The algorithms of love
Unrequited love — not karma, but a natural result of the wrong settings. And if the "logical outcome" sounds too rational, and the definition of "improper installation" contrary to your understanding of love, unrequited love — this is your karma.
People are divided into those who love "because", and those who like the contrary. "In spite of" always carries the connotation of a fatal and domineering passion, which is stronger than the mind of man, and sometimes stronger and of the mind, that is, moral principles, and even stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. It is in the full sense of the word, crazy love. "Because" can be romantic and realistic. Romance explain the love that they met on their quest to mate or a lovely angel, which is impossible not to love. Realists explain the love of a similarity of interests, views on life, the coincidence of the physical needs and material conditions. From the diagram it is obvious that realists meet the unhappy love in his life less likely, and if they meet, survive her calmer.
Romance are much more likely to be unhappy in love, however, once they realize that their love is non-reciprocal, the suffering they are on the decline, as the love in the view of the romantics is created for happiness, and suffering can only be temporary, for example, separation from a loved. Love fanatics are unhappy by definition. If love is not unhappy, the fanatic and love such love does not consider. Even if the mutual love of the fanatic, she's still miserable, because the very meaning of love to engulf you. Love, from the point of view of fanatics, is a kind of vampiric entity that finds and takes a drop of whole blood. It's hard to say why this image of love seems to them the most convincing, however, they enjoy a loving in spite of everything.
The relations of any couple have their own algorithm, which depends on what the views on love held by the partners: each of them realist, romantic or a fanatic in love. From this point of view can be called the six basic algorithms of love and illustrate them for clarity, classic fairy tales, which, as you know, there is nothing like the archetypes and the collective unconscious.
Realist + realistic (the Prince and the Frog)about Any love at first sight out of the question. Both are very wary and skeptical, perceived familiarity more like business than love. Not any realistic friendship between the two develops into love but every love two realists grows out of friendship. Love begins when friendship becomes close and connected to her physical attraction. At this stage may have started the conflict. Especially if one has more ambition, and second skin will seem to him too close and unsuitable for the status of his partner. He may try to begin to reshape candidate in order to build with them a harmonious marriage. Usually it ends with the resistance of the second realist, down to the gap. If the first will be able to realize their mistake and correct the cause of the conflict, the forecast of relations is very favorable. Over time, the love pair is getting stronger and stronger understanding.
Realist + romantic (Malvina and Pierrot)Romantic, usually falls in love with his realist at first glance, and almost immediately begins to sing in verse and capture in portraits. Sometimes romantic to blindly believe that his love is mutual, but often hoped to awake this reciprocity, demonstrating the strength and depth of their feelings. Realist excessive romanticism partner is usually annoying because it seems to be something fake and too exalted: infantilism and attempt to replace specific things with big words. Too enthusiastic romanticism activates the realistic cynicism. It's like they're trying to shock the romantics and to bring that into reality. But if romantic really become realistic, it is likely that the object of love is not seems so appropriate. If romantic will not want to return to reality, he will have to suffer the rudeness of a loved one or to sublimate their suffering into creativity.
Realist + fanatic (the Prince and the little Mermaid), the Situation of these relations is similar to the previous algorithm, with the difference that the fanatic, in contrast to romance is kept at a distance from the object of love, because initially willing to endure pain and suffering. He's not trying to impose itself on the beloved and prove their necessity. He's just looking for opportunities to sacrifice myself and drink in the fullness of the Cup is deadly beautiful feeling. So the realist may just simply not notice fanatic. The realist may seem to be a fanatic himself plays some kind of complex psychological game, enjoy masochism and self-blame. However, if the realist person good, he might try to warm fanatic and make a friend. In this case, the fanatic will do everything to break the friendship and continue their sweet torture. Friendship offends fanatic more than hatred, because in friendship there is no passion and real love must be mixed with blood.
Romantic + romantic (Kai and Gerda)Algorithm of love is quite harmonious, but the period of such love is short-lived. The pastoral scene where two beautiful lovers head bent toward each other above the flower bed, quickly replaced by another. One of the romantics begins to notice that the old feeling in it anymore, the butterfly fluttering in your heart dead or asleep, because there wove a tight web of boredom is the main enemy of any romantic nature. Romantic love can not be without emotions, it needs to be in constant flight. For the sake of continuing the flight, he is able to deliver even close drugar. Romantic friendship not despised as a fanatic, but appreciates it much less than that of romantic love. Cold romantic if you will notice in the distance something majestic and beautiful, it can without hesitation to spring for a new love. And love partner will be waiting for him or to look, telling himself that the beloved bewitched, or abducted.
Romantic + fanatic (Kai and the snow Queen)love Story not for the faint of heart, more like a Thriller, not a romance. Romantic ready to serve the beloved, but a fanatic makes him suffer. A fanatic does not do it because of cruelty, but because of their own ideas about true love. He tormented romance, tortures him, shows him the coldness, the contempt, but doesn't let go. It seems that he has set a goal to drink all the blood. In fact, any fanatic wants the opposite. He misses from the romantic idyll, does not feel the power of passion and provokes partner violence. If romantic makes a real attempt to throw it, the fanatic begins to suffer. Flour repeatedly reinforces his own fault to your favorite. He is willing to die to bring him back, and this time romantic believes in his love. The cycle is repeated again until, until romantic't get ahold of another romance that will pull him out of the circles of hell.
Zealot + zealot (beauty and the Beast)In contrast to the previous algorithm in this Thriller more constructive forces. Both know what they want from each other. When one hurts another, the second enjoys. Charter, they switch roles. They think that love is so constructed, and pain is its integral part. Beauty fears the Beast, but the disgust causes her to experience an acute pity and the desire to atone. Then begins to suffer from the Beast that Beauty is suffering, trying to let her go and die from boredom. Although the Beauty shows the Beast that slavery for the sweet liberty, the Beast imitates the death. Pretty inconsolable. The monster, seeing the flour Beauty, doubly inconsolable. Both in ecstasy. Forecast favorable and unfavorable at the same time. It seems that this couple will kill each other, but if they have even a shred of realism, they can get their perverted kicks, without going too far. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your cjpyfybt — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.antifatum.ru/articles/algoritmy-lyubvi/
People are divided into those who love "because", and those who like the contrary. "In spite of" always carries the connotation of a fatal and domineering passion, which is stronger than the mind of man, and sometimes stronger and of the mind, that is, moral principles, and even stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. It is in the full sense of the word, crazy love. "Because" can be romantic and realistic. Romance explain the love that they met on their quest to mate or a lovely angel, which is impossible not to love. Realists explain the love of a similarity of interests, views on life, the coincidence of the physical needs and material conditions. From the diagram it is obvious that realists meet the unhappy love in his life less likely, and if they meet, survive her calmer.

Romance are much more likely to be unhappy in love, however, once they realize that their love is non-reciprocal, the suffering they are on the decline, as the love in the view of the romantics is created for happiness, and suffering can only be temporary, for example, separation from a loved. Love fanatics are unhappy by definition. If love is not unhappy, the fanatic and love such love does not consider. Even if the mutual love of the fanatic, she's still miserable, because the very meaning of love to engulf you. Love, from the point of view of fanatics, is a kind of vampiric entity that finds and takes a drop of whole blood. It's hard to say why this image of love seems to them the most convincing, however, they enjoy a loving in spite of everything.
The relations of any couple have their own algorithm, which depends on what the views on love held by the partners: each of them realist, romantic or a fanatic in love. From this point of view can be called the six basic algorithms of love and illustrate them for clarity, classic fairy tales, which, as you know, there is nothing like the archetypes and the collective unconscious.
Realist + realistic (the Prince and the Frog)about Any love at first sight out of the question. Both are very wary and skeptical, perceived familiarity more like business than love. Not any realistic friendship between the two develops into love but every love two realists grows out of friendship. Love begins when friendship becomes close and connected to her physical attraction. At this stage may have started the conflict. Especially if one has more ambition, and second skin will seem to him too close and unsuitable for the status of his partner. He may try to begin to reshape candidate in order to build with them a harmonious marriage. Usually it ends with the resistance of the second realist, down to the gap. If the first will be able to realize their mistake and correct the cause of the conflict, the forecast of relations is very favorable. Over time, the love pair is getting stronger and stronger understanding.
Realist + romantic (Malvina and Pierrot)Romantic, usually falls in love with his realist at first glance, and almost immediately begins to sing in verse and capture in portraits. Sometimes romantic to blindly believe that his love is mutual, but often hoped to awake this reciprocity, demonstrating the strength and depth of their feelings. Realist excessive romanticism partner is usually annoying because it seems to be something fake and too exalted: infantilism and attempt to replace specific things with big words. Too enthusiastic romanticism activates the realistic cynicism. It's like they're trying to shock the romantics and to bring that into reality. But if romantic really become realistic, it is likely that the object of love is not seems so appropriate. If romantic will not want to return to reality, he will have to suffer the rudeness of a loved one or to sublimate their suffering into creativity.
Realist + fanatic (the Prince and the little Mermaid), the Situation of these relations is similar to the previous algorithm, with the difference that the fanatic, in contrast to romance is kept at a distance from the object of love, because initially willing to endure pain and suffering. He's not trying to impose itself on the beloved and prove their necessity. He's just looking for opportunities to sacrifice myself and drink in the fullness of the Cup is deadly beautiful feeling. So the realist may just simply not notice fanatic. The realist may seem to be a fanatic himself plays some kind of complex psychological game, enjoy masochism and self-blame. However, if the realist person good, he might try to warm fanatic and make a friend. In this case, the fanatic will do everything to break the friendship and continue their sweet torture. Friendship offends fanatic more than hatred, because in friendship there is no passion and real love must be mixed with blood.
Romantic + romantic (Kai and Gerda)Algorithm of love is quite harmonious, but the period of such love is short-lived. The pastoral scene where two beautiful lovers head bent toward each other above the flower bed, quickly replaced by another. One of the romantics begins to notice that the old feeling in it anymore, the butterfly fluttering in your heart dead or asleep, because there wove a tight web of boredom is the main enemy of any romantic nature. Romantic love can not be without emotions, it needs to be in constant flight. For the sake of continuing the flight, he is able to deliver even close drugar. Romantic friendship not despised as a fanatic, but appreciates it much less than that of romantic love. Cold romantic if you will notice in the distance something majestic and beautiful, it can without hesitation to spring for a new love. And love partner will be waiting for him or to look, telling himself that the beloved bewitched, or abducted.
Romantic + fanatic (Kai and the snow Queen)love Story not for the faint of heart, more like a Thriller, not a romance. Romantic ready to serve the beloved, but a fanatic makes him suffer. A fanatic does not do it because of cruelty, but because of their own ideas about true love. He tormented romance, tortures him, shows him the coldness, the contempt, but doesn't let go. It seems that he has set a goal to drink all the blood. In fact, any fanatic wants the opposite. He misses from the romantic idyll, does not feel the power of passion and provokes partner violence. If romantic makes a real attempt to throw it, the fanatic begins to suffer. Flour repeatedly reinforces his own fault to your favorite. He is willing to die to bring him back, and this time romantic believes in his love. The cycle is repeated again until, until romantic't get ahold of another romance that will pull him out of the circles of hell.
Zealot + zealot (beauty and the Beast)In contrast to the previous algorithm in this Thriller more constructive forces. Both know what they want from each other. When one hurts another, the second enjoys. Charter, they switch roles. They think that love is so constructed, and pain is its integral part. Beauty fears the Beast, but the disgust causes her to experience an acute pity and the desire to atone. Then begins to suffer from the Beast that Beauty is suffering, trying to let her go and die from boredom. Although the Beauty shows the Beast that slavery for the sweet liberty, the Beast imitates the death. Pretty inconsolable. The monster, seeing the flour Beauty, doubly inconsolable. Both in ecstasy. Forecast favorable and unfavorable at the same time. It seems that this couple will kill each other, but if they have even a shred of realism, they can get their perverted kicks, without going too far. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your cjpyfybt — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.antifatum.ru/articles/algoritmy-lyubvi/
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