Without love fat women...

Can unmet needs cause of excess weight? Very often weight signals to us not about serious health problems, and the problems in the relationship or too many restrictions in life. They cause night raids on the fridge and eating sweet, fatty and smoked on an industrial scale. Food becomes a "substitute" of love.

That is why, despite all the effort, only a very few people do manage to lose weight, but then again not gain hardly "throw" the weight, if psychological problems remain unresolved.

Reason # 1. Blocked need for love

If the relationship with the beloved is not all going well and you're more silent and sob into the pillow by innuendo, expecting that a partner will read your thoughts and desires, the reason for the night "raids" on the fridge clear. It is much safer to sneak up to the refrigerator, especially at night, when no one sees than to have the courage to take the risk to change something in the relationship. To do this we are hampered by fears of being rejected, used, old hurts, habits and established views on life.

Reason # 2. Blocked need for recognition

You can "push" their own desires on the back burner and listen to only man, adapting to his desires and needs: a late dinner for a loved one, sex when only he wants. "Anything for you, darling, no matter what you can't see me!" Such willingness to sacrifice is fraught with consequences: you have a hard time holding back the tears, "forget" about yourself — lock the need for attention, intimacy or rush to the other extreme: the quarrels, tantrums, scandals without constructive solutions is the result of these actions is very similar: we "seize" or "drink" their own "insignificance".

Reason # 3. Sexual disharmony

One of the causes of excess weight you can count... sex. If sex for you is a duty, then you will get fat slowly, usually every year kilograms for 2-3, turning into the woman who will be not interesting to the husband. If, on the contrary, the need for sex is available, but is not satisfied then again a chance of weight gain. Horny man in this situation prefer to engage in self-gratification, and the woman is likely to eat something delicious.

What to do?

1. To start, try to talk with him about your feelings — it's a win-win. Assign them to yourself. "I'm mad, worried." Be aware, legalize them. It's more complicated than "Pat" yourself to another chocolate, but not reflected at the waist.

2. Start to listen not only to their desires, but also to the senses. Don't be silent, talk with your partner about your feelings, in an intimate setting including.

3. Learn to care about each other are equal.

4. Remember that your thoughts are impossible to read. The silence in the relationship leads to feelings of resentment and anger.

5. Please reconsider your attitude to sex — it needs to turn from duty to the fun.

Bans and extra weight

If our life has a lot of inhibitions and fears, if we constantly monitor ourselves for fear of rejection of being someone else, eating becomes a means to forget about discipline, control and commitment. What we can do for ourselves just like that? Is. In food we allow ourselves all this "safe" way to have fun is uncontrolled and unlimited. Children's part of the soul understands — you can act up and get away! In relationships, we currently do not allow.

When a person strives to be perfect, trying to meet the high standards and requirements, the food sometimes turns into a single outlet.

The solution is simple and complicated at the same time: give yourself permission to be other than ideal and talk to your body and promise me you'll be more carefully and to treat them.

Three helpful exercises:

"List of pleasures"

Think and make a list of everything that life brings pleasure to you and your body, besides food. Then apply this knowledge in practice. You may find that you like a massage, bath with scents, masks and wraps, a cold shower or belly dancing.

"I'll eat it in 7 minutes"

Once you understand that going towards the kitchen, although we didn't intend to eat soon, start performing this exercise. Instead of having to open the fridge, tell yourself "I'll eat it in 7 minutes" and then come up with a list of things you must get done during this time. Desire to eat can be lost while you are busy with these matters.

"Break the trigger"

Be aware of what events "trigger" and bring to culmination a painful relationship with food: PMS, lack of sleep, resentment, etc. Try to avoid them or escape from them in the future. If you find that all of them are somehow connected with your partner, write him a letter. Express what they think, without censorship, did not mince words. Do not rush to tear the text to pieces! Instead, imagine yourself in the place of the partner and try to answer the claims. This will help to relieve tension and to understand the situation. And then rip the paper. published


Author: Larisa Kuznetsova

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: //kaloriyka.ru/blog/message/1336e2cda60acdhetoi


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