New speed record pass Half-Life 2: 41 minutes

Typically, Half-Life 2 walkthrough in a normal person takes a couple of dozen hours. Of course, there are gamers who can go through the game faster, but they are few. But there are also those for whom speed passing games (spidran) - a vocation. The other day record was set on high-speed passage of Half-Life 2 - only 41 minutes
. Immediately worth mention that in the process used glitches and flaws of the game, if the move is clearly on the subject, for a time to pass the toy does not. But no cheating, third-party software was not only the fact that there is in the game.
As for the game, it used version of 2006, which preceded the engine «Orange Box», which was introduced in 2007. Passage was originally demonstrated at Twitch, and then recording was posted on YouTube.
Glitches were used many, including those that allow the player to wander through the levels of the ceilings. It is also used by high-speed traffic Freeman. Enemies in this case simply overflew the interaction with them was minimal.
The team took the game, not only recorded the passage of video, but also posted the full document describing all used glitches, games and comparing segments of its results with those of other "athletes".
Source: geektimes.ru/post/275188/