3 important reason to stop slouch right now
Stoop – a common phenomenon in our time. It is no secret that improper posture spoils the visual appeal of a person and in General can be a bad influence on health. Many of us do not want to think about it, and we continue to slouch. There are at least three important reason to start control the position of my back right now.
Slouching reduces your confidencePosture is an indicator of mental peculiarities of the person, by which to determine how he feels towards other people, towards oneself and own life.
However, the position of the body itself can affect the confidence. As shown by a study conducted by researchers from Ohio state University, after 30 minutes spent with poor posture, people become more restless and anxious. Now think about how much time you spend slouching? But the straight back position reduces psychological tension, and belief in yourself grows. Scientists attribute this to the fact that with the right body position the body produces chemicals that are responsible for strength and confidence and help to overcome the stress.
Incorrect posture prevents the success ofPosture is body language. Round-shouldered man looks depressed and insecure. It is not surprising that people subconsciously so and refer to it, even if in fact he is far from powerless people. Thus, bad posture prevents others to notice your leadership qualities.
The correct position of the body shows a sense of power and control situation, and the stoop is perceived by people as a lack of faith in yourself. In addition, movement stooped man often clumsy. Thus, the success of your presentation or interview is largely dependent on correct posture.
Proper posture protects the health ofSlouch very often is accompanied by back pain. Posture also negatively affects the internal organs – heart, liver, lungs, stomach, intestines. Because of poor posture increases pressure on the abdominal cavity and thoracic. Because health leaves much to be desired.
Correct body position helps the respiratory system and digestive system work in a natural mode. And, then, to provide the body (and brain in particular), the required amount of oxygen and nutrients. As a result, you feel a surge of energy, headaches are rare, and your efficiency increases. What you missed when you were slouching.
Man with proper posture, it is easier to keep the faith in your hand. It is of interest to others and feels healthier than slouching.
Therefore, provide your body the correct position, yet stoop not ruined your life.published
Author Elena Kukuevitsky
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.likar.info/bolezni-sustavov-i-pozvonochnika/article-72762-3-vazhnyih-povoda-perestat-sutulitsya-pryamo-seychas/

Slouching reduces your confidencePosture is an indicator of mental peculiarities of the person, by which to determine how he feels towards other people, towards oneself and own life.
However, the position of the body itself can affect the confidence. As shown by a study conducted by researchers from Ohio state University, after 30 minutes spent with poor posture, people become more restless and anxious. Now think about how much time you spend slouching? But the straight back position reduces psychological tension, and belief in yourself grows. Scientists attribute this to the fact that with the right body position the body produces chemicals that are responsible for strength and confidence and help to overcome the stress.
Incorrect posture prevents the success ofPosture is body language. Round-shouldered man looks depressed and insecure. It is not surprising that people subconsciously so and refer to it, even if in fact he is far from powerless people. Thus, bad posture prevents others to notice your leadership qualities.
The correct position of the body shows a sense of power and control situation, and the stoop is perceived by people as a lack of faith in yourself. In addition, movement stooped man often clumsy. Thus, the success of your presentation or interview is largely dependent on correct posture.
Proper posture protects the health ofSlouch very often is accompanied by back pain. Posture also negatively affects the internal organs – heart, liver, lungs, stomach, intestines. Because of poor posture increases pressure on the abdominal cavity and thoracic. Because health leaves much to be desired.
Correct body position helps the respiratory system and digestive system work in a natural mode. And, then, to provide the body (and brain in particular), the required amount of oxygen and nutrients. As a result, you feel a surge of energy, headaches are rare, and your efficiency increases. What you missed when you were slouching.
Man with proper posture, it is easier to keep the faith in your hand. It is of interest to others and feels healthier than slouching.
Therefore, provide your body the correct position, yet stoop not ruined your life.published
Author Elena Kukuevitsky
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook and Vkontakte, and we're Classmates
Source: www.likar.info/bolezni-sustavov-i-pozvonochnika/article-72762-3-vazhnyih-povoda-perestat-sutulitsya-pryamo-seychas/