10 simple scientifically proven ways to be happy
Happiness each person has his own. But whatever it is, it is important to understand that just because happiness does not give anyone and to achieve it we must do the difficult and thorny path.
The website tells the reader about the ten most effective ways to help you become the happiest in the world.
Give the sport at least seven minutes a day of Exercise and sport — a perfect remedy for depression. They affect the brain and increase self-esteem. The beneficial effect of sport on people has been proven in the course of the study, which involved people struggling with depression. The first group was given only medications, the second one did physical exercises, and the participants of the third group combined the drugs with sports. Six months later, a survey was conducted of participants in each group, and the doctors noted that among the people who were in the second group, the recurrence rate of the disease was only nine percent, and in first and third at 38% and 31%, respectively.
Communicate with friends and family the time that each person spends with their loved ones, has an impact on his mood. In his book the psychologist Daniel Gilbert said, "Our friends and our family give us happiness. And those things that we think make us even happier, in reality only help us to give loved ones a little more free time".
Try to get enough sleep each night Lack of sleep affects the hippocampus, responsible for processing neutral and positive emotions. And in the end people who are not poured from day to day, much worse remember the good moments and dwell on the negative memories. On this subject a study was conducted involving students who slept a little. They were asked to memorize the words and repeat them the next day. As a result, students were able to learn 81% of words with negative connotation and only 31% of words with neutral or positive connotations.
Walk in cool weather Only twenty minutes out in the fresh air, perfectly still improve memory and stimulate the imagination. But scientists from the American meteorological society proved that at a temperature of 13.9°C people stop being sad and feel positive emotions and happiness.
Smile more often and do it sincerely the Only real smile can improve mood, reduce pain and enhance your mental abilities. If to smile with their positive thoughts, you feel happy. Even if you are forced to smile more often, try to do it sincerely. Research conducted in the University of Michigan have shown that people often use false smiles, the more I think about the negative emotions, and this reduces productivity.
Highlight on the help of other people for two hours a week One study proved that those people who spent some money on entertainment or going out to a restaurant, I felt happier than people who spend money on some material purchase. It turns out that spending money on entertainment can also act as a relief to others, because a percentage of ticket sales for the concert will be the favourite performer, and a tip, the restaurant will bring joy to the cute waitress.
Plan a trip, even if you're not going anywhere, just the thought of the journey is uplifting, which is not surprising. It has been proven that thoughts about a pleasant event in the future: on the flight to another country or meeting with friends increases the level of endorphins in the body by as much as 27%. And even in that case, if the trip or meeting break, the thought of them giving excitement and happiness.
Locate housing close to work Long commute to and from work has a negative impact on the emotional state of a person. You can get used to many inconveniences in life, but an exhausting way to work this morning to get used is not worth it. This everyday stress is killing all positive, so look for an apartment is closer to work or Vice versa — a job closer to home. No luxury home would not be able to compensate for the discomfort that lurks on the long way to work.
Pay due attention to the meditation Regular meditation classes contribute to the fact that you start programming your brain for happiness. In addition, meditation is a great way to improve concentration and to relax after a busy day. A feeling of peace and tranquility can make you the happiest man in the world.
Do not hesitate to Express my gratitude to Any, even the most trifling, the action of bringing joy, should be rewarded with gratitude. The feeling expressed gratitude positively affects a person's mood that has been proven in the course of the study. The participants for three weeks, wrote a letter of thanks, and handed them to the recipient. The results showed that writing such letters has made their authors a lot happier, and they stopped thinking about the negative.
via www.inc.com/jeff-haden/10-scientifically-proven-ways-to-be-incredibly-happy-wed.html

The website tells the reader about the ten most effective ways to help you become the happiest in the world.
Give the sport at least seven minutes a day of Exercise and sport — a perfect remedy for depression. They affect the brain and increase self-esteem. The beneficial effect of sport on people has been proven in the course of the study, which involved people struggling with depression. The first group was given only medications, the second one did physical exercises, and the participants of the third group combined the drugs with sports. Six months later, a survey was conducted of participants in each group, and the doctors noted that among the people who were in the second group, the recurrence rate of the disease was only nine percent, and in first and third at 38% and 31%, respectively.
Communicate with friends and family the time that each person spends with their loved ones, has an impact on his mood. In his book the psychologist Daniel Gilbert said, "Our friends and our family give us happiness. And those things that we think make us even happier, in reality only help us to give loved ones a little more free time".
Try to get enough sleep each night Lack of sleep affects the hippocampus, responsible for processing neutral and positive emotions. And in the end people who are not poured from day to day, much worse remember the good moments and dwell on the negative memories. On this subject a study was conducted involving students who slept a little. They were asked to memorize the words and repeat them the next day. As a result, students were able to learn 81% of words with negative connotation and only 31% of words with neutral or positive connotations.
Walk in cool weather Only twenty minutes out in the fresh air, perfectly still improve memory and stimulate the imagination. But scientists from the American meteorological society proved that at a temperature of 13.9°C people stop being sad and feel positive emotions and happiness.
Smile more often and do it sincerely the Only real smile can improve mood, reduce pain and enhance your mental abilities. If to smile with their positive thoughts, you feel happy. Even if you are forced to smile more often, try to do it sincerely. Research conducted in the University of Michigan have shown that people often use false smiles, the more I think about the negative emotions, and this reduces productivity.
Highlight on the help of other people for two hours a week One study proved that those people who spent some money on entertainment or going out to a restaurant, I felt happier than people who spend money on some material purchase. It turns out that spending money on entertainment can also act as a relief to others, because a percentage of ticket sales for the concert will be the favourite performer, and a tip, the restaurant will bring joy to the cute waitress.
Plan a trip, even if you're not going anywhere, just the thought of the journey is uplifting, which is not surprising. It has been proven that thoughts about a pleasant event in the future: on the flight to another country or meeting with friends increases the level of endorphins in the body by as much as 27%. And even in that case, if the trip or meeting break, the thought of them giving excitement and happiness.
Locate housing close to work Long commute to and from work has a negative impact on the emotional state of a person. You can get used to many inconveniences in life, but an exhausting way to work this morning to get used is not worth it. This everyday stress is killing all positive, so look for an apartment is closer to work or Vice versa — a job closer to home. No luxury home would not be able to compensate for the discomfort that lurks on the long way to work.
Pay due attention to the meditation Regular meditation classes contribute to the fact that you start programming your brain for happiness. In addition, meditation is a great way to improve concentration and to relax after a busy day. A feeling of peace and tranquility can make you the happiest man in the world.
Do not hesitate to Express my gratitude to Any, even the most trifling, the action of bringing joy, should be rewarded with gratitude. The feeling expressed gratitude positively affects a person's mood that has been proven in the course of the study. The participants for three weeks, wrote a letter of thanks, and handed them to the recipient. The results showed that writing such letters has made their authors a lot happier, and they stopped thinking about the negative.
via www.inc.com/jeff-haden/10-scientifically-proven-ways-to-be-incredibly-happy-wed.html
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