always been my mother and she has been my teacher. Not that my childhood was fabulous, but, I confess, some of my peers were jealous of me.

As a young girl, I found a calling for myself. Makeup art. I enjoyed spending hours grooming in front of the mirror, trying myself in different ways, taking care of appearance. Some may call it self-admiration, but I think a woman should be. Bring in a beauty that is known to save the world.

And then, when there was at least some freedom in the country and being glamorous wasn't considered a shameful thing, people started paying attention to me. There were many boyfriends, but I was not used to exchanging for small things and once met my future husband. We had an immediate relationship, I liked everything about him and after a while we got married.

My husband is a wealthy man. He was respectful of my passion for appearance and contributed to it. Funny to say, I haven't worked a day in my life. I mean, payroll work. But maintaining a family home is also a job! Moreover, we also have a son born, and almost any woman knows about the severity of motherhood.

When I remember my family life, I can’t help but smile. We often flew to other countries, I probably tried every dish of the world cuisine. On the holidays, my man spoiled me with expensive gifts. Diamonds are the best friends of girls, said one famous actress. Who am I to argue with her?

But everything in this world comes to an end. I'm not getting any younger. And our rivals, women, are getting bigger every year. And my husband got hooked on one of these predators. I only found out after a year of their relationship. Some girls know how to notice unpleasant bells: a long hair on the collar of a shirt, the smell of a woman’s perfume and everything else. But my case was trivial: the female voice, their mobile dynamics.

It was a difficult conversation. More like a fight. I screamed a lot, cried a lot, broke my hands. Even broke a mirror. My husband promised to fix everything, reassured me, appealed to the past. And I did. She gave him a day to leave her, went on vacation with her son, decided to leave everything in its place upon arrival. I didn’t want to destroy my own family.

You probably already know what happened next? Yeah, my husband cheated on me again. Moreover, his passion also became pregnant. This time the husband was more distant. He no longer begged me, but just kept silent, thinking about something of his own. He asked for time to decide what to do next. Now the initiative was in my hands.

I didn't want to make a decision. My position was adamant: let this woman get out of our lives. I didn't want to hear anything. My husband left and I stayed home alone. My son was far away, so no one bothered me to cry alone in my pillow. In the evening, I called my mother and she suggested we meet somewhere outdoors.

We met in a cafe where I told you everything that happened to me, tried not to cry, but it was, believe me, very difficult. My mother listened to me and advised me to calm down first. She admitted that she was surprised that we did anything at all. I lived with the first and only man for so many years. And that's the truth.

“There is nothing wrong with divorce. According to statistics, half or even most marriages break up sooner or later. You better think about what you have. You have a son and your husband is rich. You're attractive and relatively young. Use this. One of your husbands was a mess. Be above that. And smarter.

When I met my ex-husband again (you got it right), the atmosphere was completely different. I didn’t smile, but I tried to be more supportive. She said she understood him. Maybe I didn't quite forgive him, but I accepted the circumstances and now I just want to know if he still loves me.

Turns out not. His new girlfriend, a thirty-year-old brunette, has long settled in his heart. And he kept their relationship secret all the time out of respect for me. I told her I didn’t want conflict and preferred a quiet divorce. Still, we used to love each other. His reaction to this was lightning fast. He looks younger. He smiled and hugged me like a stranger. He thanked and assured me that he would not give offense and that he did not even hope that I would behave like such an adult and reasonable woman.

Here we go. I now live with my son in our old house. If a two-storey mansion with modern repairs generally applies the word “old”. He left me a car too, but I never learned how to drive. But it's solvable, too. After all, the alimony he pays me every month allows me to hire the best chauffeur in town. At least I don't really need him. A taxi is more comfortable.

Peels We still see each other sometimes. He even took his fiancée with him a couple of times. Sweet girl, what else could I expect? That my ex would trade me for an old ugly grunt? Ha ha. I have a son, I have a comfortable life, and I have a future. And my ex-husband is happy. Whether anyone else will be there is up to me. I'm not in a hurry, I haven't had time to taste the life of a divorcee. Maybe I'll really like it.


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