Cheating banks.
How we cheat the banks.
Mortgage in Russia - 23, 8 per cent per annum, because the bankers a lot of things like
Professor dozen international universities, Dr. ehkon. Kostya Sciences Igor began his career in the civil service Chairman of the Finance Committee of St. Petersburg Administration. From there, with many members of the St. Petersburg team moved to Moscow and has long led the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia. Then created a "Union of consumers of financial services" to control the "fat cats bank" with the help of public institutions.
Readers of "Express Gazeta" Igor told how we deceive banks, why so expensive loans, whether to play the stock market and convert euros to dollars.
- Igor, as the chief specialist on securities in the country, to be honest, they have sense to invest money?
- In general, the stock market is very risky, and his former head of the controller, I can say that over the last ten years it has become even more risky. In addition, we have reduced the number of decent assets where you can invest. I never advised the average consumer to go to him yourself. But, unfortunately, all the Russian management companies, which seemed it would be possible to entrust their capital in recent years have shown a very bad result. Therefore, think for yourself. And finally, the main secret: to play the stock market makes sense only placing a sum of 20 million rubles. Otherwise, you have one destiny - to lose.
- What can you say about earning a change in exchange rates Forex? All Moscow curtained their advertising. And it should be only ten thousand to start.
- Forex - an activity that in our country is not prohibited, but is not regulated. In Finpotrebsoyuze we are faced with the fact that a huge number of people have already fallen on Forex, as a financial pyramid.
One of the most common schemes is as follows. You come on Forex, sign a contract, not paying attention, that the company's headquarters is located in the Bahamas. They recruit people 500 clients, each of which contributes an average of 1,000 dollars. First pay something, you think that everything works, but when you come across a couple of months to withdraw money, you see - the name of the office has changed. You politely explain that it is now "Hooves and Horns" that those "horns and hoofs" have nothing to do, although the founder of their same - Bahamian office. Give its position and offered to solve their own problems.
There's an easier way of deception. In paragraph companies provide computer with the program. You start playing right there on the course, but in fact all of your transactions are not in a real network, and are inspired from the next room. From there, you send a picture invented courses and relieve you of your money. As the saying goes, shoes on the spot. I do not want to say that all of the company FOREX liars, but they are the majority.
- So, on exchange rates, the common man does not earn?
- If you want to engage in transactions in the futures exchange market, in principle, all of our licensed major banks provide such services. However, here too it is necessary to understand that the commission operator eat any of your income if you play less than the sum of 100 thousand dollars.
Therefore, if you have the extra 5000 dollars or euros, keep them in your pocket and do not try to convert to other currencies. Do not engage in this nonsense.
- Thank you, we will not. In any financial adventure you do not recommend to get involved?
- Take out a mortgage in the currency. As a rule, it imposed in the bank, as it affects the bonus prize of a bank employee. He says that service for you in dollars profitable. You have succumbed to the entreaties, and now the fall of the ruble you are constantly growing and debt, and the cost of servicing the loan. That is really you come to a situation where all of your money should be given for the mortgage.
For example, I know that in many Western banks offer insurance against shocks course. It is possible to pay an extra 20 euros per year, and insurance guarantees coverage of all vibrations. We do not have such insurance payments. Banks shift the responsibility to the customers who have ideas about currency risk no. I can not call it cheating, but it's definitely misleading.
I think that now would be a serious problem, as I see no prerequisites for the stabilization of the ruble. Citizens who took a mortgage in the currency will suffer greatly.
- Banks incite collectors, and will begin a nightmare.
- Nightmare - it is the very presence of the collectors on the market. They did not understand who these! Bankers across the back porch pressed through the adoption of the definition of the existence of collection agencies. But their activities without the law on bankruptcy and clear mechanisms for pre-trial debt restructuring - it is pure extortion.
What is happening now. Just yesterday I saw the results of the auction. One of our largest banks sold a portfolio of debt collectors for 0, 5 percent of the value of non-performing loans!
Firstly, the collectors - it's not adjustable scope, therefore, as banks could it have something to sell, it is not clear. Secondly, the tenders for the sale of debt, we also are not regulated. They are closed. Borrowers do not even know that their debts are sold.
Third, this one is not engaged, all purple. As a result, the bank has debited after sales from its balance sheet debt portfolio is actually reimbursed by the state subsidy.
And what do the collectors? They go to the bailiffs, who are civil servants, and through them, trying to institute criminal proceedings against each of the debtors. But this is pure fraud! The bank sells your million debt for five thousand rubles collectors, receives compensation from the state, and collectors through bailiffs knocked out of you in full.
- Some corrupt shemka ...
- Exactly. Collectors in this case - a very convenient form. They can pay the bank employee for having organized the sale of the portfolio of non-performing loans with a maximum discount. Bank all the same. And also can stimulate the bailiffs to take more active measures, a preliminary agreement with them about the "extraction».
This problem has a unique solution. It is necessary to make the sale of public loans. And with regard to consumer loans including special clause that the consumer has the right to redeem your loan from the bank for the payment of the auction price of a certain amount of commission.
Legitimate robbery
- Let's move on from banks to their customers. There is growing non-payment of consumer loans. People with a salary of 20 thousand rubles, buy their SUVs, expensive smartphones, and then complain. Like, they rob a bank.
- Lies! All these stories are not more than sneer banks, which in every way to discredit their clients. Banks do not have the right to give credit to the person with the SUV salary. The notion that our people are irresponsible and do not return the loans, at odds with reality. The level of loan defaults, according to the Central Bank, does not exceed 6, 5 per cent. But if we look European statistics, the country-specific non-payment varies from 23 to 28 percent. In fact, the Soviet past makes us to be responsible and do not talk, they say, we have bad borrowers. We predatory loan terms, and people somehow manage to pull them.
You know that now grows mainly zakreditovannost families where income does not exceed three thousand rubles per family member per month? These people are basically unable to repay the bank debt. To do this, they just need to take a break from the diet for half a year - a year. At the same time they took no credit for the car, and then to send their children to school, buy warm clothes and electric heater. Everything! What do they do now, to be hung?
In general, the problem of high interest rates on credit, I think of a political rather than economic theme.
I recently watched the statistics for the 30 largest banks. The average rate on deposits of 4, 3 percent per annum, while the average loan rate for the population 23, 8 per cent per annum! That is, it turns out that the bank pocketed 19 percent difference. In Europe and the United States the difference in the three percent is considered normal. Therefore, for example, in Spain, young families can get a mortgage under a half percent per annum.
- Why this injustice and who is wrong?
- Because banks say that the risks lay on the entire portfolio. In other words, every citizen pays for itself, but for all consumers who have taken a loan, and thus pays all banking risks. Of course, this is ridiculous excuse. There is a credit bureau access to all tax bases - in short, the bank has an opportunity to get all the information about the citizen.
In fact, the main reason for "legal plunder" - is spending most of the banking sector. If you look at assessment consulting agencies, we see that labor productivity in the Russian banking sector is ten times lower than the European average. There are two reasons. Or our managers terribly inefficient, or huge amounts of money are expensed in no way associated with the customer service.
Try to see the private jet at the western head of the bank, or corporation. No such. And we all public companies, including the state, two - three of its aircraft. And where are they in such a hurry with modern communication systems? You can manage from the office.
If any western bank, you can easily view all waste management, the chairman of the Russian banks barely forced to publish the size of their salaries. And the cost of its service - it's all a terrible secret. Because you can see the representation dinners for bank account with wines five thousand euros per bottle, escort services, leased floors of luxury hotels. And all of this is also due to predatory conditions of our joint mortgage and other consumer loans.
A so-called charity?
- Why is it called?
- You look at the posters. Banks maintain everything - from concerts to exhibitions Madonna cats and mice. But why? On what basis?
About corporate parties with an invitation to the so-called stars I generally keep quiet. In a civilized society such holidays are called tax offense.
Ochnemsya poor
- You lead a constant struggle with insurers, trying to challenge the increase in prices for CTP.
- In the ten years of existence of CTP insurers owed population as insurance payments 230 billion rubles. Part of the money squandered in the resorts and the other was used as a resource for lobbying MPs, who pushed through the next increase in prices for services for CTP insurers. Although, if you look closely, its function - namely as the insurer - they do not perform. For example, any court in respect of inadequate pavement in our country, the insurance companies have not started.
- What does the road?
- Because the world one-third of their income on MTPL insurance companies receive from lawsuits to road services. We have the same penny! With that in Russia a significant portion of insurance claims related to the fact that, for example, the wheel fell into the pit or the driver dodged potholes and the accident occurred. Insurers worldwide just watch, that construction companies that receive budget money to build roads, they are not stolen. But again, we all wrong. We insurers do not want to perform this role. It is easier to negotiate with the legislators and to get permission to make looting people legally.
- What is the question on the agenda do you think the most important?
- All important, but instant microcredit, which provides automatic - is a complete disgrace! You come to the machine on the street, it skaniruesh his passport, and in ten minutes you can issue a credit of 20 thousand rubles. It is clear that somewhere worth a camera that identifies the person and refer to the photo on the document. But I have already shown how to cheat. Many people say that 20 thousand - the amount is small, but I do not think so. We average wage in the country of thousands of 28. And it is clear that the amount of fraud with this kind of loans soon tipped the scales.
There is a great opportunity to tune in to the pickpockets stealing passports, because each passport you will be immediately automatically to generate revenues of $ 20 million. But the main thing else. The person in whose name the scammer will get credit, even if it detects the loss of the passport the same day and then write a statement to the police, in terms of civil liability will still never be able to prove that nothing worked. He will have to give credit. And then there is another problem. Full payment of interest on microloans with penalties reaching 4,400 per annum! And believe me, that your passport to get a loan, you do not learn from the bank and not directly. A year later, you receive a call from a collection agency and report that to you due to the return of 880,000, and possibly more.
- And how to deal with it?
- There are several ways - organizational, legal, but they take time. Therefore, in a particular situation better to simply ban micro obtained through the machine. If you leave everything as it is, the worsening economic crisis, the risk of any of us to get in his porch with a stick on the head and wake up without a passport will increase with each passing day.
Mortgage in Russia - 23, 8 per cent per annum, because the bankers a lot of things like
Professor dozen international universities, Dr. ehkon. Kostya Sciences Igor began his career in the civil service Chairman of the Finance Committee of St. Petersburg Administration. From there, with many members of the St. Petersburg team moved to Moscow and has long led the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia. Then created a "Union of consumers of financial services" to control the "fat cats bank" with the help of public institutions.
Readers of "Express Gazeta" Igor told how we deceive banks, why so expensive loans, whether to play the stock market and convert euros to dollars.

- Igor, as the chief specialist on securities in the country, to be honest, they have sense to invest money?
- In general, the stock market is very risky, and his former head of the controller, I can say that over the last ten years it has become even more risky. In addition, we have reduced the number of decent assets where you can invest. I never advised the average consumer to go to him yourself. But, unfortunately, all the Russian management companies, which seemed it would be possible to entrust their capital in recent years have shown a very bad result. Therefore, think for yourself. And finally, the main secret: to play the stock market makes sense only placing a sum of 20 million rubles. Otherwise, you have one destiny - to lose.
- What can you say about earning a change in exchange rates Forex? All Moscow curtained their advertising. And it should be only ten thousand to start.
- Forex - an activity that in our country is not prohibited, but is not regulated. In Finpotrebsoyuze we are faced with the fact that a huge number of people have already fallen on Forex, as a financial pyramid.
One of the most common schemes is as follows. You come on Forex, sign a contract, not paying attention, that the company's headquarters is located in the Bahamas. They recruit people 500 clients, each of which contributes an average of 1,000 dollars. First pay something, you think that everything works, but when you come across a couple of months to withdraw money, you see - the name of the office has changed. You politely explain that it is now "Hooves and Horns" that those "horns and hoofs" have nothing to do, although the founder of their same - Bahamian office. Give its position and offered to solve their own problems.
There's an easier way of deception. In paragraph companies provide computer with the program. You start playing right there on the course, but in fact all of your transactions are not in a real network, and are inspired from the next room. From there, you send a picture invented courses and relieve you of your money. As the saying goes, shoes on the spot. I do not want to say that all of the company FOREX liars, but they are the majority.
- So, on exchange rates, the common man does not earn?
- If you want to engage in transactions in the futures exchange market, in principle, all of our licensed major banks provide such services. However, here too it is necessary to understand that the commission operator eat any of your income if you play less than the sum of 100 thousand dollars.
Therefore, if you have the extra 5000 dollars or euros, keep them in your pocket and do not try to convert to other currencies. Do not engage in this nonsense.
- Thank you, we will not. In any financial adventure you do not recommend to get involved?
- Take out a mortgage in the currency. As a rule, it imposed in the bank, as it affects the bonus prize of a bank employee. He says that service for you in dollars profitable. You have succumbed to the entreaties, and now the fall of the ruble you are constantly growing and debt, and the cost of servicing the loan. That is really you come to a situation where all of your money should be given for the mortgage.
For example, I know that in many Western banks offer insurance against shocks course. It is possible to pay an extra 20 euros per year, and insurance guarantees coverage of all vibrations. We do not have such insurance payments. Banks shift the responsibility to the customers who have ideas about currency risk no. I can not call it cheating, but it's definitely misleading.
I think that now would be a serious problem, as I see no prerequisites for the stabilization of the ruble. Citizens who took a mortgage in the currency will suffer greatly.
- Banks incite collectors, and will begin a nightmare.
- Nightmare - it is the very presence of the collectors on the market. They did not understand who these! Bankers across the back porch pressed through the adoption of the definition of the existence of collection agencies. But their activities without the law on bankruptcy and clear mechanisms for pre-trial debt restructuring - it is pure extortion.
What is happening now. Just yesterday I saw the results of the auction. One of our largest banks sold a portfolio of debt collectors for 0, 5 percent of the value of non-performing loans!
Firstly, the collectors - it's not adjustable scope, therefore, as banks could it have something to sell, it is not clear. Secondly, the tenders for the sale of debt, we also are not regulated. They are closed. Borrowers do not even know that their debts are sold.
Third, this one is not engaged, all purple. As a result, the bank has debited after sales from its balance sheet debt portfolio is actually reimbursed by the state subsidy.
And what do the collectors? They go to the bailiffs, who are civil servants, and through them, trying to institute criminal proceedings against each of the debtors. But this is pure fraud! The bank sells your million debt for five thousand rubles collectors, receives compensation from the state, and collectors through bailiffs knocked out of you in full.
- Some corrupt shemka ...
- Exactly. Collectors in this case - a very convenient form. They can pay the bank employee for having organized the sale of the portfolio of non-performing loans with a maximum discount. Bank all the same. And also can stimulate the bailiffs to take more active measures, a preliminary agreement with them about the "extraction».
This problem has a unique solution. It is necessary to make the sale of public loans. And with regard to consumer loans including special clause that the consumer has the right to redeem your loan from the bank for the payment of the auction price of a certain amount of commission.
Legitimate robbery
- Let's move on from banks to their customers. There is growing non-payment of consumer loans. People with a salary of 20 thousand rubles, buy their SUVs, expensive smartphones, and then complain. Like, they rob a bank.
- Lies! All these stories are not more than sneer banks, which in every way to discredit their clients. Banks do not have the right to give credit to the person with the SUV salary. The notion that our people are irresponsible and do not return the loans, at odds with reality. The level of loan defaults, according to the Central Bank, does not exceed 6, 5 per cent. But if we look European statistics, the country-specific non-payment varies from 23 to 28 percent. In fact, the Soviet past makes us to be responsible and do not talk, they say, we have bad borrowers. We predatory loan terms, and people somehow manage to pull them.
You know that now grows mainly zakreditovannost families where income does not exceed three thousand rubles per family member per month? These people are basically unable to repay the bank debt. To do this, they just need to take a break from the diet for half a year - a year. At the same time they took no credit for the car, and then to send their children to school, buy warm clothes and electric heater. Everything! What do they do now, to be hung?
In general, the problem of high interest rates on credit, I think of a political rather than economic theme.
I recently watched the statistics for the 30 largest banks. The average rate on deposits of 4, 3 percent per annum, while the average loan rate for the population 23, 8 per cent per annum! That is, it turns out that the bank pocketed 19 percent difference. In Europe and the United States the difference in the three percent is considered normal. Therefore, for example, in Spain, young families can get a mortgage under a half percent per annum.
- Why this injustice and who is wrong?
- Because banks say that the risks lay on the entire portfolio. In other words, every citizen pays for itself, but for all consumers who have taken a loan, and thus pays all banking risks. Of course, this is ridiculous excuse. There is a credit bureau access to all tax bases - in short, the bank has an opportunity to get all the information about the citizen.
In fact, the main reason for "legal plunder" - is spending most of the banking sector. If you look at assessment consulting agencies, we see that labor productivity in the Russian banking sector is ten times lower than the European average. There are two reasons. Or our managers terribly inefficient, or huge amounts of money are expensed in no way associated with the customer service.
Try to see the private jet at the western head of the bank, or corporation. No such. And we all public companies, including the state, two - three of its aircraft. And where are they in such a hurry with modern communication systems? You can manage from the office.
If any western bank, you can easily view all waste management, the chairman of the Russian banks barely forced to publish the size of their salaries. And the cost of its service - it's all a terrible secret. Because you can see the representation dinners for bank account with wines five thousand euros per bottle, escort services, leased floors of luxury hotels. And all of this is also due to predatory conditions of our joint mortgage and other consumer loans.
A so-called charity?
- Why is it called?
- You look at the posters. Banks maintain everything - from concerts to exhibitions Madonna cats and mice. But why? On what basis?
About corporate parties with an invitation to the so-called stars I generally keep quiet. In a civilized society such holidays are called tax offense.
Ochnemsya poor
- You lead a constant struggle with insurers, trying to challenge the increase in prices for CTP.
- In the ten years of existence of CTP insurers owed population as insurance payments 230 billion rubles. Part of the money squandered in the resorts and the other was used as a resource for lobbying MPs, who pushed through the next increase in prices for services for CTP insurers. Although, if you look closely, its function - namely as the insurer - they do not perform. For example, any court in respect of inadequate pavement in our country, the insurance companies have not started.
- What does the road?
- Because the world one-third of their income on MTPL insurance companies receive from lawsuits to road services. We have the same penny! With that in Russia a significant portion of insurance claims related to the fact that, for example, the wheel fell into the pit or the driver dodged potholes and the accident occurred. Insurers worldwide just watch, that construction companies that receive budget money to build roads, they are not stolen. But again, we all wrong. We insurers do not want to perform this role. It is easier to negotiate with the legislators and to get permission to make looting people legally.
- What is the question on the agenda do you think the most important?
- All important, but instant microcredit, which provides automatic - is a complete disgrace! You come to the machine on the street, it skaniruesh his passport, and in ten minutes you can issue a credit of 20 thousand rubles. It is clear that somewhere worth a camera that identifies the person and refer to the photo on the document. But I have already shown how to cheat. Many people say that 20 thousand - the amount is small, but I do not think so. We average wage in the country of thousands of 28. And it is clear that the amount of fraud with this kind of loans soon tipped the scales.
There is a great opportunity to tune in to the pickpockets stealing passports, because each passport you will be immediately automatically to generate revenues of $ 20 million. But the main thing else. The person in whose name the scammer will get credit, even if it detects the loss of the passport the same day and then write a statement to the police, in terms of civil liability will still never be able to prove that nothing worked. He will have to give credit. And then there is another problem. Full payment of interest on microloans with penalties reaching 4,400 per annum! And believe me, that your passport to get a loan, you do not learn from the bank and not directly. A year later, you receive a call from a collection agency and report that to you due to the return of 880,000, and possibly more.
- And how to deal with it?
- There are several ways - organizational, legal, but they take time. Therefore, in a particular situation better to simply ban micro obtained through the machine. If you leave everything as it is, the worsening economic crisis, the risk of any of us to get in his porch with a stick on the head and wake up without a passport will increase with each passing day.