8 best glitches in games
One of Murphy's laws says: "In every non-trivial program there is one bug." In computer games, too, is full of bugs. And they are more fun and entertainment any other.
Kill Screen on slot machines
Once upon a time computer games were not as they are today. To play them, you had to go to the video arcade, where to buy tokens and spend one after another in an attempt to pass virtually impassable levels. However, for the real masters, nothing is impossible, and if, for example, Pac-Man was 255 levels, then sooner or later was a hero, able to go through them all.
Here are just a 256-level can not be, and was replaced with slot machines strange happened. In Pac-Man half of the screen zamusorivalas letters and pieces of sprites - it's called Kill Screen, ie "screen-killer." The reason for his appearance prosaic: the procedure is responsible for drawing elements of the game uses the level number to calculate the number and location of the bonuses. Going beyond byte number leads to describe the results.
The game after 255 level is not interrupted, and the champions of Pac-Man can continue to pass level after level, in spite of the landfill on the screen. Points also continue to be counted, but real professionals tend not to reach the "screen-killer" and gain as many points as before.
Kill Screen is not only in the Pac-Man. It is known, for example, the existence of screen-killer in "Duck Hunt" on the NES: there after level 99 ducks are invulnerable and start to be worn around the screen with frightening speed. In Donkey Kong 22 th level, Mario begins to die within a few seconds after the start. Alas, these effects far from collapsing entertainment Pac-Man. The plague in World of Warcraft
City littered with corpses, the flow of people trying to escape from the plague zone, heard cries for help. No, this is not London in 1666, and one of the World of Warcraft servers, September 13, 2005. What happened that day was a complete surprise for the players, and for developers. This event went down in history WoW, and the computer games in general, and obtained the title of grand Corrupted Blood Incident - Corrupted Blood incident. The resonance was so great that the incident spoke on the news and in the papers.
It all started with the opening of Zul'Gurub - the new raid dungeon. His final boss - serpentine clawed beast named Hakkar, who can spoil the blood of the players, not only metaphorically, but literally. The player struck "Corrupted Blood" begins to lose health quickly and can infect other players. In the context of an isolated cave there is nothing unusual, and players will cope with any challenge, any characters are killed and raised without the tainted blood. In theory, make the infection outside of Zul'Gurub was impossible, but it is in theory.
WoW Hunters in the lead with his hunting animals and may choose to release or revoke them. As it turned out, the animals also applies Corrupted Blood - it is planned developers effect. But no one knew what to revoke and then released outside the dungeon animal will still be a carrier of infection. The first such case has given rise to an epidemic.
After some time technical support to understand the situation and dropped part of the server, but it helped for long: players found out about the opportunity to start the epidemic began to do it intentionally, and forums allowed to spread the news, and the next experiment started and on other servers. The viral nature of the information itself about the "plague" spread concelebrated virtual plague in good stead.
Corrupted Blood Incident prevented play and lack of complaints was not, but for most of the outposts "plague" the burdens of the players will be compensated by the ability to boast the participation in such a watershed event. Developers WoW, inspired by the excitement since repeatedly specially arranged similar (but not as brutal) "incidents" - just for fun, and that all was something to remember.
Programming Game Boy inside Pokémon
It is unlikely that someone needs to explain what a "Pokemon". Pokémon cycle has been 12 editions since Pokémon Red and Blue for Game Boy and ending Pokémon X and Y for the Nintendo 3DS. Total to date, sold about 245 million copies of different versions of "Pokemon" and it is not surprising that these games (especially the earliest) studied from beginning to end, including, of course, all kinds of glitches.
The most famous of glitches Pokémon - Pokemon is named Missingno, hiding in the version of the game for the Game Boy Color. To discover it is not easy: it is necessary to activate the other known bugs in the correct order. First, "a glitch with the old man," then the duplication glitch items, and then go to a specific location, and there come face to face with Missingno. It is a beautiful name actually means the word Missing Number («there is no room"), not vlezshie field. Himself Pokemon glitch looks like a model - that is, as a dump of random pixels and pieces of other images. Missingno behaves like any other Pokémon, but be careful to use it - and look to lose all the data.
Even Missingno history pales in comparison with what the fans of the game managed to create with Pokémon Yellow. It begins with the bug, which allows to exceed the limit of the inventory and to go beyond the maximum allowed twenty items. Sounds boring? There is one caveat: while the game does not allocate memory for new cells, and the number of objects start to get into the area where there are other data. Then the possibilities are endless.
The physicist and programmer Robert Lewis McIntyre did not spare their time to carry out the method to implement arbitrary code in Pokémon Yellow and do literally anything: not only cheat, but also to add new elements to the game. As a demonstration, he implemented within the "Pokemon" MIDI player and viewer PNG.
It begins quite prosaic: McIntyre creates buggy things for which to give the game store an almost infinite amount of money. With that money bought a lot of other things: dozens of bottles of lemonade and healing potions, hundreds of stones and so on. The exact number is important: information about it, as well as numbers of objects hitting the "advanced" tools, will be interpreted "game boy" as a program.
If you continue to inflate the stock, the game sooner or later would be spoiled. And the program in machine code using a bottle of lemonade, bananas and other edible and inedible things, to put it mildly tedious. McIntyre has successfully solved all the problems, creating a complex system of wrapping programs. Now the code can be typed directly buttons game boy see on the screen and printout, of course, save the program in the free memory, not on top of other features of the game.
Sometimes it is necessary to start to dig the bug and it appears that it is not visible at the bottom.
Legendary glitches Ultima Online
The creators of Ultima Online have done what they did to no one: a graphical massively-multiplayer game world with an extensive and impressive capabilities. Pioneers often act on a whim, and perhaps that is why Ultima Online so different from the modern MMORPG. Not without mistakes - including ordinary bugs. Those players that failed to notice and use for the benefit of themselves, are now legendary.
On the nature of the glitches UO perfectly describes in his blog one of the developers Raph Koster. Koster explains that some of the objects of the game world, "Ultima" was written on the installation CD, and was considered static. Dynamic objects are loaded from the server every time a player has to see them. For example, a tree or a lake - are static objects, and standing in the house of a chair - the dynamic. The UO chair can be moved or even break.
But what if the information on the disc that is not right? For example, developers found that one tile with water near the shore is absent and in its place - a black box. New tile has been added as a dynamic object. That only made it messy and forgot to specify that the object should not be lifted. The result? When players have found a piece of the sea, which can be taken into inventory, of course, they immediately did. And continues to do every time a tile is restored to its place after the next server restart. Having a portable water was very useful: it, for example, can be thrown to the ground, to catch the fish in it, and then pick back up.
So Ultima Online were rare items - those that can not be knocked out of the monsters, buy in a store or create using crafting. The rarity could only find and drag one by one, that was done with great success. Still - even a trinket can be profitable to sell on eBay.
No less instructive story of the "real black ink" spread around the world UO almost like a plague of WoW. The source of the dye bath for dyeing was messed up with the color index: everything in it was placed, was beginning to look like a totally black object, a hole in the world. Since the paint UO can be transferred from the bath in the tub, the players began to distribute with pleasure "real black" and paint in his clothes. Even when administrators realized it and destroyed all illegal black trays, items left. Needless to say how highly they valued?
Taking the first preventive measure, the developers relented and decided that if players leave their existing absolutely black thing, nothing bad will happen. Thus was born the legend.
Ermak of Mortal Kombat
Ermak history of Mortal Kombat - is the story of a bug (or rather, a small error the developers), who managed to live their independent lives. It all started with a single line - ERMACS. It could be found on the statistics screen in one of the first versions of Mortal Kombat immediately after the number of lines appearances and victories Reptayla hidden character. This full line sounds like Error Macroses. Developers have added it to look, how many times during the game run macros, triggered when an error occurs.
The players (especially, I suppose, young) had a different theory about what ERMACS. Standing after another hidden character ERMACS in their collective imagination turned into the same ninja like Sabziro, Scorpio and Reptayl only in red clothes and with their special moves. In one of the latest versions of the first part of Mortal Kombat line ERMACS generally removed in order to not confuse anyone, but the legend of Yermak live odds.
In Mortal Kombat II developers have decided a little joke with fans Ermak and added a couple of references to it. So, the secret character of Jade casually throws the phrase "Ermak who?", And after beating the game at the bottom of the screen you will notice a line CEAMR ODSE NTO EXITS, that if rearrange the letters mean Ermac does not exist - that is, "Ermak does not exist».
The real authors of the game surrendered at the time of issue of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - the third part of the extended version of the game. There Ermak finally appears among the characters - in the red suit, which he once ascribed. Like other characters, Ermak have a beautiful legend: he was born of the souls stolen by Shao Kahn has telekinesis, the ability to move between worlds, as well as a serious personality disorder. Statement says Ermak exclusively in the plural - whether referring to the fact that he had more than one soul, or the plural in that ill-fated line, from which he emerged in earnest.
Creepy Watson
Computer game «Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis», perhaps not as well known as original works of Conan Doyle, and among computer games as something important does not take place. But she is famous for one of the most frightening glitches that only can be found in the games.
Most of the time the player controls a Sherlock Holmes and sees everything in the first person. Dr. Watson, as it should always be somewhere nearby and helps his brilliant partner to investigate crimes. However, "somewhere near" in the interpretation of the developers of the game turned out to be a very strange thing. The fact that Watson is not the walking animation, and as you look at him or he just stands in the middle of the room once.
It would seem - what could be wrong with Watson stand still? That alone is worth the look away, go ahead, and then turn your head again as Watson is in a new place. Sometimes it is possible to imagine that he was there as it was not visible, but often Watson teleports in the most unexpected places that simply could not penetrate unnoticed. As a result, if you carefully follow the Watson, you realize that it is like a nightmare from some horror and pursues Holmes as a delusion. No footsteps, no friendly greeting - only the unblinking stare of the gentleman with a stationary military bearing.
The atrocities of Red Dead Redemption
The rider and the horse. It just so happened that a horse rider, too
"What kind of Wild West without flying people?" - I think, probably, the developers of Red Dead Redemption.
The company Rockstar Games is known for excellent gaming genre of his own invention. It combines vast worlds, freedom of action, an optional, but an interesting plot and chases and shootouts - in huge quantities. This, of course, the games Grand Theft Auto series and similar to them Bully and Red Dead Redemption.
Open the "live" (or rather, pretending to realistic events) world - a difficult thing, and there are cases when the game characters start to do something totally unplanned. The worst thing happened with Red Dead Redemption - analogue GTA, only the Wild West with horses instead of cars. For some reason RDR swarmed strange glitches that do not interfere as much play as players are forced to look at the screen, round eyes, point fingers and call all around vglyanut to what is happening.
The engine RDR sometimes confuses people and animals by mixing their models and scenarios of behavior in incredible cocktail. As you are female donkey, on which you can ride? A dog flying through the sky, holding a shotgun in his paws and occasionally shouted curses? A deadly dwarf cougar? However, buggy can not only model, but also physics. Why is this horse-drawn carts, so strange swings? Why is it suddenly flies into space? Who knows but the developers! Mutants in Sims
As netlenka Rockstar, the game series The Sims simulate real life and at the same time, of course, from time to time chic buggy. It looks very different. Some of the Sims can conduct their regular life and daily activities, and then suddenly confused floor with pool and begin to swim at home.
What sometimes happens with models! Cats that look like they accidentally turned inside out (and they did not notice it), people-centaurs, children with frightening appearance ... In the worst case, instead of the child with a pair of unlucky Sims can be born this unknown little animal that just do not understand it . Peering, you know that before you smeared bizarre adult body in space with children's heads. And that if you're lucky - instead of a model of an adult can be, for example, a horse. Imagine how frightening it is to housewives and schoolgirls, being the majority of fans Sims!
P.S. I have everything. Source

Kill Screen on slot machines
Once upon a time computer games were not as they are today. To play them, you had to go to the video arcade, where to buy tokens and spend one after another in an attempt to pass virtually impassable levels. However, for the real masters, nothing is impossible, and if, for example, Pac-Man was 255 levels, then sooner or later was a hero, able to go through them all.
Here are just a 256-level can not be, and was replaced with slot machines strange happened. In Pac-Man half of the screen zamusorivalas letters and pieces of sprites - it's called Kill Screen, ie "screen-killer." The reason for his appearance prosaic: the procedure is responsible for drawing elements of the game uses the level number to calculate the number and location of the bonuses. Going beyond byte number leads to describe the results.
The game after 255 level is not interrupted, and the champions of Pac-Man can continue to pass level after level, in spite of the landfill on the screen. Points also continue to be counted, but real professionals tend not to reach the "screen-killer" and gain as many points as before.
Kill Screen is not only in the Pac-Man. It is known, for example, the existence of screen-killer in "Duck Hunt" on the NES: there after level 99 ducks are invulnerable and start to be worn around the screen with frightening speed. In Donkey Kong 22 th level, Mario begins to die within a few seconds after the start. Alas, these effects far from collapsing entertainment Pac-Man. The plague in World of Warcraft
City littered with corpses, the flow of people trying to escape from the plague zone, heard cries for help. No, this is not London in 1666, and one of the World of Warcraft servers, September 13, 2005. What happened that day was a complete surprise for the players, and for developers. This event went down in history WoW, and the computer games in general, and obtained the title of grand Corrupted Blood Incident - Corrupted Blood incident. The resonance was so great that the incident spoke on the news and in the papers.
It all started with the opening of Zul'Gurub - the new raid dungeon. His final boss - serpentine clawed beast named Hakkar, who can spoil the blood of the players, not only metaphorically, but literally. The player struck "Corrupted Blood" begins to lose health quickly and can infect other players. In the context of an isolated cave there is nothing unusual, and players will cope with any challenge, any characters are killed and raised without the tainted blood. In theory, make the infection outside of Zul'Gurub was impossible, but it is in theory.

WoW Hunters in the lead with his hunting animals and may choose to release or revoke them. As it turned out, the animals also applies Corrupted Blood - it is planned developers effect. But no one knew what to revoke and then released outside the dungeon animal will still be a carrier of infection. The first such case has given rise to an epidemic.
After some time technical support to understand the situation and dropped part of the server, but it helped for long: players found out about the opportunity to start the epidemic began to do it intentionally, and forums allowed to spread the news, and the next experiment started and on other servers. The viral nature of the information itself about the "plague" spread concelebrated virtual plague in good stead.
Corrupted Blood Incident prevented play and lack of complaints was not, but for most of the outposts "plague" the burdens of the players will be compensated by the ability to boast the participation in such a watershed event. Developers WoW, inspired by the excitement since repeatedly specially arranged similar (but not as brutal) "incidents" - just for fun, and that all was something to remember.

Programming Game Boy inside Pokémon
It is unlikely that someone needs to explain what a "Pokemon". Pokémon cycle has been 12 editions since Pokémon Red and Blue for Game Boy and ending Pokémon X and Y for the Nintendo 3DS. Total to date, sold about 245 million copies of different versions of "Pokemon" and it is not surprising that these games (especially the earliest) studied from beginning to end, including, of course, all kinds of glitches.
The most famous of glitches Pokémon - Pokemon is named Missingno, hiding in the version of the game for the Game Boy Color. To discover it is not easy: it is necessary to activate the other known bugs in the correct order. First, "a glitch with the old man," then the duplication glitch items, and then go to a specific location, and there come face to face with Missingno. It is a beautiful name actually means the word Missing Number («there is no room"), not vlezshie field. Himself Pokemon glitch looks like a model - that is, as a dump of random pixels and pieces of other images. Missingno behaves like any other Pokémon, but be careful to use it - and look to lose all the data.
Even Missingno history pales in comparison with what the fans of the game managed to create with Pokémon Yellow. It begins with the bug, which allows to exceed the limit of the inventory and to go beyond the maximum allowed twenty items. Sounds boring? There is one caveat: while the game does not allocate memory for new cells, and the number of objects start to get into the area where there are other data. Then the possibilities are endless.
The physicist and programmer Robert Lewis McIntyre did not spare their time to carry out the method to implement arbitrary code in Pokémon Yellow and do literally anything: not only cheat, but also to add new elements to the game. As a demonstration, he implemented within the "Pokemon" MIDI player and viewer PNG.
It begins quite prosaic: McIntyre creates buggy things for which to give the game store an almost infinite amount of money. With that money bought a lot of other things: dozens of bottles of lemonade and healing potions, hundreds of stones and so on. The exact number is important: information about it, as well as numbers of objects hitting the "advanced" tools, will be interpreted "game boy" as a program.
If you continue to inflate the stock, the game sooner or later would be spoiled. And the program in machine code using a bottle of lemonade, bananas and other edible and inedible things, to put it mildly tedious. McIntyre has successfully solved all the problems, creating a complex system of wrapping programs. Now the code can be typed directly buttons game boy see on the screen and printout, of course, save the program in the free memory, not on top of other features of the game.
Sometimes it is necessary to start to dig the bug and it appears that it is not visible at the bottom.

Legendary glitches Ultima Online
The creators of Ultima Online have done what they did to no one: a graphical massively-multiplayer game world with an extensive and impressive capabilities. Pioneers often act on a whim, and perhaps that is why Ultima Online so different from the modern MMORPG. Not without mistakes - including ordinary bugs. Those players that failed to notice and use for the benefit of themselves, are now legendary.
On the nature of the glitches UO perfectly describes in his blog one of the developers Raph Koster. Koster explains that some of the objects of the game world, "Ultima" was written on the installation CD, and was considered static. Dynamic objects are loaded from the server every time a player has to see them. For example, a tree or a lake - are static objects, and standing in the house of a chair - the dynamic. The UO chair can be moved or even break.
But what if the information on the disc that is not right? For example, developers found that one tile with water near the shore is absent and in its place - a black box. New tile has been added as a dynamic object. That only made it messy and forgot to specify that the object should not be lifted. The result? When players have found a piece of the sea, which can be taken into inventory, of course, they immediately did. And continues to do every time a tile is restored to its place after the next server restart. Having a portable water was very useful: it, for example, can be thrown to the ground, to catch the fish in it, and then pick back up.
So Ultima Online were rare items - those that can not be knocked out of the monsters, buy in a store or create using crafting. The rarity could only find and drag one by one, that was done with great success. Still - even a trinket can be profitable to sell on eBay.
No less instructive story of the "real black ink" spread around the world UO almost like a plague of WoW. The source of the dye bath for dyeing was messed up with the color index: everything in it was placed, was beginning to look like a totally black object, a hole in the world. Since the paint UO can be transferred from the bath in the tub, the players began to distribute with pleasure "real black" and paint in his clothes. Even when administrators realized it and destroyed all illegal black trays, items left. Needless to say how highly they valued?
Taking the first preventive measure, the developers relented and decided that if players leave their existing absolutely black thing, nothing bad will happen. Thus was born the legend.

Ermak of Mortal Kombat
Ermak history of Mortal Kombat - is the story of a bug (or rather, a small error the developers), who managed to live their independent lives. It all started with a single line - ERMACS. It could be found on the statistics screen in one of the first versions of Mortal Kombat immediately after the number of lines appearances and victories Reptayla hidden character. This full line sounds like Error Macroses. Developers have added it to look, how many times during the game run macros, triggered when an error occurs.

The players (especially, I suppose, young) had a different theory about what ERMACS. Standing after another hidden character ERMACS in their collective imagination turned into the same ninja like Sabziro, Scorpio and Reptayl only in red clothes and with their special moves. In one of the latest versions of the first part of Mortal Kombat line ERMACS generally removed in order to not confuse anyone, but the legend of Yermak live odds.
In Mortal Kombat II developers have decided a little joke with fans Ermak and added a couple of references to it. So, the secret character of Jade casually throws the phrase "Ermak who?", And after beating the game at the bottom of the screen you will notice a line CEAMR ODSE NTO EXITS, that if rearrange the letters mean Ermac does not exist - that is, "Ermak does not exist».
The real authors of the game surrendered at the time of issue of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - the third part of the extended version of the game. There Ermak finally appears among the characters - in the red suit, which he once ascribed. Like other characters, Ermak have a beautiful legend: he was born of the souls stolen by Shao Kahn has telekinesis, the ability to move between worlds, as well as a serious personality disorder. Statement says Ermak exclusively in the plural - whether referring to the fact that he had more than one soul, or the plural in that ill-fated line, from which he emerged in earnest.

Creepy Watson
Computer game «Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis», perhaps not as well known as original works of Conan Doyle, and among computer games as something important does not take place. But she is famous for one of the most frightening glitches that only can be found in the games.
Most of the time the player controls a Sherlock Holmes and sees everything in the first person. Dr. Watson, as it should always be somewhere nearby and helps his brilliant partner to investigate crimes. However, "somewhere near" in the interpretation of the developers of the game turned out to be a very strange thing. The fact that Watson is not the walking animation, and as you look at him or he just stands in the middle of the room once.
It would seem - what could be wrong with Watson stand still? That alone is worth the look away, go ahead, and then turn your head again as Watson is in a new place. Sometimes it is possible to imagine that he was there as it was not visible, but often Watson teleports in the most unexpected places that simply could not penetrate unnoticed. As a result, if you carefully follow the Watson, you realize that it is like a nightmare from some horror and pursues Holmes as a delusion. No footsteps, no friendly greeting - only the unblinking stare of the gentleman with a stationary military bearing.

The atrocities of Red Dead Redemption
The rider and the horse. It just so happened that a horse rider, too

"What kind of Wild West without flying people?" - I think, probably, the developers of Red Dead Redemption.

The company Rockstar Games is known for excellent gaming genre of his own invention. It combines vast worlds, freedom of action, an optional, but an interesting plot and chases and shootouts - in huge quantities. This, of course, the games Grand Theft Auto series and similar to them Bully and Red Dead Redemption.
Open the "live" (or rather, pretending to realistic events) world - a difficult thing, and there are cases when the game characters start to do something totally unplanned. The worst thing happened with Red Dead Redemption - analogue GTA, only the Wild West with horses instead of cars. For some reason RDR swarmed strange glitches that do not interfere as much play as players are forced to look at the screen, round eyes, point fingers and call all around vglyanut to what is happening.
The engine RDR sometimes confuses people and animals by mixing their models and scenarios of behavior in incredible cocktail. As you are female donkey, on which you can ride? A dog flying through the sky, holding a shotgun in his paws and occasionally shouted curses? A deadly dwarf cougar? However, buggy can not only model, but also physics. Why is this horse-drawn carts, so strange swings? Why is it suddenly flies into space? Who knows but the developers! Mutants in Sims
As netlenka Rockstar, the game series The Sims simulate real life and at the same time, of course, from time to time chic buggy. It looks very different. Some of the Sims can conduct their regular life and daily activities, and then suddenly confused floor with pool and begin to swim at home.
What sometimes happens with models! Cats that look like they accidentally turned inside out (and they did not notice it), people-centaurs, children with frightening appearance ... In the worst case, instead of the child with a pair of unlucky Sims can be born this unknown little animal that just do not understand it . Peering, you know that before you smeared bizarre adult body in space with children's heads. And that if you're lucky - instead of a model of an adult can be, for example, a horse. Imagine how frightening it is to housewives and schoolgirls, being the majority of fans Sims!
P.S. I have everything. Source