Not in money happiness – 7 ways to live life to the fullest

Many of us are struggling with money, or rather, their lack in our lives. And even if the money you have enough, you think that they are not.
At different points in life, your job could bring you enough money. For example, if you work for a lawyer, earn a lot. But the interest is the fact that you don't feel that you have enough money. You are constantly short of Finance, you go into debt and concentrate on what you need more.
Sometimes you don't have a well-paid job, and you feel an even greater lack of funds.
We need time to realize that when we focus only on money and how to earn more ‒ we are losing our battle.
When you think about how to earn more money, you start thinking that you lack something.
At some point I realized that the opportunity to earn more and have more in your life, feel the satisfaction has little to do with money. The secret lies in your sense of abundance. If you live a rich life, filled with happy feelings, you create more abundance. Of course, money will follow the feeling, but you will also feel infinite joy and bliss.
Stop thinking about money and live life to the fullest using these 7 methods to attract more abundance into your life.
1. Create more positive experiences.
You don't need money to feel happy, well and live life to the fullest. There are many, many things you can do for free, but they will bring invaluable feelings in your life. When you are doing something that you have passion or something, what your soul sings, you amplify your inner vibration. You will begin to act on feelings of bliss and joy and you will understand, what not in money happiness.
Your actions:
Do more of the work that brings you joy. Look for possible replacement of your current career and think of the possibilities to change jobs to one that will bring you satisfaction. Take the time to help others. Use your skills to bring happiness to people around you. Give your time or money to alleviate the suffering of others. Be prepared to say "no" to obligations and situations that don't bring you happiness. Stay away from "toxic" people and people who compare you with someone. Avoid obligations that drain your energy, or that create negative energy in your life.
2. Be aware of all the miracles in your life.
In your life constantly there are small and significant happy events. You hardly notice them, but you can change everything if you start to realize all the good that happens in your life. Express appreciation for all those little and big coincidences, kindness, and magnificence that meet you on the way.
Your actions:
Every day write down 10 things you are grateful for. Let this lesson will be for you first thing in the morning or last night, or do it in the morning and evening.
Pay attention to something that works in your favor, a surprise that causes your enthusiasm, or something that happens the way you want. Pray silently for a moment, say thankyou when you are seeing positive things.
Be grateful for those little things that make you smile: kindness, truth, someone to help you, nice weather, birds chirping, or just the blissful moment of calm.
3. Free up space
You can allow abundance into your life and start living life to the fullest, only if you create space for this. Our daily existence is filled with poison, negative and worried thoughts. Most of us are "stuck" in a past they cannot change, and feel uncertainty about the future which has not come yet.
Your actions:
Start living in the present. Pay attention to those moments when your mind slips back into the past or forward into the future. Use techniques of mindfulness to remind myself that today is all you have.
Tear off communication with those friends or acquaintances that are poisoning your life or make you feel inferior.
Decide to heal your wounds, come to terms with the past and become a whole person, practicing self-love. Treat yourself with kindness, love and compassion.
4. I'm sorry and Otpusti.
If you are stuck in negativity and anger, you block abundance. The single most important principle to remove these blocks and let your life more miracles the word "P": Forgiveness.
"Forgiveness is not always easy. Sometimes to forgive someone who hurt us, hurt more than the wound from which we suffer. And yet, without forgiveness, we will know peace" — says Marianne Williamson
Your actions:
Let forgiveness be an act of compassion for yourself. No matter how great the harm or serious offense, find the strength to forgive. Get rid of the burning anger and caustic bitterness in your heart. Try to find the compassion to the person you're trying to forgive. Use forgiveness as a spiritual practice to get rid of the stinging pain and sadness in your soul.
Take a conscious decision to get rid of hard feelings that you store in your heart. You do not need to restore communication with the abuser, but if you "cling" for the offense, you thereby enable him or her to constantly hurt you.
Sorry just to make you sleep better and breathe more freely.
5. React to all situations with love.
You can't change what happens around you and with you, but you can change what is in your power – your point of view.
When you are faced with anger or plain irritating factors you just decide to look at the circumstances or people with love.
Your actions:
Decide for yourself to see love, not what is happening. Think of the compassion and understanding to see why the other person behaves in that way. When someone feels towards you with anger or contempt, react to it calmly and with love.
This can not be learned at once, this ability develops over time. Learn to cool your anger and give criticism with compassion so that you could spread the love to all those who have caused you pain. As soon as you feel irritation, direct your love to the situation.
6. Live joyfully
Some people say that you should live like you already got what you wanted.
You don't need to feel a false sense of abundance. Instead, just live life to the fullest and rejoice. You have ALREADY received it. Your ability to experience joy and a sense of abundance now in your hands. You have an incredible gift. If you live with that in mind, you will feel the satisfaction and happiness that will bring more joy and abundance into your life.
Your actions:
Feel and feel the joy in your life now, in this moment. Consciously define for yourself what brings you joy, and spend more time with these lessons. If you notice that you are engaged in activities or are among the people that make your soul sing, make sure you appreciate this point. Look for more of such moments. The more you comprehend, the abundance, the more abundance you receive in your life.
7. Rejoice in the abundance in other people's lives.
The universe is generous and abundant. As human beings, we are full of jealousy, the feeling that we lack something, and envy, when the universe gives something to others. When other people get new jobs or opportunities, your reaction can become discontent.
When you refuse to give in abundance to others, you are filled with negative energy of feeling "lack" of something in your life.
Your actions:
Experience the excitement for other people. The energy of the Universe comprehensive. Think about what the universe gives to others is a gift to you. The universe is generous to those you know; this means that there will be new gifts.
When you welcome the gifts of the Universe that get from other people, and rejoice in the happiness in the lives of others, you open your heart to the gifts and happy events in your own life. Appreciate and be truly grateful for the achievements and opportunities in the lives of others.
The more you rejoice in the successes of others, the more willing the universe will commend you.
By and large, money can not buy happiness. Money so restrict us that when we don't, we feel the lack and the need. Instead of focusing on money (or lack of in your life), spend your days getting rid of blocks and obstacles to abundance.
Forget about the money. Live life to the fullest, which brings you satisfaction, cultivating a sense of abundance and fortune!
Source: justpost.com.ua