Digitsole is a smart insole for your shoes

Digitsole is an interactive insole for shoes, able to perform three useful functions at once: first, they will warm your feet, and secondly, count how many steps you've taken, for example, during a walk, and, thirdly, to calculate how many calories this walk you burn. All three functions will be monitored through the accompanying smartphone app on iOS or Android through a Bluetooth connection. Developers of smart insoles promise and also support the Windows Phone platform.
Digitsole is the first of its kind and, more importantly, the first multi-functional and smart insole. At their heel there is a pillow that will alleviate the pressure on the foot during walking and running, a flexible form will allow your foot most comfortably accommodated within the Shoe, and the side petals will help to keep your posture. Each insole consists of three layers: materials Neotech, Poron TX3 and soft microfiber.
As promised the creators Digitsole insoles, "you can use them with almost any shoes." In other words, you need only one pair of insoles, and you can use them with all your shoes. It should also be noted that the insoles are water-resistant. Nutrition for the performance of its functions Digitsole get from the battery, capacity which lasts for about 7-8 hours of use, after which it can be re-charged via a USB cable.

When you use heating function of your feet, the temperature can be set through the app independently for each insole separately. However, it is not clear why someone would need it. However, such a function and the required temperature will be maintained all the time that you need.

Digitsole can function as a pedometer, counting each time how many steps you did. Using these data and entering additional information about your height and weight that accompanies the application can control how many calories you'll burn.

At the moment the creators Digitsole looking for funding on Kickstarter. Making a donation of $ 149, each person will receive a pair of smart insoles (to choose from available variety of sizes), as well as access to the accompanying app. Unless, of course, fundraising will be successful and insoles will go into mass production.

Source: hi-news.ru