What people do not go just to take a loan (silly stories)
Dedicated to all those who are the dream of a new mobile phone realized, thanks to the incredible generosity of the domestic banks.
Stas P., 22 years old, candidate master on the press squatting
Dream smartphone - Samsung Galaxy S IV (25,000 rubles)
For pumping your credit history - took the credit card and climbed into the Internet. On a steep site ordered from the Internet 25 kg "geyser". The site was written that these are all the bodybuilders in the United States. But when the "Geyser" arrived, it turned out that it is not a protein shake, and protivogemorroynyh cream. Selling most of my unnecessary money, I could buy a really useful thing - smartphone Galaxy SIV for 25 thousand rubles. One day when I was walking with a workout, and the phone was in my pocket, quadriceps cramped and I crushed expensive mobile phone. Here it is, Silushka Warriors! »
Artem N., 19 years old, hobby and work - winter fishing
Dream smartphone - Sony Xperia Z (25,490 rubles)
I come from Chukotka. Since childhood, I love fish. And she did. Recently moved to Ulyanovsk. Fishing here is certainly not that, but come. While fishing, sank more than one "pipe". That took a waterproof Sony Xperia Z on credit. Thought will catch, selling fish, all pay off quickly. However, on the very first fishing trip with a steep mobile phone in my pocket, I caught this bream from other fishermen, when surfaced, no phone, no rod was no longer nearby.
Nicholas A., 23, founder of the community "Blue Toilet Seat»
Dream smartphone - Nokia Lumia 920 (19 990 rubles)
After graduating from Ust-Kolyma PTU I could not get the specialty plumber because he was a very big competition (two seats per person). So I decided to organize in their village community and live on donations. So far in his community I am one, people are embarrassed. Do not be shy! To somehow endear youth, I decided to show their prosharennost in technologies Smartphone ... I wanted a bright, golden divine. Chose the Nokia Lumia 920 - this just had to draw the "parishioners", they would have helped me to pay off the loan. For reasons beyond my new smartphone suddenly disappeared under the blue toilet seat at the next meeting of the community, and now I have the money personally Oleg Tinkoff :(
Great Jura, age hides, bass guitarist in the group "Spiked Strap»
When I was little, lemonade and ice cream shop near the house were expensive, and cigarettes and beer - cheap. Perhaps it was then that I realized that I always have to play for high stakes, and to enjoy life to the largest and even hefty! That's why I went to a music school from a chemical plant (the only multi-storey building in our town), so took the biggest rock band (us 18 people in it) and started playing a hefty bass. Get credit for motorcycle "Java", but it turned out to be too big to me so I sold it and started to have a crazy amount of money. Decided to buy a smart phone and chose Highscreen Alpha GTX - a huge, huge! I deeply give a damn about what will think of others - more means better! Thought to take a new Note, but then happened tour and money there are only 12,000. So I looked after myself a new Highscreen Alpha GTX - a couple of fees for concerts, and it in my pocket. Or where he's climb. High definition screen with a diagonal of 5, 7 inches plus quad-core processor - not your stuff!
Oleg M., 20 years old, adjuster slot machines
Dream smartphone - HTC One 32Gb (27,300 rubles)
Tells untapped source in the Interior Ministry: "The idea to open Sergeevka video arcade under the guise of internet club was initially a failure, because of the Internet in our village has never been. In a short time hot spot, located in the backyard of the house of Oleg M., was to attract the attention of law enforcement. Thus, the senior district Dmitry V. lost it all salary, and his partner Kazbek V. - gun, cap and documents for the car "Lada Priora". Himself Oleg M., hereditary unemployed, began to live beyond their means: traveling by car "Lada Priora", wore a cap, designed in district credit for smartphone HTC One bail gun. Formed operational headquarters decided to arrest the suspect. During the detention was not hurt people, but it was destroyed 12 buildings, four vehicles, one smartphone HTC One and 2 km of the road (the money to fix housing and roads have been allocated and disbursed in 2007) ».
Alexander N., 27 years old, engaged Tire
Smartphone dreams - "cool quad to fly»
I opted for a smartphone velocity - that toys summer to menus are not hung, well, you get my point. First wanted to take a new Galaxy, even money at this thing finished. But in the end took Highscreen Omega Q - most budget in Russia quad smartphone prices compared himself. Here but four cores 1GB of RAM, Android 4.1 and 4, 5-inch screen. In general, the race loaded bless you, and I do not need and more. Yesterday found that this Highscreen also second sim card can be inserted - all handsome! The money saved will buy my baby on the 17th chrome wheels.
Stas P., 22 years old, candidate master on the press squatting
Dream smartphone - Samsung Galaxy S IV (25,000 rubles)
For pumping your credit history - took the credit card and climbed into the Internet. On a steep site ordered from the Internet 25 kg "geyser". The site was written that these are all the bodybuilders in the United States. But when the "Geyser" arrived, it turned out that it is not a protein shake, and protivogemorroynyh cream. Selling most of my unnecessary money, I could buy a really useful thing - smartphone Galaxy SIV for 25 thousand rubles. One day when I was walking with a workout, and the phone was in my pocket, quadriceps cramped and I crushed expensive mobile phone. Here it is, Silushka Warriors! »
Artem N., 19 years old, hobby and work - winter fishing
Dream smartphone - Sony Xperia Z (25,490 rubles)

I come from Chukotka. Since childhood, I love fish. And she did. Recently moved to Ulyanovsk. Fishing here is certainly not that, but come. While fishing, sank more than one "pipe". That took a waterproof Sony Xperia Z on credit. Thought will catch, selling fish, all pay off quickly. However, on the very first fishing trip with a steep mobile phone in my pocket, I caught this bream from other fishermen, when surfaced, no phone, no rod was no longer nearby.
Nicholas A., 23, founder of the community "Blue Toilet Seat»
Dream smartphone - Nokia Lumia 920 (19 990 rubles)

After graduating from Ust-Kolyma PTU I could not get the specialty plumber because he was a very big competition (two seats per person). So I decided to organize in their village community and live on donations. So far in his community I am one, people are embarrassed. Do not be shy! To somehow endear youth, I decided to show their prosharennost in technologies Smartphone ... I wanted a bright, golden divine. Chose the Nokia Lumia 920 - this just had to draw the "parishioners", they would have helped me to pay off the loan. For reasons beyond my new smartphone suddenly disappeared under the blue toilet seat at the next meeting of the community, and now I have the money personally Oleg Tinkoff :(
Great Jura, age hides, bass guitarist in the group "Spiked Strap»

When I was little, lemonade and ice cream shop near the house were expensive, and cigarettes and beer - cheap. Perhaps it was then that I realized that I always have to play for high stakes, and to enjoy life to the largest and even hefty! That's why I went to a music school from a chemical plant (the only multi-storey building in our town), so took the biggest rock band (us 18 people in it) and started playing a hefty bass. Get credit for motorcycle "Java", but it turned out to be too big to me so I sold it and started to have a crazy amount of money. Decided to buy a smart phone and chose Highscreen Alpha GTX - a huge, huge! I deeply give a damn about what will think of others - more means better! Thought to take a new Note, but then happened tour and money there are only 12,000. So I looked after myself a new Highscreen Alpha GTX - a couple of fees for concerts, and it in my pocket. Or where he's climb. High definition screen with a diagonal of 5, 7 inches plus quad-core processor - not your stuff!
Oleg M., 20 years old, adjuster slot machines
Dream smartphone - HTC One 32Gb (27,300 rubles)
Tells untapped source in the Interior Ministry: "The idea to open Sergeevka video arcade under the guise of internet club was initially a failure, because of the Internet in our village has never been. In a short time hot spot, located in the backyard of the house of Oleg M., was to attract the attention of law enforcement. Thus, the senior district Dmitry V. lost it all salary, and his partner Kazbek V. - gun, cap and documents for the car "Lada Priora". Himself Oleg M., hereditary unemployed, began to live beyond their means: traveling by car "Lada Priora", wore a cap, designed in district credit for smartphone HTC One bail gun. Formed operational headquarters decided to arrest the suspect. During the detention was not hurt people, but it was destroyed 12 buildings, four vehicles, one smartphone HTC One and 2 km of the road (the money to fix housing and roads have been allocated and disbursed in 2007) ».
Alexander N., 27 years old, engaged Tire
Smartphone dreams - "cool quad to fly»

I opted for a smartphone velocity - that toys summer to menus are not hung, well, you get my point. First wanted to take a new Galaxy, even money at this thing finished. But in the end took Highscreen Omega Q - most budget in Russia quad smartphone prices compared himself. Here but four cores 1GB of RAM, Android 4.1 and 4, 5-inch screen. In general, the race loaded bless you, and I do not need and more. Yesterday found that this Highscreen also second sim card can be inserted - all handsome! The money saved will buy my baby on the 17th chrome wheels.