6 best exercises to restore posture
A complex of simple exercises to improve posture
Weakness of the back muscles causes curvature of the spine. Violation of the natural curvature of the spine, hampers the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, causing the displacement of the digestive organs. This is why you should regularly monitor your posture: don't slouch, keep upright neck, the lower abdomen a little to pick up.
To correct defects of posture will help the following exercises should be performed 2-3 times a day before meals or 2 hours after a meal. Exercises to restore posture should be performed within 3-4 weeks.
Fifty eight million five hundred thousand nine hundred eleven
Exercise 1.
To strengthen the back muscles and abdominals 2-3 times a day (before meals) up to the wall so that the back of the head, shoulders, pelvis and heels touched her. To avoid clearance between the wall and the lower back, pull your stomach (especially lower stomach), and if you have a tendency to slouch, bend your arms so that the fingers touched the shoulders, the elbows of the body (the clearance between the wall and the lower back should not increase).
The duration of this exercise (standing at wall) — from 60 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Increase the time of exercise gradually. Can breathe arbitrarily. After "standing the wall", walk around the room, alternately shaking hands and feet. Walk with good posture, like you would just stand against the wall. Breathe arbitrarily.
During the day — standing, sitting — the neck should be held upright. In the sitting position it is necessary to rely on the back of a chair.
Exercise 2.
Standing several times to inhale-exhale, thus activating the exhalation, i.e., pulling the belly in the second half of exhalation.
Then after the inhale, as you exhale, sit on your heels, take the position shown in Fig. a) Subsequent breath to do on his knees with his hands down, as you exhale again, repeat the posture shown in the figure. And so 6-8 times in a row.
Exercise 3.
Sit between the heels, as shown in Fig. b), hands bent back, palms folded fingers up (neck vertically).Stay in this posture for 10-30 seconds, then stand up, walk again and to get into a pose. Repeat 6-8-12 times.
This exercise can be performed while walking. Strengthening back muscles to alternate this exercise standing and sitting.
Exercise 4.
At first standing and then while walking to join the fingers as shown in Fig. C) Every 5-10 seconds necessary to change the position of the hands. If there are lateral curvature of the spine, then you should check at what position of the hands curvature of the spine decreases, and in this position to perform the exercise repeatedly. This will help quickly eliminate lateral defects of the spine. To breathe arbitrarily.
Seventy three million seven hundred thousand one hundred twenty seven
Exercise 5.
Sitting on the Mat, as shown in Fig. g) (legs bent, feet stacked, neck upright, chin slightly picked up), breathe arbitrarily shallow.
This exercise is useful for strengthening the tonic muscles of the back. In the beginning, until my muscles got stronger, every 20-30 seconds the tension, sit down and relax.
To improve posture, in addition to the development of the back muscles, need to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Nine million six hundred four thousand three hundred eighteen
If you do not train them, they become weak and do not provide the necessary intra-abdominal pressure, which, in turn, supports the abdominal organs in normal position. This leads to the fact that the abdominal organs like "spilling" out — formed spherical belly. The bodies of more and sink a little, losing his / her job performance. In addition, fat is often deposited in the abdominal area. To counter this, is needed, along with performing the above exercises, especially to strengthen the abdominal muscles. You can do it during a slow walk.
Fifty five million three hundred seventy eight thousand seven hundred four
Exercise 6.
2 steps to make a shallow breath (pooch belly) and the next 2 steps — exhale, pull the stomach much from epigastric fossa to the groin. The exercise is simple, but initially it will require willpower. Repeat the exercise twice a day (going to and from work) 10 times, gradually increasing the number of reps to 30 and then to 60.
In addition to strengthening the abdominal muscles, this exercise provides a mild massage to the organs located in the abdominal cavity, stimulates peristalsis. This exercise is very useful suffering from constipation and poor digestion. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/upledger?w=wall-45869944_910
Weakness of the back muscles causes curvature of the spine. Violation of the natural curvature of the spine, hampers the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, causing the displacement of the digestive organs. This is why you should regularly monitor your posture: don't slouch, keep upright neck, the lower abdomen a little to pick up.
To correct defects of posture will help the following exercises should be performed 2-3 times a day before meals or 2 hours after a meal. Exercises to restore posture should be performed within 3-4 weeks.
Fifty eight million five hundred thousand nine hundred eleven
Exercise 1.
To strengthen the back muscles and abdominals 2-3 times a day (before meals) up to the wall so that the back of the head, shoulders, pelvis and heels touched her. To avoid clearance between the wall and the lower back, pull your stomach (especially lower stomach), and if you have a tendency to slouch, bend your arms so that the fingers touched the shoulders, the elbows of the body (the clearance between the wall and the lower back should not increase).
The duration of this exercise (standing at wall) — from 60 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Increase the time of exercise gradually. Can breathe arbitrarily. After "standing the wall", walk around the room, alternately shaking hands and feet. Walk with good posture, like you would just stand against the wall. Breathe arbitrarily.
During the day — standing, sitting — the neck should be held upright. In the sitting position it is necessary to rely on the back of a chair.
Exercise 2.
Standing several times to inhale-exhale, thus activating the exhalation, i.e., pulling the belly in the second half of exhalation.
Then after the inhale, as you exhale, sit on your heels, take the position shown in Fig. a) Subsequent breath to do on his knees with his hands down, as you exhale again, repeat the posture shown in the figure. And so 6-8 times in a row.
Exercise 3.
Sit between the heels, as shown in Fig. b), hands bent back, palms folded fingers up (neck vertically).Stay in this posture for 10-30 seconds, then stand up, walk again and to get into a pose. Repeat 6-8-12 times.
This exercise can be performed while walking. Strengthening back muscles to alternate this exercise standing and sitting.
Exercise 4.
At first standing and then while walking to join the fingers as shown in Fig. C) Every 5-10 seconds necessary to change the position of the hands. If there are lateral curvature of the spine, then you should check at what position of the hands curvature of the spine decreases, and in this position to perform the exercise repeatedly. This will help quickly eliminate lateral defects of the spine. To breathe arbitrarily.
Seventy three million seven hundred thousand one hundred twenty seven
Exercise 5.
Sitting on the Mat, as shown in Fig. g) (legs bent, feet stacked, neck upright, chin slightly picked up), breathe arbitrarily shallow.
This exercise is useful for strengthening the tonic muscles of the back. In the beginning, until my muscles got stronger, every 20-30 seconds the tension, sit down and relax.
To improve posture, in addition to the development of the back muscles, need to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Nine million six hundred four thousand three hundred eighteen
If you do not train them, they become weak and do not provide the necessary intra-abdominal pressure, which, in turn, supports the abdominal organs in normal position. This leads to the fact that the abdominal organs like "spilling" out — formed spherical belly. The bodies of more and sink a little, losing his / her job performance. In addition, fat is often deposited in the abdominal area. To counter this, is needed, along with performing the above exercises, especially to strengthen the abdominal muscles. You can do it during a slow walk.
Fifty five million three hundred seventy eight thousand seven hundred four
Exercise 6.
2 steps to make a shallow breath (pooch belly) and the next 2 steps — exhale, pull the stomach much from epigastric fossa to the groin. The exercise is simple, but initially it will require willpower. Repeat the exercise twice a day (going to and from work) 10 times, gradually increasing the number of reps to 30 and then to 60.
In addition to strengthening the abdominal muscles, this exercise provides a mild massage to the organs located in the abdominal cavity, stimulates peristalsis. This exercise is very useful suffering from constipation and poor digestion. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/upledger?w=wall-45869944_910