12 truths about planning a pregnancy, you should know each
Thirty three million seven hundred sixty seven thousand six hundred thirty eight
= Post affiliate Website and Ovarian® =
If you decide to prepare for conception of the child responsibly, but don't know where to start, we have prepared some tips that will increase the chances of success.
Keep in mind that ideally you need to make changes in lifestyle for six months before the planned time of conception. If this is not possible, start to prepare at least a month.
Seventy two million six hundred sixty four thousand six hundred fifty three
Thirty five million four hundred six thousand one hundred twenty three
As for women, Smoking will affect the ability to ovulate. If you smoke after pregnancy, it can lead to fetal malformations. It's also best to cut back on the caffeine.
But don't overdo it: excessive physical activity can affect hormonal balance and ovulation.
Thirty one million four hundred eighty eight thousand nine hundred seventy four
Ninety nine million nine hundred forty eight thousand eighty five
Ninety one million ninety two thousand four hundred fifty eight
For those who want to approach the planning of their pregnancy responsibly and correctly, it is important to remember that before you start taking any supplements and drugs, you should consult with your doctor.
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= Post affiliate Website and Ovarian® =
If you decide to prepare for conception of the child responsibly, but don't know where to start, we have prepared some tips that will increase the chances of success.
Keep in mind that ideally you need to make changes in lifestyle for six months before the planned time of conception. If this is not possible, start to prepare at least a month.
Seventy two million six hundred sixty four thousand six hundred fifty three
- Get ready together.
- Follow the cycle, but don't live according to schedule.
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- Quit Smoking and drinking alcohol.
As for women, Smoking will affect the ability to ovulate. If you smoke after pregnancy, it can lead to fetal malformations. It's also best to cut back on the caffeine.
- Sport.
But don't overdo it: excessive physical activity can affect hormonal balance and ovulation.
Thirty one million four hundred eighty eight thousand nine hundred seventy four
- Pay attention to the side effects of medications.
- Watch your weight.
- Men should avoid saunas.
Ninety nine million nine hundred forty eight thousand eighty five
- Be careful with cats.
- Avoid chemicals.
- Visit a General practitioner and a dentist.
- Do not hesitate to consult a gynecologist.
- Pay special attention to the support of his body.
Ninety one million ninety two thousand four hundred fifty eight
For those who want to approach the planning of their pregnancy responsibly and correctly, it is important to remember that before you start taking any supplements and drugs, you should consult with your doctor.
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