The immunology Toru ABO: 2 causes of ALL disease
In this article we will introduce you with simple recommendations for the preservation and strengthening of health, which formulated the famous Japanese scientist and immunologist Professor Toru ABO in his wonderful book "the only Two causes of all diseases. To achieve longevity through control of hypoxia and hypothermia".
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Slowing of blood flow when exposed to cold
In his book Professor ABO explains why most diseases result from the adaptive response of the body to the condition of hypothermia and hypoxia.
The mechanism of action of hypoxia and hypothermia is easy to understand with a simple example:
If you touch a fingertip to the cold towel, the blood flow to the tip of the finger stop, – to stop it requires no more than one second.
What happens inside our body when the blood flow stops?
Cooling leads to hypothermia, and when peripheral blood flow stops, it can lead to hypoxia, because the oxygen delivered to the organs and tissues of the body with blood.
Other word ,blood flow in separate parts of the body can change under the influence of external conditions. In this example, a cold towel.
Blood is pumped from the heart to all parts of the body, but at the same time delicately controlled by the blood flow in the peripheral blood vessel.
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Cooling leads to hypothermia, and when peripheral blood flow stops, it can lead to hypoxia, because the oxygen delivered to the organs and tissues of the body with blood
Even a completely healthy person, the blood flow changes in response to the state of the external environment, the blood sometimes flows evenly, and sometimes circulates slower because of increased blood viscosity.
Similar changes in blood flow occur with different emotions. That is why stress and negative emotions as the most dangerous toxin for our body.
To understand how the state of hypoxia and hypothermia is dangerous for our health, just look at how the energy production in the cells of our body.
For energy production we need the nutrients we get from food, and oxygen we get from air that we breathe. This is how we survive.
We need to eat and breathe to 60 trillion cells in our body can produce energy for our everyday needs.
But most interesting is that every cell in our body has not one, but two (and completely different) mechanism of energy production. One needs oxygen, so called aerobic.
For the second oxygen is not needed. It is called anaerobic. Simply put, this means that…
People have two different types of power plants inside cells:Thirty four million seven hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred twenty nine
For energy production we need the nutrients we get from food, and oxygen we get from air that we breathe
Anaerobic mechanism of energy productionIt is a system that converts nutrients from food into energy without oxygen. As the main source of energy here is glucose, the energy is produced very quickly by the simple process of decomposition of glucose.
Plus the fact that we gain energy very quickly, but the volume of energy produced is small, and it is a minus.
Aerobic mechanism of energy productionThis mechanism is more complicated, as it involves not only nutrients but also oxygen. It takes more time, but this process produces a huge quantity of energy compared to energy produced by anaerobic.
Of course... We need both of the energy (anaerobic and aerobic) of our activities, but... for different purposes.
Here is a simple example.
That is why our muscles consist of two muscle fiber types: white (fast) and red (slow)
During intensive and short-term activities operate predominantly white (fast) muscle, which contains little oxygen.
With a long and leisurely working predominantly red (slow), which just got its name due to the large amount of oxygen that is delivered to them with the iron contained in the respiratory enzyme.
(Iron is by nature white, but when it reacts with oxygen, its color turns to red.)
Seven million thirty seven thousand six hundred sixty three
Our muscles consist of two muscle fiber types: white (fast) and red (slow)
That's why aerobic exercise is considered good for health. Because they activate the production of cellular energy, leaving huge quantities of oxygen in red muscle.
Ideally, in a healthy person, these processes must be balanced in a ratio of 1:1 during the active life (20 – 50 years) and with age naturally shift towards the aerobic mechanism of energy supply.
When we, even in the most General terms, understand the functioning of our body at the level of energy the provision of basic life processes, the reasons why hypoxia and hypothermia are the main causes of most diseases, will become apparent.
And here's why…
As our body enters a state of hypoxia and hypothermia?
The autonomic nervous system consists of two main divisions: sympathetic nervous system that is becoming predominant, when our body is excited and parasympathetic nervous system that is becoming predominant, when our body is relaxed and resting.
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The sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant when our body is excited, while the parasympathetic nervous system – when our body is relaxed and resting
When our body undergoes stress, work the sympathetic nervous system. In this state we are annoyed or even allow ourselves to pomagranet rage.
The sympathetic nervous system sends a command to release neurotransmitters (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine) that may cause palpitations, increase blood pressure and increase glucose levels in the blood.
Neurotransmitters play a major role in communication between nerves and other parts of the human body.
Neurotransmitters are chemical transmitters that carry signals between synapses, the tiny space between one neuron and another. Here's a diagram of how the sympathetic nervous system affects the hormones in our body:
Stress → the Sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant → neurotransmitters Such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, are highlighted → the Blood vessels contract, leading to blockade of blood flow
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Diagram of how the sympathetic nervous system affects the hormones in our body
So, our body enters a state of hypothermia and hypoxia stress, and this mechanism is the same for mental and physical stress.
Of course, that under stress our body will use mainly anaerobic mechanism of energy supply. Because in this state the body will lack of oxygen.
Today, however, the presence of stress (more or less intensity, which we don't even notice) become the norm in our daily life.
Our body reacts to stress, trying to adapt to the environment and trying to survive in it. As a result of this reaction, we occasionally feel physical change such as
... caused by hypothermia and hypoxia.
The modern way of life to these changes in the body, many don't even pay attention.
However, the prolonged presence of these conditions during long time inevitably leads to disease.If we ignore the voice of our body and allow these conditions to continue, then it can lead to fatal disease.
Professor ABO offers eight rules for saving and strengthening of health, of which the most important according to the first three
1. Learn to recognize the symptoms of physical and psychological stressIn the hustle and bustle of everyday life we often do not notice that ceased to cope with stress. And then he begins to show a variety of symptoms.
The most obvious is the color.Also you may experience headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, abdominal pain, constipation, insomnia and menstrual pain due to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.
Stomatitis and problems such as dry skin are also signs of stress.
Learning to notice these signs of stress, you enter into a dialogue with his soul and heart.
This process is very important. When you have pain, it is important to understand the cause of these pains and not to react to pain and try to focus on addressing mere symptoms.
There are different ways to notice these signs. You can speak with someone about your stress. You can record them. Even if many things are not always give you fast decisions, their definition sometimes it helps to lower stress levels and calm overwhelming feelings.
Please take a moment and give yourself a chance to relax, to talk with yourself.
2. Balance your lifestyleThe balance between active life and effective recovery is very important.
To maintain good health it is critical to be able to relax and promptly regain their strength.
3. Learn to take breaks and relaxThe ability to find time for relaxation and rest is very important skill.
Points one and two, perhaps, easy to understand, but their practical implementation in real life may take some time.
Therefore learn to balance between them from time to time.
You're welcome., remember the wise use switch to their seriousness and diligence.
To change your ever-serious face, you may need find a new hobby that you can enjoy in your free time.
Your face should have a different expression, not such as at work or during execution of the work around the house.
If you are a person who works a lot, start to spend more time with his family. The step forward can change a lot.
Of course, these tips are more relevant to the formation of the right Outlook to maintain health, especially in older and older age. Do not answer a very important question: where to start?
In practical terms, you need to start with the two most important things
1) learn deep abdominal breathing
Throughout the greater part of his life we have gained a breathing harmful habits, which we now need to get rid of as quickly as possible if we do not regularly treated the rest of my life. Let me explain this statement in more detail…
If to ask any person to take a deep breath, the effort will involve the belly, straighten the upper part of the chest, raise the shoulders…
But the result of all these efforts will be superficial and not deep breathing. So, don't be surprised.
Because the potential volume of the upper part of the lungs is much less than the potential size of their bottom. You will easily be able to see this if you look at the picture:
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Improper breathing. The potential volume of the upper part of the lungs is much less than the potential size of their bottom part
Retraction of the stomach and raising the shoulders reduces pressure on the ribs, thus expanding the upper part of the lungs.
And for the deep breaths we need to expand not primarily the upper and the lower part of the lungs.
That is all exactly the opposite.
With proper deep breathing is an expansion of the stomach, which contributes to the lowering of the diaphragm and, accordingly, the extension of the lower part of the lungs.
Diaphragm – the most important of the respiratory muscles. It is the basis of healthy breathing.
Uniform and slow, deep abdominal (or diaphragmatic) breathing is the most effective method of saturating the body with oxygen.
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Uniform slow, deep abdominal (or diaphragmatic) breathing is the most effective method of saturating the body with oxygen
2) learn to think creatively to ensure not to cool your body
Those two skills the big secret of maintaining physical health, which can change your life.published Author: Gleb Porogen, Professor Toru ABO
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: tkm1.ru/tworeasons/
Eighty million nine hundred sixty four thousand eight hundred thirty seven
Slowing of blood flow when exposed to cold
In his book Professor ABO explains why most diseases result from the adaptive response of the body to the condition of hypothermia and hypoxia.
The mechanism of action of hypoxia and hypothermia is easy to understand with a simple example:
If you touch a fingertip to the cold towel, the blood flow to the tip of the finger stop, – to stop it requires no more than one second.
What happens inside our body when the blood flow stops?
Cooling leads to hypothermia, and when peripheral blood flow stops, it can lead to hypoxia, because the oxygen delivered to the organs and tissues of the body with blood.
Other word ,blood flow in separate parts of the body can change under the influence of external conditions. In this example, a cold towel.
Blood is pumped from the heart to all parts of the body, but at the same time delicately controlled by the blood flow in the peripheral blood vessel.
Fifty seven million six hundred thirty four thousand two hundred sixty five
Cooling leads to hypothermia, and when peripheral blood flow stops, it can lead to hypoxia, because the oxygen delivered to the organs and tissues of the body with blood
Even a completely healthy person, the blood flow changes in response to the state of the external environment, the blood sometimes flows evenly, and sometimes circulates slower because of increased blood viscosity.
Similar changes in blood flow occur with different emotions. That is why stress and negative emotions as the most dangerous toxin for our body.
To understand how the state of hypoxia and hypothermia is dangerous for our health, just look at how the energy production in the cells of our body.
For energy production we need the nutrients we get from food, and oxygen we get from air that we breathe. This is how we survive.
We need to eat and breathe to 60 trillion cells in our body can produce energy for our everyday needs.
But most interesting is that every cell in our body has not one, but two (and completely different) mechanism of energy production. One needs oxygen, so called aerobic.
For the second oxygen is not needed. It is called anaerobic. Simply put, this means that…
People have two different types of power plants inside cells:Thirty four million seven hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred twenty nine
For energy production we need the nutrients we get from food, and oxygen we get from air that we breathe
Anaerobic mechanism of energy productionIt is a system that converts nutrients from food into energy without oxygen. As the main source of energy here is glucose, the energy is produced very quickly by the simple process of decomposition of glucose.
Plus the fact that we gain energy very quickly, but the volume of energy produced is small, and it is a minus.
Aerobic mechanism of energy productionThis mechanism is more complicated, as it involves not only nutrients but also oxygen. It takes more time, but this process produces a huge quantity of energy compared to energy produced by anaerobic.
Of course... We need both of the energy (anaerobic and aerobic) of our activities, but... for different purposes.
Here is a simple example.
- When we run a hundred yards, we catch our breath and creating an anaerobic environment. Because we need quick energy. Here we use an anaerobic energy source.
- But the marathon, we will not run, because when glucose breaks down, the formation of substances such as lactic acid that cause us fatigue. Therefore, the activity associated with endurance, we will provide with the help of aerobic (oxygen-dependent) mechanism of energy supply.
That is why our muscles consist of two muscle fiber types: white (fast) and red (slow)
During intensive and short-term activities operate predominantly white (fast) muscle, which contains little oxygen.
With a long and leisurely working predominantly red (slow), which just got its name due to the large amount of oxygen that is delivered to them with the iron contained in the respiratory enzyme.
(Iron is by nature white, but when it reacts with oxygen, its color turns to red.)
Seven million thirty seven thousand six hundred sixty three
Our muscles consist of two muscle fiber types: white (fast) and red (slow)
That's why aerobic exercise is considered good for health. Because they activate the production of cellular energy, leaving huge quantities of oxygen in red muscle.
Ideally, in a healthy person, these processes must be balanced in a ratio of 1:1 during the active life (20 – 50 years) and with age naturally shift towards the aerobic mechanism of energy supply.
When we, even in the most General terms, understand the functioning of our body at the level of energy the provision of basic life processes, the reasons why hypoxia and hypothermia are the main causes of most diseases, will become apparent.
And here's why…
As our body enters a state of hypoxia and hypothermia?
The autonomic nervous system consists of two main divisions: sympathetic nervous system that is becoming predominant, when our body is excited and parasympathetic nervous system that is becoming predominant, when our body is relaxed and resting.
Fourteen million one hundred sixty one thousand seven hundred sixty
The sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant when our body is excited, while the parasympathetic nervous system – when our body is relaxed and resting
When our body undergoes stress, work the sympathetic nervous system. In this state we are annoyed or even allow ourselves to pomagranet rage.
The sympathetic nervous system sends a command to release neurotransmitters (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine) that may cause palpitations, increase blood pressure and increase glucose levels in the blood.
Neurotransmitters play a major role in communication between nerves and other parts of the human body.
Neurotransmitters are chemical transmitters that carry signals between synapses, the tiny space between one neuron and another. Here's a diagram of how the sympathetic nervous system affects the hormones in our body:
Stress → the Sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant → neurotransmitters Such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, are highlighted → the Blood vessels contract, leading to blockade of blood flow
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Diagram of how the sympathetic nervous system affects the hormones in our body
So, our body enters a state of hypothermia and hypoxia stress, and this mechanism is the same for mental and physical stress.
Of course, that under stress our body will use mainly anaerobic mechanism of energy supply. Because in this state the body will lack of oxygen.
Today, however, the presence of stress (more or less intensity, which we don't even notice) become the norm in our daily life.
Our body reacts to stress, trying to adapt to the environment and trying to survive in it. As a result of this reaction, we occasionally feel physical change such as
- heart palpitation;
- pressure increase,
... caused by hypothermia and hypoxia.
The modern way of life to these changes in the body, many don't even pay attention.
However, the prolonged presence of these conditions during long time inevitably leads to disease.If we ignore the voice of our body and allow these conditions to continue, then it can lead to fatal disease.
Professor ABO offers eight rules for saving and strengthening of health, of which the most important according to the first three
1. Learn to recognize the symptoms of physical and psychological stressIn the hustle and bustle of everyday life we often do not notice that ceased to cope with stress. And then he begins to show a variety of symptoms.
The most obvious is the color.Also you may experience headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, abdominal pain, constipation, insomnia and menstrual pain due to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.
Stomatitis and problems such as dry skin are also signs of stress.
Learning to notice these signs of stress, you enter into a dialogue with his soul and heart.
This process is very important. When you have pain, it is important to understand the cause of these pains and not to react to pain and try to focus on addressing mere symptoms.
There are different ways to notice these signs. You can speak with someone about your stress. You can record them. Even if many things are not always give you fast decisions, their definition sometimes it helps to lower stress levels and calm overwhelming feelings.
Please take a moment and give yourself a chance to relax, to talk with yourself.
2. Balance your lifestyleThe balance between active life and effective recovery is very important.
To maintain good health it is critical to be able to relax and promptly regain their strength.
3. Learn to take breaks and relaxThe ability to find time for relaxation and rest is very important skill.
Points one and two, perhaps, easy to understand, but their practical implementation in real life may take some time.
Therefore learn to balance between them from time to time.
- When you need to do something important and do it. But after that, just take a little break and do something fun and joyful, something that you can get positive energy.
You're welcome., remember the wise use switch to their seriousness and diligence.
To change your ever-serious face, you may need find a new hobby that you can enjoy in your free time.
Your face should have a different expression, not such as at work or during execution of the work around the house.
If you are a person who works a lot, start to spend more time with his family. The step forward can change a lot.
Of course, these tips are more relevant to the formation of the right Outlook to maintain health, especially in older and older age. Do not answer a very important question: where to start?
In practical terms, you need to start with the two most important things
1) learn deep abdominal breathing
Throughout the greater part of his life we have gained a breathing harmful habits, which we now need to get rid of as quickly as possible if we do not regularly treated the rest of my life. Let me explain this statement in more detail…
If to ask any person to take a deep breath, the effort will involve the belly, straighten the upper part of the chest, raise the shoulders…
But the result of all these efforts will be superficial and not deep breathing. So, don't be surprised.
Because the potential volume of the upper part of the lungs is much less than the potential size of their bottom. You will easily be able to see this if you look at the picture:
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Improper breathing. The potential volume of the upper part of the lungs is much less than the potential size of their bottom part
Retraction of the stomach and raising the shoulders reduces pressure on the ribs, thus expanding the upper part of the lungs.
And for the deep breaths we need to expand not primarily the upper and the lower part of the lungs.
That is all exactly the opposite.
With proper deep breathing is an expansion of the stomach, which contributes to the lowering of the diaphragm and, accordingly, the extension of the lower part of the lungs.
Diaphragm – the most important of the respiratory muscles. It is the basis of healthy breathing.
Uniform and slow, deep abdominal (or diaphragmatic) breathing is the most effective method of saturating the body with oxygen.
Seventy nine million one hundred seventy one thousand one hundred thirty six
Uniform slow, deep abdominal (or diaphragmatic) breathing is the most effective method of saturating the body with oxygen
2) learn to think creatively to ensure not to cool your body
Those two skills the big secret of maintaining physical health, which can change your life.published Author: Gleb Porogen, Professor Toru ABO
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: tkm1.ru/tworeasons/