10 tricks that will bring back the whiteness of your clothes
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To maintain the whiteness of clothes seems incredibly difficult task. All sorts of spots, a yellow or gray tint that appears after several washings, can ruin your favorite thing to discourage the desire to buy white.
The editors of the Website have gathered these simple tips that can help you maintain the perfect white of things without much effort and costly resources.
Detergent, peroxide and baking soda
"Mix peroxide, liquid dishwashing, and soda in a ratio of 4:2:1 and apply with a brush on the places you want to bleach" — advises the author of this blog. If you want to restore the whiteness of the whole thing at once, add this mixture in 2 liters of water and leave the thing for a few hours, and then wash it the normal way.
The author of this blog shows how ammonia helps to remove the white stuff, even those difficult spots, like blood. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and ensure good ventilation before applying this substance. To whiten the thing is, mix 4 drops of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of water. Leave things for a couple of hours and then wash with powder.
Baby powder
It says that baby powder helps in combating fat and oil spots. First blot the stain by cloth, then sprinkle baby powder or starch, leave for 10-15 minutes, then remove the powder and wash the thing in the usual way.
Put 3-4 aspirin in the washing machine drum together with the Laundry, so it's not yellowing. Tablets can also be used to remove yellow sweat stains: for this you need to activate the aspirin with a little water and apply the mixture on the stains for a few hours and then wash in the usual way.
White bread
To remove traces of lipstick or Foundation cream with white clothes, you need to take a piece of white bread and roll the crumbs into a ball. After that, blot the spot, not smearing them on things. It should be done immediately after a stain appeared. After that, the thing needs to be washed in the usual way.
Means for washing Windows
To remove an ink stain or stains from pens and markers, use the tool for washing Windows. To start, place a cloth under the stain to the cloth on the reverse side is saturated. Then spray the wash onto the stain and leave for 5 minutes. After that wash the thing normally.
"Before putting the white clothes in the washing machine, soak it for about an hour in the lemon water," advises the author of this blog. Pour the linen with water, add a few slices of lemon and a teaspoon of peroxide.
Boric acid
Boric acid effectively remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes. Mix a tablespoon of boric acid with water and apply the mixture on the stains. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and then wash in the usual way. Or mix a tablespoon of boric acid powder and add into the washing machine to restore the whiteness of all things. But better not to get involved in this way: whiten things special funds not more often than every third wash.
To remove stains from clothes in this way, RUB it with a standard white chalk before washing. Mel is a good adsorbent, therefore, during washing the stain faster and more effectively disappears from things.
The dishwasher detergent
To give white clothes pristine, they advise you to mix equal parts regular powder and powder for the dishwasher. Add this mixture into the washing machine and wash as usual.
Photos on the preview depositphotos/Kzenon depositphotos/shutswis
See also
10 techniques to look luxurious in white
4 easy ways to keep your delicate things again become perfectly white
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/4-prostyh-sposoba-chtoby-vashi-delikatnye-veschi-snova-stali-idealno-belymi-1453615/
To maintain the whiteness of clothes seems incredibly difficult task. All sorts of spots, a yellow or gray tint that appears after several washings, can ruin your favorite thing to discourage the desire to buy white.
The editors of the Website have gathered these simple tips that can help you maintain the perfect white of things without much effort and costly resources.
Detergent, peroxide and baking soda

"Mix peroxide, liquid dishwashing, and soda in a ratio of 4:2:1 and apply with a brush on the places you want to bleach" — advises the author of this blog. If you want to restore the whiteness of the whole thing at once, add this mixture in 2 liters of water and leave the thing for a few hours, and then wash it the normal way.

The author of this blog shows how ammonia helps to remove the white stuff, even those difficult spots, like blood. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and ensure good ventilation before applying this substance. To whiten the thing is, mix 4 drops of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of water. Leave things for a couple of hours and then wash with powder.
Baby powder

It says that baby powder helps in combating fat and oil spots. First blot the stain by cloth, then sprinkle baby powder or starch, leave for 10-15 minutes, then remove the powder and wash the thing in the usual way.

Put 3-4 aspirin in the washing machine drum together with the Laundry, so it's not yellowing. Tablets can also be used to remove yellow sweat stains: for this you need to activate the aspirin with a little water and apply the mixture on the stains for a few hours and then wash in the usual way.
White bread

To remove traces of lipstick or Foundation cream with white clothes, you need to take a piece of white bread and roll the crumbs into a ball. After that, blot the spot, not smearing them on things. It should be done immediately after a stain appeared. After that, the thing needs to be washed in the usual way.
Means for washing Windows

To remove an ink stain or stains from pens and markers, use the tool for washing Windows. To start, place a cloth under the stain to the cloth on the reverse side is saturated. Then spray the wash onto the stain and leave for 5 minutes. After that wash the thing normally.

"Before putting the white clothes in the washing machine, soak it for about an hour in the lemon water," advises the author of this blog. Pour the linen with water, add a few slices of lemon and a teaspoon of peroxide.
Boric acid

Boric acid effectively remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes. Mix a tablespoon of boric acid with water and apply the mixture on the stains. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and then wash in the usual way. Or mix a tablespoon of boric acid powder and add into the washing machine to restore the whiteness of all things. But better not to get involved in this way: whiten things special funds not more often than every third wash.

To remove stains from clothes in this way, RUB it with a standard white chalk before washing. Mel is a good adsorbent, therefore, during washing the stain faster and more effectively disappears from things.
The dishwasher detergent

To give white clothes pristine, they advise you to mix equal parts regular powder and powder for the dishwasher. Add this mixture into the washing machine and wash as usual.
Photos on the preview depositphotos/Kzenon depositphotos/shutswis
See also
10 techniques to look luxurious in white
4 easy ways to keep your delicate things again become perfectly white
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/4-prostyh-sposoba-chtoby-vashi-delikatnye-veschi-snova-stali-idealno-belymi-1453615/
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