Pokemonomaniya the service of bank marketing

Internet is no longer the first week of avalanche excites the growing popularity of the game Pokemon Go. processing company PayOnline experts decided to explore the possibilities of Pokemon Go in bank marketing. While hunters Pokémon Surf augmented reality in search of rare specimens, marketing via their gaming monsters are arranged traps on real clients. One of the first who was able to do, began to Russian banks. For them, the Pokemon Go be relevant tool for promoting financial products.
Game App Pokemon Go, developed, and on 6 July the Japanese company Nintendo, created a furor among users of iOS and Android operating systems. The app gives gamers the opportunity to search for Pokemon - fictional creatures hidden in the real world. Nintendo officially announced Pokemon Go only in the US, Australia and New Zealand, so players from Russia had to find workarounds.

Less than a month the game has established several records of popularity. According SimilarWeb, on the day the players go playlist Pokemon spend on it an average of 43 minutes 23 seconds - more than Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat and Messenger, and the total number of users of the GO Pokemon approached Twitter
. Less than a week after the release of Pokemon Go Nintendo shares rose in price on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on more than 25 percent - a record figure of placing Nintendo shares on the stock exchange in 1983. Han Yong Kim, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, calls the Pokemon Go real phenomenon.
One of the first who decided to try to ride your luck Pokemon Go, become domestic banks, said the publication Bankir.Ru. Less than two weeks after the release of the game, as Sberbank announced plans to install special modules for luring Pokemon in bank branches in 16 cities. A subsidiary of "Sberbank of life insurance" Sberbank of Russia announced the possibility to insure against injuries at catching Pokemon up to $ 50 thousand. Rub. "This project will help improve the financial literacy of the population, - said in a statement Sberbanka.- younger generation will be able to learn in a playful way with financial instruments such as insurance»

"Pokemonovy marketing" appeared. akin to the virus - Russian banks have become one after another announces a special offer for divers Pokemon. VTB24 launched a share, under the terms of which the parties that have made the photo Pokemon with VTB24 bank card and post it on Facebook-community bank in the period from 19 to 31 July, in August, will receive double cashback on all types of payment cards.
Tinkoff Bank announced a special loyalty program, embodied in the map Tinkoff Google Play. Members who have issued such a card by 14 August, the bank promises to reward bonuses that can be calculated in Pokemon Go. For any purchases within the game on this card will be charged in the form of cash back bonuses. With their help, you can make new purchases within the game or in the Google Play.
Around the same time, loyalty to the Pokemon Go began to show and the western banks. Their main method - buy game "baits" for Pokemon, the duration of which is 30 minutes. The publication Financial Brand brings a number of banks: Avidia Bank Massachusetts, which encourages customers take pictures of Pokémon in bank branches and put them in Instargam, and Citizens Bank of Edmond and CenterState Bank in the US and ME Bank in Australia
Hunting banks for pokemonerami - bold incarnation of the leading Western experts' predictions about the potential of gamification in communication with clients. This is why digital banking guru Chris Skinner writes with such enthusiasm about the Savings Bank's initiative on his blog. Moreover, it is certain that the market needs more applications that use gamification and bank marketers he advises to conclude an agreement with Nintendo and other developers as quickly as possible. High hopes lay experts on the use of geolocation data players, which together with the existing analysis of financial behavior of customers can be targeted to raise the efficiency of the Bank to a new level.
Rainbow loom prospects. Is not it? But there is another point of view. When seemingly unanimous hype banking community around Pokemon, not without disgruntled. In particular, a number of foreign banks and insurance companies embraced hunters Pokemon as an annoying hindrance to their business. So the president of the Association of Banks of Wisconsin Oswald Poels called on players in the Pokemon Go, which are Pokémon in bank branches, the first thing to ask permission of the bank managers to continue. In case of failure of the game it is recommended urgently to stop in order to avoid trouble.
"Pokemonovy marketing" of the banks - the first use of augmented reality for commercial purposes. This step is akin to a virtual abyss, in which before the player confidently steps to materialize the unknown. Pokemon Go - one of those cases where the new technology is suddenly transformed from a niche into something more fun. And banks are here pioneers, pioneers in marketing hunting pokemonerov, while they themselves are passionate about fishing pokemonery fictional creatures.
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Source: geektimes.ru/company/payonline/blog/278944/
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