The stoop leads to stress
Correct posture is maintaining the body in a straight position, when the natural curves of the spine are preserved in the provisions of lying, standing and sitting. But modern life contributes to the development of bad habits — such as slouching, the tendency to stoop and lower the shoulders. The researchers found that people with poor posture most of my colleagues use rough words turn in on themselves and become self-centered.
Besides the obvious problems stooped posture, leading to pain in the back, added so much trouble as the pressure on the abdomen, causing reduced oxygen supply to the organs located in the abdominal cavity. As a result of deteriorating digestion, in humans, there is lethargy and sluggishness. Because bad posture compresses the thorax, formed of shallow breathing and the body begins to believe that he is under threat. The result is compounded by the feeling of stress, the energy potential of a human being begins to decline and inhibited sexual activity.
Source: estet-portal.com

Besides the obvious problems stooped posture, leading to pain in the back, added so much trouble as the pressure on the abdomen, causing reduced oxygen supply to the organs located in the abdominal cavity. As a result of deteriorating digestion, in humans, there is lethargy and sluggishness. Because bad posture compresses the thorax, formed of shallow breathing and the body begins to believe that he is under threat. The result is compounded by the feeling of stress, the energy potential of a human being begins to decline and inhibited sexual activity.

Source: estet-portal.com